Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Day 214


Day 214, self quarantine:

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Haha, here’s yesterday’s “waiting for Gary outside Trader Joe’s” portrait.

Woo, I am so busy this week in paralegal world I really didn’t have much time to look at the news or Twitter yesterday.

I’m relieved.

I think I’m going to allow myself to fall asleep on the plane, people.

Nothing I say or do is going to stop whatever’s going to happen.

I accept that now.

Though I did text Eric, “If Donald wins, I’m immediately deleting all of my social media so I’m not among the first arrested.”

Eric replied, “Good idea.”

Yeah, it’s come to that.

Surreal, huh.

That sight of him so fucking giddy, doing the jig and spreading his cooties for a bunch of hideous racists in Florida was bone chilling. 

The only other time he smiles like that is when he sees Putin.

Yeech, even thinking about him briefly makes me gag.  That’s some superpower you’ve got there, Donald.

Okay, I’m done.

So yeah, I’m really happy to be able to retreat to paralegal world.  Too funny, I’ve been realizing my attitude is changing. Now that I know I can retire this morning if I want to and I had a long heart to heart with my boss, I’m real chill at my job and I’m enjoying myself.

It’s nice to be somewhere because I want to be.  And right now that’s in my daughter’s former bedroom wearing pajamas doing legal stuff during the day, because it includes a lot of writing and is taking me totally out of my head.

But talk to me again after the election is decided.😎

In other news, I’m trying to be low key about this but on Monday I got a text from Eric.

“Are you open to us coming up for Thanksgiving?”




Ahem, yes, we would be open to that, Eric.

Gary and I spent all last night on the menu.

It’s going to be incredible.

Look, we’re also realistic. There’s six weeks between now and Thanksgiving, we’re in an incredibly volatile time in this country between the election and Covid-19, and a lot could happen where Thanksgiving doesn’t happen at all.

Trust me, after seven months of quarantine, we’re used to major disappointment and the bottom line is engraved on our hearts, brains and souls.

As long as everyone stays healthy, we’ll get through this.  

To quote George Harrison, All things must pass.

But for now, it sure is fun to plan Thanksgiving dinner like everything is normal.

I just got this crazy Hogan’s Heroes scene typing that for some reason.


Don’t mind me, I’m old and weird.

Clearly I should put down my phone.


Time to go upstairs and sue an evil corporation.  

Happy Wednesday.

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