Day 113, self quarantine:
Hi, Sunday.
Good morning! I’m determined to be cheerful today.
Despite Kanye West announcing his run for President.
Omg, can this country be any more ridiculous?
Yeah, probably, when Trump dumps Pence for Ivanka 😂😂😂.
So I got my favorite Facebook memory today and I can’t believe it. It’s fifteen years since I went to LA and Seattle to see Julie and Eric for the opening night premier of Rock School in both cities.
Haha, my two stars. That movie is now a cult classic.
The photo is really something, isn’t it?
I wrote about that week extensively and there’s more cool celebrity pictures you music nerds might like 😎
That’s just one post but you can easily locate the others once you’re there.
Good times.
I mean, 15 years later, those good times are still happening, just on hold for 2020.
Gosh I want my life back.
Don’t we all.
Last year between August and December, I saw Natalie do a show in New Jersey, I saw Julie play with Adrian, and, a month later, with Start Making Sense, I saw King Crimson in VIP seats practically touching the stage and then a week later saw Eric play at the same venue with Dr. Dog, and then ended the year with an amazing Chris Harford Thanksgiving night show featuring my entire family.
Speaking of Chris Harford, he’s on my perfect song list. I’m still getting that together because, well, I want it to be perfect.
Anyway, how the hell did we go from last year to the hell that is now?
The news on the virus continues to be terrible. It’s basically raging out of control and we’re basically being told, “Oh well, just deal with it.”
We may be looking at Hanukkah and Christmas with our families via Zoom.
If we’re lucky.
Okay, enough of that. I said I’d be cheerful.
I hope today goes slow. I’m not in the mood to return to work mode tomorrow.
Gah! Trying hard to be positive.
I’m honestly not in a bad mood. I think I need a week off from paralegal world.
I don’t know why I’m holding on to my three weeks’ vacation. It’s not like I can go anywhere.
I wish I had the discipline to put my phone down and unplug, too, but just like my need to stay awake on airplanes even during ten hour flights so I keep the pilot awake and make sure we don’t crash and everyone on board stays alive, I clutch my phone 24/7 to keep Trump from the nuclear codes.
Hey, so far it’s working. You can thank me later, when he’s gone for good.
My daily reminder that if you support him, you are going to burn in hell for eternity.
You’re also a fucking nitwit.
Seriously, though. With Eric and Natalie in Nashville and Julie and Katie in Seattle, and a raging pandemic, how the heck can I ever put my phone down?
In other news...
Eric and Natalie are leaving today to drive to Minnesota. Their dog Marvin is having life saving brain surgery on Tuesday and will be hospitalized for a week.
“I guess we get to vacation in Minnesota this year,” Eric joked weakly.
My fingers are crossed for them. There’s few worse things than a sick pet. Marvin has been having seizures and Eric and Natalie have gotten little sleep.
We watched Eric do a few songs livestream Friday night for a charity and he looked so exhausted our hearts hurt for him.
In much better Eric news, the first single from his new record, “When it Comes Down to It” will be released Wednesday! And there’s a video!
I have the link already but it won’t be public until Wednesday so watch this space first thing Wednesday morning. It will also get radio play on WXPN.
It’s fucking awesome. I can’t stop singing it.
And the video is so Eric my face hurt from smiling.
Ms. Natalie joins him on single #2 which will be released July 22 and if that song doesn’t take your breath away, nothing will.
And now I really am in a great mood.
See? Instead of dwelling on stuff that makes you angry or sad, try to focus on what makes you happy.
Trust me, it works.
Enjoy your day, everyone!