Saturday, November 14, 2020

Day 245

 Day 245, self quarantine:

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Welp, I talked with Eric yesterday and it’s official - we’re not getting together for Thanksgiving.

Gary and I aren’t distraught, we’re relieved.  The virus is a nightmare.

Our family is everything to us.  We can sacrifice one year of holidays as a trade off for many more in the future.

Read this.  “A dinner party killed my dad.”

I read that after I spoke with Eric.  Had our decision been to go ahead with Thanksgiving, this article would have changed my mind.

You know what I keep thinking?

Elections matter.

How many people realized on November 8, 2016 that Donald’s election meant the deaths of their loved ones?

I mean, we joked we were nervous he had the nuclear codes but who expected his gross, deliberate incompetence in a pandemic?

Had Donald been fit and competent and had told the truth, issued a mask mandate and ordered a national lockdown, 240,000 Americans would not be dead and millions on the brink of financial ruin.

I don’t really understand why this isn’t talked about nonstop and why he isn’t being charged with a crime.

This business of not being able to indict a sitting president is bullshit.


I’m really pissed off.  I want him gone.  


I can’t fucking believe he’s having a “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington today.

Never mind, I’m too furious to discuss this anymore.

The whole thing, including his pathetic failure to concede, is fucking ridiculous.

In other news, today is hopefully Slick home decor day. Gary is putting my new bench and Christmas tree together and I plan on spending the day moving stuff around and doing the tree, which ended up being way bigger than I thought.

Once I talked Gary into it, there was no slender, tasteful tree for me.

He had to get the biggest and best.  This thing is 7.5 feet tall and 4.5 feet wide at it’s base.

Why why why.

I’m not really complaining.  I have a fifty year collection of ornaments.

But it’s not going to be the easiest thing to keep up until whenever unless I find a perfect spot.

Oy, there is no perfect spot.  This house is tiny.

I hope this works. 

So yeah, today is a home improvement extravaganza, lots of music including holiday tunes, and french fries and mushroom “steak” sandwiches for dinner.

I can do this.

One day at a time.

Happy Saturday.

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