Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Day 51

Day 51, self quarantine:

Yesterday started off with me not feeling well, then it was clear Jake didn’t feel well, so then I got scared and woke Gary and then none of us felt well.

It all worked out - Jake had a minor stomach issue which cleared up and eventually Gary and I calmed down.

We don’t love that little weirdo too much or anything.  In fact that’s our rap name  for him - Li’l Weirdo.

But before I woke Gary,  I answered Jake’s 6:00 a.m. call of distress and while it wasn’t the outdoor trip I planned, it was obvious I was going to be taking him for a longer walk than usual.

So I got the walking with a mask issue under control without hours of neurotic pre-planning.

Other than the worrying part about Jake, it was glorious.

And then five minutes after we came home Jake let me know we had to rush out the door again.

After that I freaked out in fear and woke Gary.  Between the two of us, we got Jake to swallow some Pepto.  

Gary didn’t leave his side all day and I came downstairs once an hour to check on both of them.

Good times.

And then the day ended with my friend Andre texting me that Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer broke up and that shouldn’t have filled me with joy but it did.

Hey, I’m not perfect.

And now I have a backup plan if Gary ever leaves me.

Oh I’m kidding.

I’d never fit in his backpack. 😂😂😂

So today is groundbreaking in the garden and by that I mean the removal of at least two rusted barbecues, a bicycle, and a few filled industrial size garbage bags.

It’s going to happen.

And then we’re eating Thanksgiving in May leftovers.  This time I won’t ask for thirds.

I’ll also remember to take a pic this time before inhaling my platter(s) like I did on Sunday.

There’s also a rumor tonight there will be pie.

So at this moment, all is well at Casa Slick.

I’ll take it.