Monday, May 31, 2021

More post pandemic musings


This, this, this.  This is me, this is Gary, and I wish I had written it.

I remark to Gary frequently, “other than the death thing and not seeing the kids, we had a pretty awesome year.”

We talked to each other about EVERYTHING, we made a beautiful garden, we managed to buy some gorgeous art and music and furniture and a rug without leaving our house...Gary made healthy gourmet meals daily and we both lost ten pounds.

And I had the best time doing paralegal work, ever, blasting music in Julie’s former bedroom with Jake sleeping on the bed behind me.

Also, I love wearing pajamas and being barefoot all day.  When I went to the eye doctor a few weeks ago, it took me an hour to find my bra.

I’ve been going to the dentist wearing a flannel shirt with a heavy sweatshirt on top so I wouldn’t have to wear one 😂

Anyway, in case anyone is wondering, my brain still thinks I’m working.

I need to stop thinking about cases.

How’s everyone doing? 😎

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