Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Day 108

Day 108, self quarantine:

Happy Tuesday.

Behold Gary’s pasta with artichokes.  I was texting with my coworker upstairs and I actually texted her, “Omg it smells like an Italian restaurant in here.  What is he making...?”

We’re on a rotini kick this summer.   It really holds lighter sauces nicely.

Damn it was good.

In other news...

I can’t.  

How is he not in jail this morning?  

If I say what I’m thinking, I’m the one who will end up in prison.

But the day is young.

One of us might.

So not that I predict the future, but yep, certain states, like our sister state, NJ, are now delaying full reopening. There’s a press conference scheduled later today in Philadelphia.  Trust me, we’re not going full green Friday after all.

The pandemic is raging.

If you read about New Zealand, with their strong leadership, led by a woman, they totally flattened the curve by taking immediate action and quarantining the entire country.

They have zero cases there now.

Our government knew about this pandemic over six months ago and did nothing.

Unless you call making a fatal virus political “nothing.”

Then it becomes murder, right?  Right???

My point is, due to Trump’s negligence, over a hundred thousand Americans are dead.

He’s a soulless murderer and anyone who supports him is, too.

It’s black and white, people. There’s no gray area anymore.

I’m banking on the good people in our government to step up and be patriots.  Now is the time.  

Because there isn’t any time left.


Oh, wait, I want to circle back to New Zealand again.  Not only did they wipe out the virus, look what they did as soon as life began to return to normal:

Yeah, that’s right.  A $175 million dollar music and arts recovery package.

Julie and Katie?  Eric and Natalie?  Say the word and this house is up for safe and we’re outta here.

While the mob boss in the White House can only focus on name calling and arresting protesters who want to remove statues of racists.

All he wants to do is divide us further.

I weep for America.

I weep for all of us.

But you know what?  I think a phoenix really will rise from our ashes and our rebirth will be beautiful.

I’m counting on it.

Peace out, fellow warriors.