Sunday, June 28, 2020

Day 106

Day 106, self quarantine:

Happy Sunday.

I dunno if it is.

I’m sorry, I’m really depressed today.

There’s two ways of dealing with this virus.  You can bury your head in the sand and not watch the news, and good luck with that, or you can educate yourself.

I choose to educate myself and unfortunately, that can be scary.

I just read this article and I’m kind of paralyzed.

All this man did was make one trip to Home Depot during quarantine.  He’s a scientist who did everything right regarding precautions.

I’m sitting here shaking because we’re headed to Trader Joe in an hour and now I don’t want either of us to go.

Ugh, most of the time I’ve been okay dealing with this thing.  But there are times, like now, that it’s too fucking much.

I’ve made peace with the fact that my kids live far away.  But to not see them at all for six months?  And to watch the news and learn this thing is so out of control it could be another six months...if even that?

This is cruel.  

I just can’t.

The ramifications of this virus raging indefinitely has me sitting here crying at 6:30 a.m.

I fucking hate you and your hideous family,  Donald Trump.  May your supporters rot in hell.


I need to get my shit together.
