Friday, May 15, 2020

Day 61

Day 61, self quarantine:

Today is Friday, May 15, 2020, which means it’s Eric Slick’s 33rd birthday.  

Holy hell, how is that possible?

So in honor of that event, as is my tradition every year, I will tell the story of his birth.  And what a coincidence, it was also on a Friday.

May 15, 1987

I'd just entered my ninth month and was still working full-time, at the stage of my pregnancy where I was scheduled to see the obstetrician every week for a status check. I went to work that morning and had a lunchtime appointment with the doctor, whose office was five blocks away.

By now I was an old friend at the doctor's office, having just given birth to Julie the January before -- it seemed like I lived there for almost two years -- so I hopped up on the examining table, cracking jokes, while the doctor snapped on those dreaded rubber gloves and began his probe. I'll never forget the expression on his face -- a shadow passed over it -- he looked really alarmed, and said, "I'll be right back. Don't move."

Err...both of my feet were in the stirrups and moving wasn't an option.  I freaked  after seeing his expression and hearing the anxiety in his voice. Oh my god, what was it? Did he not hear a heartbeat? I searched around the room frantically, hoping he'd left his stethoscope behind so I could listen for I knew how the hell to do that.

But it was moot because he returned seconds later with his partner, who quickly slid into a pair of gloves and did a probe of his own. The two of them exchanged glances and I would have had to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to realize something major was going on.

"What is it?" I gasped, terrified.

"Robin? Are you in any pain right now?" asked doctor #2.

"No!" I said probably a little too vehemently. But it was true. I wasn't. Terrified, yes, in pain, no.

"No pain at all?" My doctor appeared to be in a state of total disbelief.

"What's wrong? Why won't you tell me what's wrong?" I could feel myself getting hysterical. (Who me? Get hysterical? Impossible!)

"Robin. Listen to us. Nothing is wrong. It's's just..." Doctor #2 looked at my doctor, as if it were his call to make.

"You are over seven centimeters dilated, Rob," my doctor said.


"You are in active labor right now. You don't even feel a contraction? No cramping? Nothing?"

"No! Wait...are you telling me I'm giving birth now? In your office?"

I was incredulous but not really scared. Hell, I was in no pain whatsoever. If I could have a Hollywood style, contraction free birth right there in the doctors' office within the next few minutes, how lucky would I be?

There was a great sushi restaurant in the lobby.
Wait. There are reasons babies need to be born in hospitals. Arghhh...within seconds fear set in bigtime...and so did the sudden spasms of pain.

My doctor spoke to me in calm, even tones, knowing that I was about to go off the deep end.

"Robin. Listen to me. I need you to get dressed right now, take a cab to the hospital, and I will meet you there. Go in through the emergency room. Give me your husband's telephone number -- I will have my nurse call him so he can leave work now and meet us there as well. Just stay calm, make sure you take a cab -- I know the hospital is only a six blocks away but I don't want you walking. Okay?"

"Okay," I gasped, in a state of shock.

I got dressed, practically doubling over every time a contraction hit, which was like every two minutes, and headed to the lobby to hail a cab.

Except for one problem.

Fuck!  I realized I didn't have any money. In 1987, I didn't have a debit card, I had to get my money the old fashioned way, by cashing a check at the bank. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Oh well. The bank was right down the street. It would only take a minute or two and then I could get in a cab and head to the hospital.

Except there was a line in the bank. A long line.

I hopped from foot to foot. Finally I couldn't take it any more.  

"I'm in labor, I'm in labor," I babbled to the people ahead of me. "I need to cash a check so I can take a cab and go to the hospital." People turned around and stared at me but I was in that desperate mode where I didn't really give a damn...oh dear lord, I did not want to give birth to Eric James Marshall Slick in a bank. Yeah, we'd already picked out his boy is named for both Clapton and James Marshall Hendrix...our favorite guitar players other than Adrian Belew har har...and how insane that he did in fact turn out to be a musician though I guess we should have named him "Keith" or “Ginger.”

Anyway, I made it to the front of the line, managed to cash a check and even made small talk with the teller "Yeah, I'm in labor right now. Ever have a baby born in your bank? Ha ha - isn't this hilarious. Ow...ow...ow..."

This was also before cell phones so I wasn't able to call Gary and even check to see where he was, which I would later learn was running every red light in Philadelphia as he raced to the hospital a good half hour away even if he didn't hit traffic.

Unfortunately, I did. Hit traffic, that is. I hailed a cab and luckily one stopped right away -- a very kind gentleman wearing a turban.

"Jefferson Hospital," I shrieked.


Oh my god. A rookie driver.

"llth and Walnut. Just take Locust Street five blocks to 11th, make a left up 11th and we'll be right there." Oh shit. That's where the emergency room entrance was, wasn't it? Or was that 10th Street? Never mind, we'd find it.

But as I said, no sooner did I get in that cab when we hit gridlock. I mean, we didn't move. We were in the downtown Philly traffic jam from hell.

"Oh god, we have to get off this street," I moaned. "I'm having a baby..."

The driver turned around and stared as if seeing me for the first time and realizing the enormity of both my belly and the situation.

"A baby? Oh no thank you very much, no baby, no baby," the driver stuttered.  

"Yeah. I need to get to the hospital."

So he turned up 16th Street, which was the worst move he could have made, because there are no right turns until Market Street, which was two blocks above the hospital and took us right into another jam at City Hall, where the traffic patterns are always skewed and messy.

We inched down the street, hitting every fucking red light.

"Oh my god," I moaned as another contraction hit.

The driver turned around again.

"No thank you very much, no thank you very much, no baby, no baby, no baby in the cab."

No shit.

And he kept repeating it. No thank you very much, no baby, no baby. 

I was starting to agree with him.
I looked at my watch and almost had a heart attack. It was now thirty minutes since I left the doctor's office with strict instructions to get into a cab to go to a hospital six blocks away.

"I have to get out," I told the driver. "I'll walk the rest of the way. I'll never make it otherwise."

What was I thinking? All I knew was, I was not giving birth in that cab, and that the doctor was going to be mad at me, and poor Gary was probably having a stroke.

I jumped out land literally ran four blocks to the hospital. I arrived at the emergency room dripping sweat (it was a very hot May 15 in 1987) and barely coherent.

Both my husband and doctor were already there.

I remember the doctor freaking out "Where were you?" and me mumbling something back about having to go to the bank and both the doctor and Gary staring at me like I'd completely lost my mind...anyway...they immediately got me prepped and I swear to God, Eric came into the world an hour later, sweetly and with no difficulty whatsoever...I didn't ask for heroin or a gun like I did when I was in labor with Julie...he just popped right out without even a whimper from me...and that's basically how Eric has been his entire life...the sweetest, nicest, most problem free son a mom could ever want.

So Happy Birthday to Eric!  I would do anything to be able to hug him today though nothing could top the look on his face when he was gifted his first drum set because WE KNEW.

We’ll have pizza tonight in your honor, Er.  We’ll celebrate with the real stuff, at Manco and Manco, Ocean City, NJ, in person this summer.

Or at least by Christmas.

That’s my plan and I’m sticking to it!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Day 60

Day 60, self quarantine:

Happy Thursday!  I’m back!

Meaning, I’m not all angry and miserable like yesterday.  I mean, yeah I do hate Wednesdays normally, anyway, because they’re neither here nor there, but that’s beside the point.


Since this is a journal where I’m documenting everything happening during the apocalypse with my husband, I have to be truthful and every day is not a cabaret.

I know it seems we have a lot of fun and we’re pretty lucky, and that’s true, we do and we are, but nothing is ever perfect.

I did angrily storm upstairs to work after seeing yet another destroyed kitchen when I woke up and got my coffee but while I was uploading something and had a minute of down time, I read over my post and paused to reflect.  I knew it was petty and I didn’t like myself for it but I was pissed.  

So what was I going to do about it?

I’m not an ogre and I’m not an idiot.  Gary isn’t even officially retired three weeks.  He literally worked his ass off for fifty years and deserves a rest.  I’m not suddenly going to turn into a taskmaster shrew now when I was never one before, that would be horrible and smack of jealousy and resentment.

And anyway, I’ve already admitted I’m jealous.

But I was also worried. Leaving a sink full of dirty dishes night after night and watching uninspired television all day isn’t Gary. Ugh, I started thinking about those “Depression Hurts” commercials with the sad woman in a tattered bathrobe, chewing her hair.

Wait, that’s me.

Haha, just kidding.

But getting back to Gary, d’oh, maybe it wasn’t an argument he needed, it was kindness.

So I went that route instead.

I brought him coffee in bed, he came downstairs and cleaned the kitchen.

And because yesterday was trash day and the trash men were late, he got a bunch more trash out of the yard without my saying a word.

So I dunno, maybe I’ve been doing it wrong all these years.

This quarantine has been life changing on so many levels, huh.

I didn’t have much time to analyze it further, I had a shit ton of work, but oh joy, right after that, in the middle of having a conversation with my boss about said work, I got sextorted.

Yup, sextorted.  I’m wondering if I’m the last person in America to know about this but I honestly had no idea what it was until I got this email yesterday:

“I do know, XXX is your password. 

I need your complete attention for the coming 24 hours, or I will make sure you that you live out of embarrassment for the rest of your lifetime. 

Hello, you do not know me personally. Yet I know just about everything concerning you. Your facebook contact list, smartphone contacts and all the digital activity in your computer from past 177 days. 

Which includes, your erotic video clips, which brings me to the main reason why I am writing this particular e-mail to you. 

Well the previous time you went to see the porno online sites, my spyware was triggered in your personal computer which ended up logging a lovely video clip of your erotic play simply by triggering your web cam. 
(you got a unquestionably weird preference btw lmfao) 

I have got the entire recording. Just in case you think I 'm playing around, simply reply proof and I will be forwarding the particular recording randomly to 10 people you know. 

It may end up being your friends, co workers, boss, parents (I don't know! My system will randomly choose the contact details). 

Would you be able to look into anyone's eyes again after it? I question that... 

However, it does not have to be that way. 

I would like to make you a one time, non negotiable offer. 

Buy USD 2000 in bitcoin and send it to the listed below address: 

[CASE SENSITIVE so copy and paste it, and remove * from it] 

(If you do not know how, look online how to buy bitcoin. Do not waste my important time) 

If you send out this particular 'donation' (let us call it that?). Right after that, I will disappear and never contact you again. I will delete everything I've got concerning you. You may very well carry on living your ordinary day to day lifestyle with absolutely no fear. 

You have got 1 day in order to do so. Your time begins as quickly you read this email. I have an unique program code that will tell me as soon as you go through this e-mail therefore don't attempt to act smart.”

Okay, let me stop right here.

First, I wrote erotica, people.  I don’t get mortified by sex.  If anything, it makes me laugh.

Second, I once had a part in a movie which not only won awards at film festivals, it was shown for about a year on Fuse TV.  My big line in the movie:  “You haven’t lived until you’ve had hot wax poured down your ass.”

Third, what’s my “weird preference”?!

Oh.  Gary just reminded me about the whipped cream.

Sigh...finally, if there are any compromising videos or pics of me online, dude, go for it. If such a thing exists, they’re from when I was young and hot 😂😂😂.  

Send them to everyone, I don’t care!

What I did care about was the first line of that email - the dickhead had my password right.

What the fuck.

It wasn’t a password I used for my bank, it was one I used for low security sites that didn’t involve money.

I hoped.

What if the dude really did have all of my info and cleaned out my banking account or screwed up my credit?

I went weak with fear. Seriously.  What if this was real?  That was my password.  

But Google is my friend.  Just for the hell of it, I googled blackmail and sex and emails.

Who knew?  The email I got is called “sextortion” and it’s a thing.

Google posted an example.  It was word for word the email I received.

But fuck me, Google also said CHANGE YOUR PASSWORDS IMMEDIATELY.

So that really sucked.

It’s creepy as hell, isn’t it?

Never a dull moment at Casa Slick.

Sextorted.  And at my age yet.

I like how he yells at me at the end to send him bitcoin and if I’m too dumb to know how, I should  research it online.

I really wish I could get even but the karma gods will do their job.

And I feel beyond stupid for falling for it.  This is Nigerian Prince territory.

So after the stress of all that, I needed to get some air and what better than a drive with Gary and Jake.

I got to show off my new David Bowie mask, courtesy of Joanna Ha.

And appreciate the sunshine and hanging with my boys.

So all is well, my backyard oasis is back on track, and I guess my only question is, will the sextorter try again today?

I can’t even believe I just said that.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Day 59

Day 59, self quarantine:

Today is May 13, 2020.  The last day my office was open was March 13, 2020.

Welcome to the start of month three of the apocalypse .  


I’m so unbelievably busy work wise I didn’t even have time to be angry at Gary yesterday for watching television all day on a gorgeous spring day and not working outside, despite my cleaning the kitchen for him while he slept.

There’s another disaster in there this morning and to be honest, I’m pretty furious.

Not really sure I want to start today off with an argument, though.

I hate being an adult sometimes.

I can’t deal.  It’s 5:33 a.m.and I’m going upstairs to work on my Meditation Statement.

I will leave you with happier news - a quarantine interview Julie just gave Bass Magazine.


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Day 58

Day 58, self quarantine:

Good morning.

Okay, today marks the start of my health and fitness program.

I have no plans whatsoever regarding the same, it’s just my promise to myself to stop eating everything not nailed down and to at least walk Jake with Gary every day.

I’m sure I will stay true to this plan at least through today.

So I have a question: Why doesn’t he just die?  At this point, I read his tweets and that’s my only reaction.  

That goes for his supporters, too.

In other news, I freaking love our governor in Pennsylvania. Yesterday he spoke about those politicians rushing to reopen their states before it’s safe.  He said he hopes they are ready to face the consequences  of their COWARDLY acts. 

He’s 100% correct.  I’ll even add some adjectives.  They’re greedy, selfish  cowards.

And speaking of PA, Gary doesn’t even know this yet because he’s still asleep,  but he’s barely out of work two weeks and this morning his first unemployment check is already in our checking account.

I’ve been reading horror stories about people in other states not receiving benefits.  I wasn’t worried about the money, I was worried I would have to spend hours on the phone, dealing with bureaucrats.

So that’s a relief.

Haha, in fact, the whole procedure was so effortless, can I get in on this deal, too?


Okay, this is the first day of quarantine I don’t have much to say.  That’s probably a good thing.  So rather than be a bore, I will go clean the kitchen.

Hmmm...the kitchen might be why I can’t write.  What did Gary do in there last night?  Every pot and pan we own is in the sink.  I poured my coffee and backed out of there in shock.

Oh well, a small price to pay for awesome food.

I normally would angrily leave it for him but this is the new, adult quarantine me.  I will go tackle the disaster myself.

Oy.  Is this supposed to be a good thing?

Oh, well.  Since this isn’t much of a post, I will leave you with a picture of Jake cuteness.

Happy Tuesday.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Day 57

Day 57, self quarantine:

I’m now at the point where I had to look at my post from yesterday to see what number day we’re at today.

For those keeping track, we’re beginning week nine of the apocalypse.

Yay, us!

So yesterday ended up being a chill, drama free day and the photos posted are Exhibit “A” of my life in quarantine.  

I have zero complaints.

We were having coffee, and I was sprawled on the sofa, playing with my phone and half watching the Food Network the only way bearable on a Sunday morning - with the sound off.  Gary was sitting on the floor in front of me.

“Ooh, the Asian Jewish girl Is  making fusion cuisine kosher pickle egg rolls,” he said in a weird cartoon voice.


I look up and my knucklehead husband had one of the dog’s toys in his hand and he was playing Mystery Science Theater with poor Molly Yeh, who was not only frying Jewish pickles in egg roll wrappers, she was smearing them with American cheese and ranch dressing.

“Here comes the ninety pound sickly husband!  Eat! Eat!” Jake’s puppet said to Molly’s guy, who did indeed look...erm...frail.

“I really don’t know how you watch this crap,” Gary sad, shaking his head.

Me, either.

Instead I laughed.

“I watch just for the puppet show,” I said sheepishly.

Jake looked at us like, You’re both nuts, give me back my toy.

Speaking of nuts, see the other half of Exhibit “A” - my Mother’s Day card from Gary.

What, you don’t think a Congratulations card was proper?

“I jgrabbed the first card I saw with a dog on it,” Gary admitted.  “I just wanted to get the hell out of the store.”

Oh god, do I now have to worry he got infected with coronavirus buying me a card?

I can’t even.

For Mother’s Day dinner I ate Julie’s chocolate, cookies and cake from Cousin Jill, and leftover  sweet almond biscuits Gary baked for breakfast.

Don’t judge me.

Haha, I didn’t plan it that way, but those were some superior munchies and I kinda lost control.  By the time dinner rolled around, I had zero room for anything else.

If I were a jogger, I’d be strapping on my face mask and sneakers right now for a 10 mile run.

Yeah, like that would ever happen.

I’m gonna do penance all week with smoothies and salads 😜

I better take off my pajama bottoms and put on jeans.

In other news, I’m not making this political but I couldn’t help notice Grandpa Crazypants had a Twitter meltdown yesterday and we now have Obamagate.  Thank god our President isn’t too much of a psychopath or anything.

There was zero mention on local news this morning.


The top story is George Costanza’s father died at 92.  92?  Wait, how old is Ben???

Holy crap, he’s 54, I just looked it up.  Damn I’m old.

Yeah, so that’s our top story this morning in Philadelphia.  Not 80,000 people dead, just Jerry.

In better news, my garden is happening!  I don’t want to jinx it, but that “before” pic is coming soon.

Gary is talking vegetables.

I will tell him about the fire pit later.  

Right after I tell him about the new French doors leading outside.

So that’s it for now.  I’m bracing for a killer week work wise.  Maybe if I blink three times it will be Friday.

It sure seems that way in quarantine land.

Happy Monday.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Day 56

Day 56, self quarantine 

Happy Mother’s Day!

I’m taking the day off from my quarantine journal today because somehow I slept until 8:30 this morning for like the first time EVER and I’m in such shock I’m still unable to form coherent sentences after two cups of coffee.

So enjoy your day and see you on the flip side.

Saturday, May 09, 2020

Day 55

Day 55, self quarantine:

Yay!  It’s Saturday!  Woo, it really does feels like the weekend today.  I feel so free, sitting on my sofa now, with no plans other than to watch Top Chef and be there for moral support while Gary works out back.

I love this liberated feeling.  I want it all the time.

Isn’t that supposed to be like the only real perk of old age?  

Seems dumb not to take full advantage, huh.

So as I ponder my own subtle and maybe not so subtle personality changes during quarantine, the changes in Gary are kind of astounding.

I’m not just talking about the wildlife habitat growing on his face.

In the *gasp* eight weeks we’ve been home, he’s gone from the guy who fought me all the way about staying home to the person who’s freaking out the country is opening too soon.

The gruff, macho man I worried wouldn’t wear a mask wears one just to walk outside and snip some basil from our plants and comes back indoors flustered and angry when he sees anyone not wearing one.

He went from only watching sports on television to being a devotee of political satire and NPR news.  

We have lively discussions and, erm fantasies, about Trump and his brain dead  supporters.

But the biggest change pretty much brought me to my knees yesterday, when he came back in the house looking like the old Gary, furious because two workers were double-parked at the end of our street and wouldn’t move their truck when Gary wanted to take a drive to Lemon Hill with Jake.

I had just come downstairs for a cup of coffee, relieved they were out of the house for an hour.  I had a bunch of stuff to do for work and was so not into it that I was happy to have no distractions.

“I know who they are.  They work around here all the time.  I’m going to flatten all four tires on their truck!” he shouted as he walked back inside with Jake.

The old me would have immediately made a face and urged him  not to say such a thing let alone do it, even though there was no way in hell he ever would,  and we’d end up having an argument over something that didn’t even happen.

Yesterday while he was ranting, I merely shot him a disappointed parent look, grabbed my coffee mug, and walked back upstairs to work while he was still in the middle of his tirade.

Ten minutes later, he appeared in the doorway.

“I’m sorry, Rob.  I just wanted to take Jake to the park.”

Omg.  Who are you and what have you done with Gary?

But instead I said, “I know. And I know those guys are assholes.  But you always tell me you never stopped being a love and peace hippie, and when you get like that, I..,”

“I know.  I apologize,” he said meekly.

Meek.  Gary was meek.  Holy hell, who is this guy?

I jumped up and gave him a hug.

Other than yesterday’s little snit, Gary is relaxed and smiling all the time now. 

“Welcome to my retirement, babe,” he said when I mentioned it.

Okay, then.  I’m down with that and jealous as hell.

Oh well.  I’ll figure it out.  Time to watch Top Chef and google spectacular brunches for Mother’s Day.

Because priorities 😎

Friday, May 08, 2020

Day 54

Day 54, self quarantine 

I’ve never been so happy to see a Friday in my life.  Work wise, I had a really miserable week...nothing earth shattering, just some stupid mistakes I made which “may” have slightly upset my boss, which in turn upset and embarrassed me because I’m such a delicate flower. 😎

Have I ever mentioned my boss is born the same day as Julie?  In case you couldn’t tell, my higher power has a wicked sense of humor.

So now I’m doing that whole questioning my existence thing usually reserved for someone younger because during quarantine I’m remembering how much I love writing essays and fiction more than anything in the world and I wonder why the hell I’m not just doing it full time.

Oh yeah, because I tried it twice before, and, erm, that pesky money thing.  It turned out worrying about paying the bills had a chilling effect on my creativity.

Though I came close to making it once.  A Hollywood producer named Spielberg contacted me about my book, Three Days in New York City. He wanted to make it into a movie and and when he realized it was a trilogy, excitedly decided to pitch it as a series to HBO.  In an epic disaster that could only happen to me...welp, you can read all about it here in a wonderful publication called, I kid you not, Drunk Monkeys. 

But now money isn’t an issue. If I retire in August, I still get a monthly check for the rest of my life, regardless.


Light bulb moment.

Back in 2000, before social media, I was part of an online writer’s group, Zoetrope Studios, founded by Francis Ford Coppola.  Technically I’m still a member but I’ve been inactive because blech Facebook, Twitter and work. We were all fledgling writers, some of us more hell bent on a writing career than others...some certainly more talented than others...but we shared a mutual love of words.

While active, I wrote four books in five years and had short stories and essays published everywhere.  

I could do some serious name dropping about some of my superstar Zoetrope friends. Many are internationally acclaimed.  One is an author and ex-wife of Elon Musk —she once sent me a note “I love your writing, Robin Slick!” while she was still married to Elon and I had no fucking clue who Elon was.

So that’s pretty cool.

What also got me thinking about my Zoetrope years are all the bookshelf pics popping up on social media.

I have crammed bookshelves and books literally all over this house but I thought I’d post a pic of a shelf reserved for my favorite books written by my favorite friends.

Naturally, it’s my favorite shelf in the house.

Pretty much most of these books contain personal notes and autographs.  I’m kinda blushing to say I also appear in many acknowledgements.

Though Nick Hornby friended me on Facebook after realizing I was Eric Slick’s mother. 

Apparently he’s a fan.

Same thing for Luis Urrea though he’s a fan of both Julie and Eric.

I already told you about Neil Gaiman and me.

You really can’t go wrong with anyone on this shelf but I want to give special shoutouts to Ellen Meister and Susan Henderson, two wonderful, magical writers and friends of mine for almost twenty years.

I used to have an interesting life, huh.

Hey, maybe I will again.

Who the hell knows anything anymore?

Not me.

But I do know one thing.  It’s Friday and that means pizza.

Hell, yeah.

Have fun, everyone.