Julie Slick on stage
Hey, Julie gets a mention in the City Paper this week which is way cool:
"But what of the evening's playmate, Space 1026's head-banded Thom Lessner and his rudely lyrical, aerobic-synth act Sweatheart, who drop their nards-dangling debut, So Cherri (produced by 19-year-old Julie Slick!) that night? "We wanna put on shows that make people cherish life," says Lessner before shooting a video for "Fingerbangin'" with Spankrock gal pal Amanda Blank. "We wanna make everybody horny, happy and wanna look good doing so."
I'm usually so busy giving our Eric's performance schedules that I neglect to mention that Julie's a music industry major at Drexel University, which means she's doing everything from producing to performing to -- bleh -- studying contracts. She's really an awesome producer which is why Thom Lessner chose her to record his CD. But as far as her other courses at Drexel go, this semester (she's in her third/junior year) she had to take a statistics class and an ethics class. And I do believe it's the ethics class which is the source of her recent switch to quasi-vegetarianism. (She still eats seafood, has given up beef and pork, but is presently undecided about poultry.) The professor had them watch a movie about slaughterhouses or something...I dunno...when she started telling me about it I tuned her out because in theory, I could be a vegetarian because I love animals so much...in reality...oh man, I adore steak and barbecued hamburgers and roasted chicken with oranges and fresh rosemary...
But yeah, if I allow myself to think about it, I'll not only go vegetarian, I'll be a total vegan, and then I'll only eat stuff like hummus and cous cous and greens and be completely miserable. Though of course for once in my life I'd also extremely be healthy...but since when do I care about stuff like that?
Julie (who is no longer 19 as stated in the article -- she turned 20 three weeks ago) and Eric also sit in on bass and drums respectively with Sweatheart from time to time. I wasn't aware that they were out there making people horny, but oh well, here's a test of whether I'm as liberal as I say. Okay, deep breath. Concerned parent moment here.
Ha! Tricked you. Like I'm really worried. I think it's hilarious.
Anyway, I'm only popping online today to occasionally check e-mail because I'm in full writing mode, but if anything interesting occurs, I'll be back to edit this post and add whatever.
Have fun,
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