Amazing poster of the trio put together by Scott Abernethy of Nerdy Rhino Development.
So some really sweet reviews are starting to come in for Side Four Live and I'll post a few snippets here, but first I want to give you a heads up as to a couple of new shows just added to the Adrian Belew Power Trio spring tour:
On March 1, the trio will be in Aspen, Colorado at the Belly Up and after having a look at the photos of that venue and Aspen itself, I'm wishing I was on this entire month long tour and not just the west coast leg as previously planned but oh well...maybe next time. I think I already mentioned this, but there is also a show now scheduled for Cleveland, Ohio at the Beachland Ballroom on March 7.
As far as I know, the tour schedule is almost complete now, but look for a date or two to be added in Chicago the first week of March and possibly a date in Denver...stay tuned...you know I will post the news here as soon as it's confirmed. I'm kind of freaking out that this tour will be like a show a night for an entire month. Can you believe how amazing this trio will be after playing together that much? Don't kill me for this, but you should hear the Japan recordings when they played two shows a night for over a week. If there are three tighter more talented musicians in the universe, I do not know who they are.
So here's a couple of blurbs I've found/received so far as concerns Side Four Live:
Tom says:
"...I realized I needed something rude and noisy to kick me out of the funk I’d gotten into, and that thing was Adrian Belew’s Side Four (Live), which arrived yesterday bearing the signatures of all three members of the trio. The amount of noise that guy can create on one guitar, live, is simply astounding, and he’s backed by a very able rhythm section in the form of the brother-sister duo of Eric and Julie Slick on drums and bass, respectively. She is especially impressive, nailing not only Tony Levin’s bass parts but his tone - and all at all of 20 years old. She’s going to have quite a career ahead of her."
Mike Inman, a very talented artist who should really get himself a website (ha ha - I hear Scott at Nerdy Rhino is most excellent, Mike) sent an email which blew me away:
"Did you get yours yet? The new ADRIAN BELEW - SIDE FOUR LIVE?
I must say as amazing as Adrian is on guitar.....when i watch or listen to those two play I have to say that Adrian is truly the third of a PERFECT PAIR!
I have seen them live now once and I was so blown away! As much of a guitar freak as I am......when i was there I was paying more attention to Eric and Julie....because it's like the two of them make up this most incredible wall of sound and Adrian is wedged in between....anyone else get what i mean?
His playing is INCREDIBLE and he is one of my all time favorite guitarist... and I live for guitar playing like his but when the bass and drums can make me watch them more than the guitarist... well I think that is nothing short of MIRACULOUS! for me anyway!
I am listening to this new cd and THIS CONCERT WAS TRULY MAGICAL!
The recording really does do the live performance justice and that is a very hard thing to capture!
HOWEVER This cd is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITES NOW! And hey...I even had a few audience recordings from this tour.....but this show..this recording this mix...i must say its AMAZING!
Thanks so much for Robin letting me know the other day that the CD was on its way...for me THIS IS CHRISTMAS NOW! This is MY BEST PRESENT ALL YEAR!.......
I am only on song 5 BEAT BOX GUITAR! OH BOY! ...if you don't have this RUSH AND GET YOUR COPY NOW!
My good buddy Rena, who I am finally going to get to meet in person when the Belew tour swings by San Francisco in February (and by the way, I will be doing a reading/signing in that city and maybe another west coast town or two at a couple of bookstores while I'm there...more details to follow) left me a comment on my blog yesterday:
"Guess what I'm listening to?!!! I love everything about it. The note, the pics, the music - I love it all! And I couldn't help but notice that your name is listed inside too! What a thrill! Congratulations on the kids first, with many to come I'm sure. It's only just begun.."
Yeah, I didn't want to mention it until the CD actually went on sale and people started receiving copies, but imagine my delight and shock and yeah, yeah, tears, when I saw that Gary and I are thanked on the inside flap of the CD. I mean, come on, a rock and roll legend acknowledged the two of us on this brilliant recording and I wasn't supposed to break down weeping? Ha! Now I haven't been able to wipe this goofy ass grin off my face for days.
From the Planet Crimson Forum Board:
"Eric Slick Rocks!!!
It needed to be said."
"Julie Slick Rocks!!!
The old guy ain't bad either."
So that's just after day one...the CDs literally were just sent out and I cannot wait to read more reviews after others have had the chance to have a listen. I will trade books for CD reviews - my books, that is, so if you forward me your reviews to either post here or to send to various music 'zines on the web, I will in turn forward you an autographed copy of Three Days in New York City or Another Bite of the Apple or both...your wish is my command.
In other news, as I mentioned here the other day, Eric is currently on tour with Dave Dreiwitz of Ween in this amazing bass and drums band known as Crescent Moon. Their schedule is as follows:
Thursday, December 6 at Nectar's in Burlington, Vermont;
Friday, December 7 at Red Square in Albany, New York;
Saturday, December 8 at the Parkside Lounge in New York City.
For more details on this mini-tour and other nice things, visit the Ween Forum Board.
Okay, that's it for now...more dish later when I have a chance to recover from all the excitement of this morning...
The new phonebooks are here!! The new phonebooks are here!!! ;-D
ReplyDeletevery exciting, although as of this comment, I havent listened to it yet. But I grabbed earbuds this a.m., so Im hoping for a first listen at work this morning.
Thanks guys!! See ya at the WCL...
Thank you for the information about "Side Four" on my site, sadclownrep.com! I assumed that you were the sibling of the Slicks, but was excited to read you were their mother. As you already know, they're pretty amazing musicians!
ReplyDeleteMy humble attempt at a review of sorts for Side Four over at Planet Crimson.
Ha ha - Pete, you will love it and yep, see you at WCL!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Joey...I really appreciate that and saw your most recent blogpost - it's awesome!
Ramiro - what an amazing review and I had a look at your artwork - holy cow - I put up a link in my blog post today!