Dave Dreiwitz and Eric Slick, also known as Crescent Moon
So tonight is the Crescent Moon gig at John and Peters in New Hope, and I've been informed that there will be a "special surprise guest". And that's all I'm saying, except for one other thing: The second half of the set will blow you away. And guess who is opening for Crescent Moon? The fabulous Stinking Lizaveta! Is this a must see show? You betcha.
Speaking of Dave Dreiwitz, Drew Vanderburg sent me a trailer for a new documentary which looks AMAZING. So without further ado, here you go!
In other news, if you want a fun read...okay, if you want to spend most of today reading...pop over to Jon Swift's blog. Jon asked a select group of bloggers, including yours truly, to choose their best posts of the year, which he then linked. What did I pick as my very favorite blog entry for Robin Slick: In Her Own Write, 2007? You will have to visit Jon's blog to find out.
Jon (well, Jon is not his real name and as I've said before, I am almost certain I know his true identity because we share a mutual friend) has made me feel guilty because I'm a slacker this week...usually I, too, do a yearly wrap up but I've got so much on my plate right now it's crazy. I've been asked to rewrite the opening of my new book which is way cool but for a few days I wasn't sure I had the voice right. Then, in one of those moments writers just love, all of a sudden it came to me and everything clicked into place. So I'm just letting it sit for a few more days before sending it off with fingers crossed.
I also finished Bitten to the Core, which is the third book in the Three Days in New York City series, so if you are interested in seeing what kind of convoluted mess Elizabeth has gotten herself into now, stay tuned. But if you can't wait and would like to read an out-take from the book, I have good news...okay, great news. The anthology which I edited for Phaze Publishing will be available both in print and digitally on December 31, 2007. It's called 39 and Holding Him and contains stories by Victoria Blisse, Fenner Jeckyll, Jalena Burke, N.L. Belardes, N, Missy Lyons, Shanna Germain, Rebecca Adamsi, Belinda Franklin, and like I said, me...and my story is called "An Affair with a Poet Much Younger than Myself" which is pretty much the plot of Bitten to the Core. Or not. You will have to read the story and then the book to find out.
I really dig the cover of 39 and Holding Him which okay, I must admit, I selected myself -- and it's the fabulous photography of Nick Belardes, who also has an absolutely fantastic piece in the anthology as well.
By the way, last call for submissions for 39 and Still Holding Him, which, d'oh, is the second volume of the anthology. My publisher is going to have my head if I do not send her my selections this weekend, and I'm still undecided about a couple of stories so, um, if I were to receive something stellar this weekend, well, that would be awesome and would be of great help. If you have any questions about submission guidelines, email me or leave a comment.
Oh God, do I suck as a saleswoman or what? Ha! Buy the damn books, okay? I will give you candy...
Anyway, that's about it for today...I have emails to answer, and yeah yeah, I know, I haven't responded to the fantastic comments in my blog for the last few days which is very unlike me so I will try and rectify that today as well but in case I don't get to it, just know that I love and appreciate every one of them and all of you are just so cool it's ridiculous.
Merry Goo Year!
I cannot wait for the rockumentary. How cool is that?
ReplyDeleteAnd I think that's my favorite blog post, too. I'll go back and read it once I have the kids all busied.
Still sick from getting drunk with Ritchie the other night. I should know better.
What kind of candy? Yum. (Getting wallet out...)
ReplyDeleteMojo Ballroom New Year’s Resolutions
ReplyDelete(Robin see special bonus resolution)
1. Get one person per month stay up past their bedtime on Monday night
2. Float like a butterfly (M.A.)
3. Sting like a bee (M.A.)
4. Improve show constantly
5. Not say “ummm” so much
6. Keep better track of songs played and artists
7. Give 15% across the board to all MJBR staff
8. Take 10% pay cut
9. Become president
10. Eat more vegetables
Bonus Early Resolution
Play one song from Adrian Belew Power Trio, Side four CD.
Upcoming shows: Homage to Detroit, All NRBQ
Bring your dreams and a pillow
Monday nights 11-12:oo
Correction play one Adrian Belew Power Trio song per show!
ReplyDeleteNext Resolution: proofread with glasses on