So Julie and her band are in town and last night they took me to a pre-birthday dinner at what is arguably the best restaurant in Philadelphia, The Saloon. Not exactly flattering, but here I am enjoying the greatest tiramisu of my life.
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Sunday, August 14, 2022
Friday, August 12, 2022
So music camp ended this morning but Gary and I decided to hang in Woodstock at another hotel tonight because Julie et al are playing a sold out show here.
We drove around 30 miles to the center of town, which is all kinds of hippie charming, and Julie texted us to meet her at a really cool vegan restaurant where we could eat with Jasper.
We’re at our table sipping tea when I look up and who is standing there right in front of me waiting to grab a seat.
Neil Fucking Gaiman.
“Hi, Neil!”
(I refer you to my blog and short stories for my Neil Gaiman history)
“Yep, we’re in town blah blah blah Julie has show here tonight blah blah blah. This is Julie obviously and this is my husband, Gary.”
Gary’s like, “Hey, Neil!”
Neil turns to Julie.
“You’re the drummer, right?”
“No, that’s my brother, Eric. I play bass.”
“Nice! Right after lunch I have to pick my son up at the School of Rock. He’s taking drum lessons, or trying.”
Omg, Neil’s six year old son is following in my kids’ footsteps har har har.
What are the odds? 😜
So that’s my story, everyone around me was all impressed I’m friendly with Neil, and who knows, maybe he’ll show up at Julie’s gig tonight.
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Last night
Last night Eric joined the Adrian Belew Power Trio in Nashville for their encore.
Mind blown.
Also, it was Christmas in July for me when both kids FaceTimed from Eric’s house ❤️ (They showed up dressed alike in yellow t-shirts which has been happening their entire lives)
Sunday, July 24, 2022
A Fish Story
So in our 50+ years together as childhood sweethearts, Gary and I have a lot of stories, but much to Gary’s hilarity, I have attributed one of his finest moments to myself. This pic is from 40 years ago, note Gary’s anti-Reagan t-shirt. Somehow I’ve been telling people I caught that fish.
Today I tried to tell Gary that, and he looked at me incredulously and insisted that he was the one.
I actually argued it was me, and told him there was a pic of me in a drawer upstairs holding the fish and wearing an anti-Reagan t-shirt.
Anyway, neither one of us can stop laughing right now. I hope all of you are starting your day likewise ❤️❤️❤️
Monday, July 18, 2022
Monday, July 04, 2022
Wednesday, June 08, 2022
So I knew when I was posting last night I should have waited until after my eye appointment this morning to say the worst was behind me. I totally jinxed myself but no worries, I don’t like graphic health descriptions on Blogger and I’m too traumatized to talk about it, anyway. Gah! Why why why do I always go in oblivious with no symptoms and leave with a dire unexpected diagnosis? Oh yeah, I am old. I got the memo, goddess, go bother someone else now. I’m going to have a bowl of (non dairy) ice cream and listen to records. If anyone needs me, I’ll be at the beach. Not even joking. 😎
Tuesday, June 07, 2022
Hey, what’s up?
Hey, how’s everyone doing?
Sunday, May 08, 2022
Happy Mother’s Day
It’s surreal my mom has been gone my entire adult life. This is one of only three photos I have of her, there are times I can barely remember what she looked like.
“Just look in the mirror, Rob,” says Gary, who remembers everything and loved my mom so very much, as she loved him…she knew we were soulmates when we were children.
My mom never got to meet my kids and never knew I would go on to write a bunch of books.
She never got to eat small batch ice cream, use a computer, or fly on a plane.
My mom was the original hippie. We were the first family in the neighborhood to have a bathroom wallpapered in posters in the mid sixties.
We had zero money, so when my mom couldn’t afford posters of the Beatles, she got the idea to visit a travel agent and coyly ask for free, promotional travel posters to show my father in hopes of a trip. As if. Oh, how 10 year old me loved staring at those pics of England and Italy and dreaming that someday I’d visit…
I made it to both places, mom.
My mom doesn’t get credit for it, but in 1964, she invented the first flourless chocolate cake when she drank a glass of Manischewitz while baking and left out the flour/baking powder.
She called it the Flop Cake and to this day, it remains the most delicious thing I ever ate.
We begged her to make it again but she honestly didn’t know how she did it and she was too afraid to try.
How ironic that recipe became iconic right after her death.
Nowadays, instead of mourning my mother and all that she missed, I am grateful she didn’t get to see the end of Roe v Wade and yesterday, Nazis marching through Disneyland.
It would have killed her all over again.
Anyway, I’m not big on Hallmark holidays, especially with my own kids living thousands of miles away, but this year I intend to hug my puppy and husband throughout the day and eat French onion soup and flourless chocolate cake for dinner.
Happy mother’s day ❤️