Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Odds and Sods for Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Amazing poster of the trio put together by Scott Abernethy of Nerdy Rhino Development.
So some really sweet reviews are starting to come in for Side Four Live and I'll post a few snippets here, but first I want to give you a heads up as to a couple of new shows just added to the Adrian Belew Power Trio spring tour:
On March 1, the trio will be in Aspen, Colorado at the Belly Up and after having a look at the photos of that venue and Aspen itself, I'm wishing I was on this entire month long tour and not just the west coast leg as previously planned but oh well...maybe next time. I think I already mentioned this, but there is also a show now scheduled for Cleveland, Ohio at the Beachland Ballroom on March 7.
As far as I know, the tour schedule is almost complete now, but look for a date or two to be added in Chicago the first week of March and possibly a date in Denver...stay know I will post the news here as soon as it's confirmed. I'm kind of freaking out that this tour will be like a show a night for an entire month. Can you believe how amazing this trio will be after playing together that much? Don't kill me for this, but you should hear the Japan recordings when they played two shows a night for over a week. If there are three tighter more talented musicians in the universe, I do not know who they are.
So here's a couple of blurbs I've found/received so far as concerns Side Four Live:
Tom says:
"...I realized I needed something rude and noisy to kick me out of the funk I’d gotten into, and that thing was Adrian Belew’s Side Four (Live), which arrived yesterday bearing the signatures of all three members of the trio. The amount of noise that guy can create on one guitar, live, is simply astounding, and he’s backed by a very able rhythm section in the form of the brother-sister duo of Eric and Julie Slick on drums and bass, respectively. She is especially impressive, nailing not only Tony Levin’s bass parts but his tone - and all at all of 20 years old. She’s going to have quite a career ahead of her."
Mike Inman, a very talented artist who should really get himself a website (ha ha - I hear Scott at Nerdy Rhino is most excellent, Mike) sent an email which blew me away:
"Did you get yours yet? The new ADRIAN BELEW - SIDE FOUR LIVE?
I must say as amazing as Adrian is on guitar.....when i watch or listen to those two play I have to say that Adrian is truly the third of a PERFECT PAIR!
I have seen them live now once and I was so blown away! As much of a guitar freak as I am......when i was there I was paying more attention to Eric and Julie....because it's like the two of them make up this most incredible wall of sound and Adrian is wedged in between....anyone else get what i mean?
His playing is INCREDIBLE and he is one of my all time favorite guitarist... and I live for guitar playing like his but when the bass and drums can make me watch them more than the guitarist... well I think that is nothing short of MIRACULOUS! for me anyway!
I am listening to this new cd and THIS CONCERT WAS TRULY MAGICAL!
The recording really does do the live performance justice and that is a very hard thing to capture!
HOWEVER This cd is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITES NOW! And hey...I even had a few audience recordings from this tour.....but this show..this recording this mix...i must say its AMAZING!
Thanks so much for Robin letting me know the other day that the CD was on its way...for me THIS IS CHRISTMAS NOW! This is MY BEST PRESENT ALL YEAR!.......
I am only on song 5 BEAT BOX GUITAR! OH BOY! ...if you don't have this RUSH AND GET YOUR COPY NOW!
My good buddy Rena, who I am finally going to get to meet in person when the Belew tour swings by San Francisco in February (and by the way, I will be doing a reading/signing in that city and maybe another west coast town or two at a couple of bookstores while I'm there...more details to follow) left me a comment on my blog yesterday:
"Guess what I'm listening to?!!! I love everything about it. The note, the pics, the music - I love it all! And I couldn't help but notice that your name is listed inside too! What a thrill! Congratulations on the kids first, with many to come I'm sure. It's only just begun.."
Yeah, I didn't want to mention it until the CD actually went on sale and people started receiving copies, but imagine my delight and shock and yeah, yeah, tears, when I saw that Gary and I are thanked on the inside flap of the CD. I mean, come on, a rock and roll legend acknowledged the two of us on this brilliant recording and I wasn't supposed to break down weeping? Ha! Now I haven't been able to wipe this goofy ass grin off my face for days.
From the Planet Crimson Forum Board:
"Eric Slick Rocks!!!
It needed to be said."
"Julie Slick Rocks!!!
The old guy ain't bad either."
So that's just after day one...the CDs literally were just sent out and I cannot wait to read more reviews after others have had the chance to have a listen. I will trade books for CD reviews - my books, that is, so if you forward me your reviews to either post here or to send to various music 'zines on the web, I will in turn forward you an autographed copy of Three Days in New York City or Another Bite of the Apple or both...your wish is my command.
In other news, as I mentioned here the other day, Eric is currently on tour with Dave Dreiwitz of Ween in this amazing bass and drums band known as Crescent Moon. Their schedule is as follows:
Thursday, December 6 at Nectar's in Burlington, Vermont;
Friday, December 7 at Red Square in Albany, New York;
Saturday, December 8 at the Parkside Lounge in New York City.
For more details on this mini-tour and other nice things, visit the Ween Forum Board.
Okay, that's it for now...more dish later when I have a chance to recover from all the excitement of this morning...
Monday, December 03, 2007
All kinds of cool stuff...
I love those photos of Adrian, Eric, and Julie. They were taken at the Quebec Summer Music Festival, July 11, 2007 by Yves Gagnon.
So a bunch of cool stuff happened recently as concerns the release of Side Four Live.
My absolute favorite, of course, would be a comment posted on my last blog entry as follows:
"festinagreg has left a new comment on your post "Art Appreciation Day on the Slick Blog...:
Side Four arrived today! I wasn't sure they could capture the power and intensity of the live show but it is so amazing. Your kids have taken Adrian to a new level."
Tell me that didn't make my day. I got the chills.
There's Adrian, autographing several CDs at Casa Belew, which, as you can see if you click on the photo and make it grow before your eyes, already contain Julie and Eric's signatures and which a bunch of lucky fans should be receiving as early Christmas presents this week. And hey, please also notice the amazing photo of the trio taken by Mark Colman which appears on the inner flap.
I don't remember if I posted this or not, but this month Julie will be interviewed by bassist extraordinaire Bryan Beller for Bass Player Magazine.
Friday, we had a photo shoot at our house for a feature which will appear in the March/April issue of Philadelphia Style Magazine. Julie and Eric are being interviewed as "Vanguards" - Philadelphia celebrities - in connection with the release of their new CD and show at World Cafe Live in Philadelphia on March 12, 2008.
On Thursday, Gary was listening to WXPN and they were having their pledge drive. One of the premiums being offered for a large pledge was a scholarship at Rock School. Jim McGuinn, the program director for YRock at XPN mentioned that two of the rock school graduates had gone on to play with Adrian Belew and how excellent was that.
Gary works five minutes away from XPN's studios and decided to swing by with a copy of Side Four Live. Jim McGuinn freaked out and got on the radio and said "The coolest thing just happened. Gary Slick stopped by with the new Belew CD, and yeah, his daughter, Julie Slick is Adrian's bassist and son, Eric Slick, is his drummer, and they are the first two graduates of the Paul Green School of Rock Music to officially "make it"." Anyway, off the air, Jim and Gary had a chat and Jim was really psyched about the CD and said he would be in touch so fingers crossed you'll be hearing cuts from the CD on YRock on XPN sometime soon as well as some other possible cool stuff in connection with XPN...
Eric is doing a couple of shows this week with Crescent Moon - he'll be in Vermont on Thursday and New York on Friday - never a dull moment in that man's life...and Julie and I are busy planning our annual Christmas trip to New York...that always yields a hell of a good story. The best might have been last year when we stayed the Bates Motel and saw 10,000 Santas and a dildo menorah but then again, it is hard to beat Christmas, 2005 when I had a panic attack in Chinatown...check out the archives here for December 2005 and 2006 if you want a good laugh.
And hey ho, I see that mysterious, infamous author has posted the blurb I wrote for his/her new collection of short stories, which, by the way, I strongly urge you to order right here. Trust me on this. You will thank me later. Big time.
Finally, don't forget to check out the always changing eric slick dot com for Eric's most recent news, tour dates, and updated blog posts.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Art Appreciation Day on the Slick Blog, or, My un-birthday card from, erm, Neil Gaiman, I mean, Eric Slick, and the brilliant work of Julie Slick
Too funny - even though it was Gary's birthday, Eric, who always creates the absolute best greeting cards, felt compelled to make me an un-birthday card, and before I even read it, I burst out laughing as soon as I saw what I think is an incredibly great drawing of Neil Gaiman and immediately reached for my camera...then I read what the card actually said and broke up giggling altogether.
So yeah, as I pointed out in yesterday's post, Gary is now officially middle-aged (ha ha) and maybe it's just me, but on a scale of one to ten, his birthday was like off the charts. First, as I showed via the photographs I put up in my aforesaid blog entry of November 28, he got to finally hold Side Four Live in his hands (we only listened to it like a thousand more times last night, nothing too extreme) and then we (all of us, even Monty dog) walked over to boyfriend Matt's house where Julie prepared probably the best dinner ever, and even though I had my new camera phone with me, I regret to say that I was so busy stuffing my face, I forgot to take photos of the meal, which is really regrettable since as delicious as it was (details to follow), the presentation was magnificent. However, I did finally remember to take photos of some of Julie's artwork hanging on the walls at Matt's place, and I was so preoccupied with that I totally forgot to take food pics.
Here's a portrait she did of one of my heroes, Kurt Vonnegut, and Julie, I know you don't read my blog but Eric, tell your sister I want one of these for Christmas!
Next, we have her amazing sketch of Nietzsche;
How about a little Camus...
And finally, last but not least, from Terry Gilliam's brilliant Brazil:
Julie and Eric do not have too much talent, huh. But all kidding aside, if you look at some of the great musicians out there, many of them are/were great artists as well...Lennon, Clapton, Ron Wood, Bowie, Belew...the list is endless. I honestly thought Julie would go to art school; Eric was drumming at age two and Julie didn't seem interested in music until one day at age eleven she idly picked up one of Gary's basses and then asked for a mega-expensive Fender for Christmas, which I said we'd buy her if she would agree to take actual music lessons...and that's how we met Paul Green and the rest is history...
Okay, so what did Julie prepare for Gary's birthday dinner?
She made four different meals, which is mind blowing in itself - one for vegetarian Eric, one for carnivores Matt and Gary, seafood for Julie and me, and then she actually made me a separate lunch to have for today.
For Eric, she stuffed huge portobello mushrooms with roasted artichokes, spinach, tomatoes, and cheese and a side of those sick mashed potatoes she also made at Thanksgiving. For Gary and Matt, braised short ribs which sat in a puddle of horseradish cream served over mashed potatoes, topped with a stuffed portobello mushroom ala Eric's platter, and for the two of us, the same dish, minus the cheese and short ribs, but with seared scallops instead. For my noon meal today, she made brown rice which she tossed with all kinds of veggies, more seared scallops, and topped with a honey mustard shallot dressing.
Is it lunchtime yet?
Dessert was a cream cheese pound cake with a fresh blackberry compote - she found berries the size of was truly one of those meals where you let out sensual sighs with every bite.
Life is so, so good right now...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Happy Birthday Papa Slick!
Wow, what a birthday Gary is having today - it already started at midnight when he hung out downstairs while Julie and Eric autographed mass quantities of Side Four Live.
Julie has obviously just caught of glimpse of Gary lurking downstairs and is looking at him suspiciously.
Even though she was working last night and didn't get home until very late, a very excited Gary stayed up because the CDs needed to be autographed and sent back to Nashville today. My instructions to him before I fell asleep:
"Take some photos of J&E signing the CDs," I yawned.
"Oh god. There she goes, giving orders from her warm spot under the covers. Okay, I'll try to get some pics but they are going to hate you," Gary laughed.
"Maybe they won't notice. Be discreet."
Erm, I think they noticed.
And now they will obviously know for sure, but how can I not post this? I mean, is it every day your brilliant offspring are asked to autograph mass quantities of their very first CD, Side Four Live, starring the incredible genius Adrian Belew?
Gary is a saint. Not once did he suggest that I stay up and take said photos myself and be the one to suffer the consequences - the wrath - of Julie (not Eric, he's my good child...hahahahaha...just kidding)
I can't divulge the "liner notes" but suffice it to say that if Gary ever had a better birthday in the, gulp, decades and decades I've known him, I cannot think of one.
Happy Birthday, Gary! We love you!!!!!
(Dad, how about we spend tonight at our favorite spot at the beach? Love, your other child, Monty)
Monday, November 26, 2007
I have conquered the beast that is National Novel Writing Month!
Yes, that is my official Winner's Certificate from National Novel Writing Month, though the actual real one is in color and if I wasn't so technology challenged, I could have added my name and title of my book on line and posted it here the correct way but after struggling for a half hour, I said screw it, printed it out in black and white, wrote my own name in and took a digital pic.
But as you can see by the bright yellow icon on the right hand side here, yes, I did hit 50,000 words yesterday and did conquer the beast that is NANO five days ahead of schedule, although it's my estimation that the book is another 20,000 words from being completed.
I'm really stoked about this book. I started it with no real set outline but yeah, I admit it, I already had awesome characters in place from my prior novels since it is in fact the third in my Three Days in New York City series which I was inspired to write after Hollywood came a-calling in September regarding the first two books in the series with talks about pitching it as a series to HBO along the lines of Sex in the City.
And then the writers went on strike.
So I'm in a holding pattern, but feeling so good about this new novel, which, although part of the series definitely stands on its own, that I may start querying an agent (or fifty) to represent it.
The first draft, or 50,000 words of it, along with my official on line winner announcement, can be found right here and even though I have officially "won", I will continue to add to it until November 30 when it will be hopefully be completed, or should I say the first draft will be finished, anyway.
You would think I'd be really happy about this but I find myself incredibly depressed this morning. Of course that could be because I just spent an amazing four day Thanksgiving holiday with my family, they graciously allowed me the time and space to write over 10,000 words during that time, and now it's Monday, it's pouring rain, and I'm committed to working full time in a law office this week to cover for the aforementioned goddess Donna, who is vacationing until next Monday when she will return for just two more weeks before moving on to her new job.
I have to honestly say if not for Christmas and the fact that I have a guilty conscience over leaving my boss alone and left with massive piles of unfinished wrok, I would just throw in the towel and take the rest of the year off and worry about finding new employment in January, i.e., my original plan of temping just to get out of the house and have pocket money. Because I did find my statement of a week or two ago to be true -- if I am not working at all, I do not properly budget my time or my money. This month, I managed to write a 50,000 word novel while overloaded with and heartsick about work and Donna's imminent departure, a scary spike in my blood pressure which still has me sick as a dog and dizzy, and somehow managing one of the best Thanksgivings of my life.
Okay, that's enough whining out of me.
Hopefully on to better news tomorrow...
Friday, November 23, 2007
Eric Slick Dot Com and a Very Special World Premier
Adrian Belew and Eric Slick performing at the Quebec Summer Music Festival, July, 2007
ETA: I realized early this morning (Saturday) that one should never post links after consuming copious amounts of brandy and therefore there were some links here which I really screwed up last night. I have now fixed them for your viewing pleasure. And just so we are clear on this, the world premier of a track (or two) from Side Four Live is tonight! For complete info, see below
So. Click here to see Eric Slick Dot Com, which is a brilliant work in progress thanks to Eric's amazing, creative genius webmaster, Scott Abernethy of Nerdy Rhino Development.
Scott has incorporated a very cool collage of photos (a lot of which were taken by proud Papa Gary Slick and Mark Colman) into a short film clip on Eric's site, but even more importantly, it includes a partial sound byte from a brand new spanking track off of the newly released Side Four Live.
And if that's not exciting enough...
Tomorrow night...Saturday, November midnight eastern, (So I guess that makes it technically Sunday, November 25 har har) DJ Extraordinaire Jeff Menke of 89.7 FM WNKU, will be the first to play the worldwide premier of a mystery track (or maybe even two!) from Side Four for your listening pleasure during his incredible show, Rainbow will stream live on the internet right here.
Jeff has been incredibly supportive of the trio since first seeing them live last year in Ohio and has played not only Beatbox Guitar but even cuts from the trio's first overseas appearance in July of 2006 at the Zappanale Festival in Bad Doberan, Germany throughout the year as well as offering insightful and uplifting commentary about Adrian, Julie and Eric.
So it's pretty freaking exciting that he will be the first to premier a cut or two off the new CD, and I hope you can all set your clocks for midnight eastern and check out what is sure to be an incredible, incredible show.
Thanksgiving 2007 at Casa de Slick
Eric Slick, Thanksgiving, 2007, thinking to himself "Now listen, I know I am a vegetarian but surely my dinner will consist of more than string beans, right? Right?
Gary getting ready to carve our $10,000.00 (ha) organic, free range turkey breast (with a nod to Julie who insisted that if we are going to eat meat in her presence, it had to, erm, "meat" with her approval) while Julie (not seen in the photo because she was such a blur of activity) bombards the table with additional magnificent side dishes she has spent two days preparing in both our kitchen and boyfriend Matt's.
There's the string beans up close, which were flash fried with wild mushrooms and walnuts in healthy olive oil for dear old Mom. In fact, every single side dish, as rich and decadent as they were, contained no fat or sugar or anything else which would add to my hasty demise as per my doctor's strict instructions of last week and my reluctant but necessary willingness to listen.
There's Eric again, still waiting for more than string beans to be delivered to his plate, but in the meantime, we've started our annual go around the table where we all say what we are thankful for.
I wish I could remember exactly what each of us said, but Julie made me something called mulled wine except she made it with brandy and after two drinks all I could get out of my mouth was "I am thankful I have such a schweet fammy". Actually, we all said how thankful we are for how close our family is and how much we love each other and what an incredible year it's been; naturally we mentioned how thankful we are to Adrian and Martha Belew and the opportunities and experiences they've afforded all of us and oh my god, Side Four Live...
The first course arrives - Julie's legendary pumpkin soup with carmelized onions, mushrooms, wine, evaporated fat free milk which made it rich and creamy, and even a couple of golden raisins thrown in. Unfreakingbelievable! And next to that, a fresh cranberry chutney which she garnished with a lemon twist and sprig of thyme. One day I really have to post some of Julie's artwork here -- she's an accomplished portraitist who can sketch a person so lifelike it looks like a photograph or even more eerily, you half expect her drawings to talk to you they are so realistic.
There's the finished product - we all had the same plateful of food minus the turkey for Julie and Eric...there's Yukon gold mashed potatoes which Julie whipped with buttermilk as opposed to the heavy cream and pound of butter this family traditionally uses in that dish - she literally knocked the calorie count in half and the fat count to practically zero. Can I tell you that they were the absolute richest and most delicious mashed potatoes I ever had? Oh, she added carmelized shallots and fresh herbs as well, and garnished it with fresh cracked black pepper, so honestly, I didn't even realize the butter was missing. In fact, I doubt I'll ever eat them the "old" way again. Also on the plate was Gary's incredible, legendary stuffing, this year made with multi-grain baguettes from Metropolitan Bakery combined with celery, carrots, onions, fresh herbs and topped with an orange, rosemary gravy - the same gravy he made for our turkey - and he was able to duplicate it using vegetable broth instead of turkey "drippings" for Julie and coud have fooled me -- it was every bit as delicious as ours.
Finally, we ended the meal with a completely invented by Julie fat free apple pie, which she made with her own whole wheat crust and topped with no fat (ha) ice cream.
So yeah, you can get through Thanksgiving and eat like a King/Queen without butter and sugar and still moan and groan and honestly say "This was the best Thanksgiving ever."
Well, it was. Not just the food and company, but it was absolutely the most stress free meal ever. Julie and Gary now run the kitchen like a well oiled machine and in the couple of years Julie has worked in restaurants and thrown parties at Matt's house, she has totally learned how to properly budget her time in the kitchen. I remember 3-4 years ago when she first got interested in cooking -- and when Julie gets interested in something, it's never half way -- a year later she was a gourmet chef with cookbooks from all over the world and a collection of knives and pots and pans which cost more than my house -- anyway, 3-4 years ago it was a wrestling match in our tiny townhouse kitchen (the price you pay for wanting live near the Art Museum har har) with Gary and Julie bumping into each other and a lot of "When will you be done with the oven?" and "Oh man, you are using the pot I wanted to use" etc. etc.
But not yesterday. Gary prepared the stuffing and turkey, put it in the oven, and his work was done. He went upstairs to watch football and listen to Side Four Live (ha...yep...but it was at my request because I have not been able to stop singing Of Bow and Drum and Three of a Perfect Pair, among others)...Julie bustled about in the kitchen, Eric sat with headphones on at his laptop writing music and at one point while stuff was cooking I heard music coming from downstairs and it was Julie and Eric working on a new composition together, heart be still - crap - I hope I remembered to say I was thankful for that at dinner but now that I think about it, Gary probably covered that one -- and since I was totally off the hook to do anything, I sat here and worked on my new book for National Novel Writing Month...arghh...eight more days of writing left...but I am now up to 40,588 words and if you don't believe me, here's the excerpt. In a perfect world, I want to hit 50,000 words and "win" by Sunday night, which is hardly impossible given the fact that it computes to less than 3,400 words per day...of course that's barring any family emergencies or my not feeling well again but so far, so good...
Anyway, more music news tomorrow...I like to keep the holiday posts separate and what a blast we had yesterday going into my archives here...I read my written accounts of Thanksgiving 2006 and 2005 out loud and we all laughed at how many things have changed since this blog first started. I had inadvertently erased Thanksgiving 2004, darn it, because when I first began my journal, I used it as a vehicle to write a novel and then as soon as I realized it was crap I deleted it, not realizing that by deleting months worth of writing that book I also deleted months worth of other stuff, too, but oh well, what can you do.
Now. It's Black Friday so go out and shop! But please - support your local mom and pop store, or what's left of them, anyway Stay out of the evil corporate conglomerates - they all gave campaign contributions to that madman Bush so that he and his fellow demon administration could run this country right into the ground and are now responsible for the deaths of thousands and thousands of Americans and people in the mideast and all over the world. Corporate conglomerates underpay their workers and spy on them and they are the real reason this country is in the deplorable shape it is in -- both morally and financially.
And err, by the way, have you all had a chance to read this?
Can anyone explain to me why the Madman and his Vice-Madman have not been arrested under charges of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity? Why are we so docile and accepting of what these people have done? I the only one (other than Gary) who worries we are headed for a civil war in this country as the middle class disappears and the rich have gotten richer while there are people homeless and starving...starving! the so-called greatest country in the world?
Anyway, listen, I know money is really tight right now so if you absolutely have no choice but to shop at a corporate chain for financial reasons, just do me one small favor. Please, please, please don't ever set foot in a Wal-Mart. Don't give that bastard one cent of your hard earned money. Okay? Okay!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Adrian Belew Supports Live Set with Power Trio, or, SIDE FOUR LIVE, SIDE FOUR LIVE
Adrian Belew for the Album Side Three, another unbelievable masterpiece by Mark Colman
From Live Daily:
Adrian Belew supports live set with Power Trio
November 19, 2007
By Kym Kilgore
LiveDaily Contributor
"Guitarist Adrian Belew has a new live album ready to drop and is planning to tour the US once again with his Power Trio.
Dates for the 2008 Adrian Belew Power Trio Tour launch Feb. 19 in Seattle. The outing is scheduled to stick close to the West Coast in February and then jump to the East Coast in March. Details are listed below.
Belew's Power Trio comprises 20-year-old drummer Eric Slick and 21-year-old bassist Julie Slick. The siblings are graduates of the Paul Green School of Rock, where Belew met them in early 2006.
The trio, which has been touring together since late last year, has been recording live shows for the album "Side Four," which is due tomorrow (11/20). The set trails last year's "Side Three," which marked Belew's third solo album in less than a year following 2005's "Side One" and "Side Two."
The first three albums in the series feature bassist Les Claypool of Primus and drummer Danny Carey from Tool.
Belew also released new material this year with his pop band, The Bears. The album "Eureka!" surfaced in May and The Bears did a mini-tour in the spring."
Also, as per Pollstar there are new dates added to the Power Trio tour this spring as follows (and a little birdie told me there are yet more to be added soon)
Tue 03/04/08 Milwaukee, WI Shank Hall
Thu 03/06/08 Ferndale, MI The Magic Bag
Tue 03/11/08 Northampton, MA Iron Horse Music Hall
ETA: Oh, pardon me. It appears that birdie just flew by:
03/15/08 Jammin' Java Vienna, Virginia
Erm, I know I've been among the missing lately, but combine my new blood pressure medication with National Novel Writing Month and the excitement of Side Four Live and a lot of e-flurrying (heh) I'm doing in connection with that, I haven't had time to blog.
So let's do a quick recap.
You can purchase Side Four Live right here.
There's also a very good chance you will be able to purchase Mark Colman's poster in connection with the photo shoot he did for Side Four Live -- you know, this one -- and I've heard a rumor that it will in fact be the official tour poster for the trio so continue to check Ade's website:
In other news...
You can check up on my progress at National Novel Writing Month right here.
I get to walk the red carpet (even if it is from Bed, Bath and Beyond) for the opening night preview/premier of Why We Wax in New York City on December 10, 2007 because I am one of the film's co-stars.
And wrapping up the headlines of today, I wrote a blurb for a new short story collection by an incredible mysterious author so that's way cool, too...stay tuned for a lot more on that in the near future, too.
Other than the above, things are quiet. I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving with the family...Julie and Gary are furiously planning the menu and as is my eccentric tradition every year, I will post photos of each dish as well as detailed ingredients and descriptions.
Sigh...I wonder if this is my last carnivorous Thanksgiving. Yikes, what if by this time next year, I'm a vegan?
Ha ha.
Friday, November 16, 2007
At last, at last: The Adrian Belew Power Trio, Side Four Live
Hurrah! Side Four Live, the debut CD of the Adrian Belew Power Trio, is available now at Store Belew.
Do you think I'm a little psyched?
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Life changing experiences
Incredible photo collage of the Adrian Belew Power Trio created by the insanely talented Marc Colman. No, it is not the cover art for Side Four Live, which is art by the multi-talented Adrian, but I seriously want to get a framed copy of this masterpiece for my wall. I believe it may be a take on a photograph Marc took of the trio which will be included inside the CD and I've seen the original - it's heart melting stuff.
Have I mentioned Side Four Live will be available for pre-order next Tuesday? Ha ha, like a million times, I know. I'm busy pasting billboards all over the internet.
You know, it's funny. I was reflecting on Adrian's recent blog post where he shows us a royalty check for six cents he recently received and how it made him comment:
"is this a torture device meant to remind me
of how invaluable my life's work has been
for the needy hearts of a barren culture,
or someone's poke in the eye with a sharp stick
to say pointedly, "look at you, you piece of dookie"?
Well, naturally, a bunch of fans immediately left remarks assuring him how much his music has meant to them, and it's a good thing I didn't go in there and leave my thoughts or I would have written a mini-series.
Coincidentally today, I stumbled on this, which has special meaning for me for personal reasons and I thought how cool, as it was with our family when we met Adrian and Martha Belew, it's not just his music which changes lives:
I hope this link works because it's from a daily newspaper, The Nevada County Local News, but if not, here is a cut and paste of the article:
He used to be a wino
Now, KVMR’s Mike Thornton is just a regular guy
"The last thing Mike Thornton heard as he was falling through the front door of a San Francisco detox center was, “Oh my God!”
Then the lights went out.
The now-very sober newsman for KVMR has since become a voice for the recovery community. But that morning 20 years ago, he had awakened in a park, awash in his
own blood, wondering what hit him.
He realized his face had been smashed with something wooden — a bat or maybe a two-by-four — because a piece of it still was stuck in his mouth.
“I had been beaten and left to die,” Thornton said.
But instead, Nevada City’s Chicago-born radio personality eventually found a new reason to live.
Now 53, Thornton has been gainfully employed in Nevada County since 1989, first as the leader of the Lovett Recovery Center residential drug and rehabilitation facility. For the past 13 years, he has been with KVMR as a board member and then in a job that evolved from disc jockey to news director.
It wasn’t that much of a jump.
Even when he was a kid running the rough streets of Chicago around Wrigley Field and using drugs, “just about anything I could get my hands on,” Thornton was educating himself, he recalled.
“I’d cut school, but I’d hang out at the Museum of Natural History, and I watched PBS all the time,” Thornton said. The cultural respites were welcome in the abusive environment he was growing up in with no parental involvement.
But his lifestyle soon caught up with him.
“I was marched out of high school in handcuffs,” he remembered. “I was already a drunk and a drug addict.”
That led to several years with the Illinois Youth Commission, the juvenile prison system for the state.
“It was incredibly abusive,” Thornton said. “They would make you duck walk around the gym, and when you fell out, they’d kick the (expletive) out of you.”
When Thornton got out, he returned to Chicago, where he continued to self-medicate with other troubled people in the streets, injecting drugs almost daily.
“I was never a hard criminal, but I wasn’t a model citizen, either,” Thornton said. “I knew some generally bad people.”
Realizing Chicago was getting him nowhere, Thornton stepped onto a bus and got off in Carson City. He worked in casinos for a while, then began wandering to Long Beach, Sacramento and back to Chicago.
“It was horrible,” Thornton said.
He wound up in San Francisco, “kind of a homeless drug addict and wino,” Thornton said. That’s when he got into the fight that led him to the detox center.
He got sober there, then entered an alcohol program in Galt that turned his life around.
A man named Bill Smith took a liking to Thornton, and begin to teach him how to get along.
“I had no idea what it was like to lead a sober life,” Thornton said.
The state Department of Rehabilitation also helped out with education services, and Thornton began attending drug counseling classes at Sacramento State.
“I’ve been clean and sober ever since,” Thornton said.
He worked in recovery programs in Galt and Sacramento.
“I was good at it. I had a lot of practical experience,” Thornton said. “I don’t believe you have to be a former drug addict to be a good drug counselor, but it helps, because you know they know that you know.”
After establishing himself in the drug and alcohol rehabilitation field, Thornton came to Nevada County to run the Lovett Center.
“I’m real proud of what we did, “ Thornton said. “We made it a safe place for people who needed it.”
But after 10 years and the death of close colleague Richard Knight, “I was getting burned out,” Thornton said. “I got to a point where I was faking it, and it was stressful.”
That’s when Thornton turned to radio. He was playing “a weird mix of hard core punk and hip-hop, and eventually I got the midnight to 4 (a.m.) shift on Friday morning, when no one was here. I even got a ‘Play Misty for Me’ phone call.”
He also got a chance. He did an interview with guitarist Adrian Belew, who played with King Crimson and Frank Zappa, among other greats.
“It went fabulously well,” Thornton said. “I started doing entertainment interviews, and then I got more and more involved in news and politics, and it evolved into a talk show.”
It was during his talk show days that Thornton began to travel. He has done reports for a consortium of community radio stations around the country.
In 2005, he traveled to the Middle East, Syria, Lebanon. On the road one day, he realized he stuck out like a sore thumb: A six-foot-two-inch white man with his arms covered in tattoos walking.
He also visited a Palestinian refugee camp and met an official of Hezbollah, the Islamic fundamentalist militia active in Lebanon.
“He said if we attack Iran, we’ll have a war we won’t believe,” Thornton said.
The news man is planning to return to the Middle East at the end of the month to provide coverage for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. He’ll also work on “a documentary on stories that have not been told,” Thornton said.
News has also taken Thornton to South America, and, close to home, to San Quentin prison, where he witnessed an execution that moved him deeply and pushed him to take a stand against capital punishment.
“Everybody, particularly people for capital punishment, should go see one and then tell me what you think,” Thornton said. “I tell people, ‘You go to one, and then we’ll talk.’”
Much of KVMR’s audience is not mainstream, and Thornton understands that. “but we’re more balanced than you think,” he said. “They don’t want to hear Rush Limbaugh, but we let John Doolittle have his say.”
Conservative viewpoints would get on KVMR more often if those sources would speak to him, Thornton said.
“They say, no, the station’s too liberal, but I think I have a reasonably good reputation as a journalist in this community, and if they want to say something, all they’ve got to do is call me,” Thornton said.
To relax, Thornton plays cajon, a drum-like wooden box from Africa. He is single, has a girlfriend and leads a very private life.
“I’m a regular guy,” Thornton said. “Put a dime in me and I start talking, and I don’t know when to shut up.”
Pretty cool, huh. So he did an interview with Adrian and it lead to a life changing career. See, Ade? You have left your mark in this world in more ways than one, all of them briliant.
Also cool is Sid Smith over at DGM Live, who gives the trio a blurb today:
"The Adrian Belew Power Trio are back on the road again in the New Year. And if that's not enough, he's taking pre-orders for the long awaited, Side Four live album featuring Julie and Eric Slick alongside Ade."
Here's a little tease for those of you in the colder parts of the country, like where you ski and in the midwest - you'll notice there is a gap in the schedule between February 29 and March 8. Stay tuned to your computers - I do believe those dates will fill in nicely very shortly.
In other news, my son turned me on to "The Blog Readability Test" which tells you what level of education is required to understand your blog.
Sooo...I typed in my URL and kill me now. Please.
Next I typed in Adrian's blog:
Well, who didn't know that?
Then I could not resist having a go at Robert Fripp's diary:
Let's see what they have to say about Sue Henderson over at Lit Park:
Ha! Normally Sue would be gnashing her teeth over this, but I have a feeling I can make her smile.
Neil Gaiman's journal:
Ha ha - well, Sue, at least we are in good company once again.
So you'll see that I've titled this post life changing experiences. I kind of had one myself today and as I type this, I'm debating as to how much detail I want to go into but here goes...we'll see how it pans out.
I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol and all of the things that are very scary to a woman my age. I'm intelligent, I want to live to at least see Side Four Live win a Grammy (heh), and yet I do not take care of myself. I eat whatever I want and other than walking, I despise all forms of exercise. I thought I was controlling my health issues with regular trips to an internist and three different types of meds, which, I have to admit, make me forgetful and dizzy and definitely not the woman I once was but it's kind of subtle...I don't walk around moaning and complaining; I just feel "off" and I'm frequently doing stuff like walking upstairs and forgetting why I went there, opening the refrigerator and totally spacing out as to what I meant to take out of there, or my personal favorite, picking up the television remote and holding to my ear shouting "Hello? Hello?" when my cell phone rang. But a couple of weeks ago, I bent down and almost couldn't get back up. I was so freaking dizzy and I don't know how else to describe this, but I had sparkly things shooting in front of my much so that for a minute, I was afraid I was losing the vision in my right eye. I couldn't focus and it scared the crap out of me.
God forbid I would have taken this as a sign to give up the Pad Thai and Bassets Ice Cream bars but no, I will just pop my meds and assure myself I'm okay and protected.
The last week, though, has been horrible. I haven't wanted to alarm my family, but I have barely been able to catch my breath. But I'm really stressed out right now. I discussed the office thing here last week. Yeah, all kinds of cool things are happening with my books and film option discussions but it takes time and now there is a writer strike which I am sure is going to have an effect on me as well. So as suspected, my blood pressure was really high...frighteningly so. I knew it before I even went to the doctor today because I felt like crap when I started walking to his which time it began to rain. Now I'm sure anyone with a family can relate to this. There are four of us. How is it that in a family of four, there is not one umbrella in this house? Okay, one is my fault, I know I left it at the office. But we had like six others. Oh well, it wasn't raining that bad out, but by the time I walked several blocks, it started to pour so I had to duck inside a CVS Pharmacy to buy an umbrella. In a weird twist of fate, the bin of umbrellas was directly across from a do-it-yourself blood pressure cuff.
I never should have done it but I did.
So I pretty much knew I was in trouble even before I saw the doctor. In fact, I began to cry as soon as I sat down on the examining table. He was pretty upset as well and immediately prescribed something called a Beta Blocker. Naturally I made things worse by reading the pamphlet that came along with it.
If only I had watched my diet and exercised.
So now I'm dizzy and stressed and I take a pill which says right on the package "will cause dizziness until your body becomes accustomed to it".
I was so out of it I had to go straight home - it was only like 9:30 a.m. and this you can't believe - I walk in the door and smell natural gas. And I mean I smell it strong. I check the stove - the pilot is on - so this means it could be coming from the basement - the gas heater or the hot water heater, I don't know from these things but luckily Gary does. I called him at work, so freaking emotional, that he came straight home.
Good thing he did. Somehow the gas connector to the hot water heater rotted away or broke away...I don't remember what Gary told me, only that it was hissing gas.
I have been so full of "what ifs" today. What if I didn't come home early and Julie, Eric and the dog were asleep and didn't wake up...oh god, I can't even type any more about that...I just can't do it.
So right now I am so dizzy it's insane; Gary needs to do major work in the basement and is bringing home supplies, and I have all the windows open.
But I've been thinking all day how in one instant your life can totally change...and how we need to take care of ourselves and live each day totally to the fullest...and try and make a difference in this world.
And with that, assuming I can sit up straight for more than a short period of time, I'm going to attempt a bit more of my excerpt for National Novel Writing month.
At least in theory.
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