Sunday, November 10, 2024



If you have followed my writing for the past twenty years, a recurring theme is that my higher power has a very dark sense of humor.

Welp, it’s officially confirmed.

Who else but me could have their new novel coming out in what a lot of people think is the darkest, most depressing month in our nation’s history?

I rest my case.

That said, if you could use a laugh right now, I’m your girl.

“Imagine reaching the golden years only to find it's not quite the paradise you expected. In Leaving Candyland, baby boomer Robin Slick takes us on a candid journey through the unexpected realities of aging.

She humorously tackles challenges like "Nobody Wants Our Stuff When We Die," "Oh No, The Kids Moved Thousands of Miles Away," and "I Can’t Get a Tattoo Because I’m on Blood Thinners."

This heartfelt book blends sensitivity with humor, exploring the messy, unpredictable adventure of senior life, and reminds us that even when our golden years are less than golden, there's still plenty of laughter and love to be found.”

I’m very stoked.


  1. Hi Robin! I used to read you at Medium when I first joined, I was just wondering what happened to you and found your blog! Congrats on your book, amazing stuff! Best, Steff

  2. Hi! Hahaha yeah, I have been thinking about doing another piece for Medium after I finish grieving for our democracy. Great to see you here and thanks for the comment—I wasn’t sure this thing was still on :)
