Sunday, January 04, 2009


Dear Internet,

I am sorry but I've fallen out of love with you.

Oh okay, I'm being overly dramatic and childish but lately, between what I'm reading on various music and writing forum boards I frequent plus my own issues with an alleged promo site for writers, I feel like screaming. But I'm smart enough to realize that when I think too much about cyber people instead of focusing my energy on those I love in the real world, it's time to sit back and take a break.

Though there's a lot I wish I could say.

I'm really not fond of this time of the year. Can you tell? I love Christmas and all the pretty colored lights and gift giving and suddenly it's over and we're faced with the cold bleak months of January-March. At least in Philadelphia, anyway.

Anyhoo, is there any good news to report? Well, yeah. Tomorrow night Julie is having us over for her first dinner party at her new apartment and yep, I'm bringing the camera. So that should be an uplifting future post indeed.

"Daddy Left Me Alone with God" is currently being line edited, which means it will be out in the real world shortly. My baby! Almost five years in the making/writing/editing...and I am really stoked about that and intend to throw my entire being into promoting it...fair warning now.

I added some more songs to my Music Player on this blog. I could seriously program that thing all day. I love the shuffle feature and the fact that I created my own juke box. Yeah, yeah, I know these things have been around for years but I've just discovered it and let me have my fun, please. Anyway, you have to do some serious scrolling down to find it, but it's on the right, directly under the ads for my books.

I have still not been able to diet more than two consecutive days which is freaking me out. I ate far too many Christmas cookies. Tomorrow I am going to wear my tightest outfit all day so that I am in acute pain awareness of anything I put in my mouth that isn't green and leafy. Actually, eating at Julie's will be very good since I know whatever she serves us will be both healthy and vegetarian. The only problem will be when I get home because WE STILL HAVE THOSE DAMN COOKIES. And because they are shortbread, two weeks later they're better than ever.

I'm doomed. I should just have my jaw wired.

Do people still do that? I'd find a way to still shove it in, trust me.

The reason I still have cookies is that I was very lax in sending them out this year. To those of you who didn't receive any tins, I'm really sorry. The week before Christmas when I was flat on my back took a lot out of me and that's the week I normally mail out cookies. And well, then I started eating them myself...

Oh well. Another hour and the Eagles will be on. Go Eagles? I'm kind of ambivalent at this point...let's see them win this one and play the Giants next weekend, then I'll be excited.

Sort of.

But for now, I think I'll take a break from the dreaded internet and read a book or something.



  1. Robin, Your note on Publishers Marketplace is soooo funny. I laughed so hard that you posted it! Finally, someone pointed out that the emperor's wearing no clothes!

    Did Cader respond to you?

  2. Ha ha - thanks. I'm laughing because that post gave me the #1 spot for a couple of days and I received some emails from supportive writers I'd never met on the site.

    I was figuring I'd hear from Cader but he's probably hoping I'll go away on my own.

    But naturally, having tasted #1, I'll probably have to post some of my fan mail (anonymously of course)

    What is also interesting is my only reason for hanging on at PM is to have a deal listed there someday...but guess what, we both have a very dear friend who stopped paying the $20 monthly fee and ended her PM affiliation and PM announced her book was sold at auction, anyway. So what exactly is the point?

    P.S. The emperor also bored me at a conference we attended. I listened to him talk for an hour and fantasized the whole sixty minutes about Neil Gaiman instead.

    Oh, I'm kidding.

  3. I'm thinking of dropping my page, too, and wondering why I never thought of it. I had the number 1 slot for three years in a row and got zero from it. Your post reminded me that I'm paying for zero.

    I'm reading CORALINE to my kids now, speaking of the beautiful fantasy man.
