Okay, today is the last day of voting for 2007 Web Blog Awards, Best Diarist and I need your help. One final time, all you have to do is click on the "Robin Slick" button when you go to this link. The polls close at 5:00 p.m. eastern.
I would normally be thrilled to finish 4th, which is where I am now, or even 5th, but one of the other finalists who is neck and neck with me has a link to the hideously evil, anti-semetic, homophobic, Bush loving witch with Nazi Slime Disease...oh god...if I type her name, all of her demented fans will find my blog via google...so how about if I just post her photo so you know who it is...let me see if I can find the ugliest one possible that shows her black soul...ooh...ooh...I just found one with her name on it...

In case you aren't already acquainted with this "lovely" woman, you can read all about her latest horrifying escapades here.
So now you now why I cannot be beaten by this blogger who actually links her prominently.
In other news, I know I get a lot of cross-readers from Adrian Belew's blog, but in case you are coming here from another source, I'm going to have to insist that you go over and read his last couple of posts as concerns my two kids. When I read his food post about Ms. Julie Slick first thing yesterday morning, I broke up laughing. I pictured the whole scene at their house, including Julie in the kitchen, her hair piled on top of her head, busy slicing and dicing, and then standing behind Adrian while he typed his blog post, telling him the exact ingredients. Adrian even says "Julie said it's creamy leek and mushroom ragu"...
Oh man, I wish I were there. And then Julie snapped this photo of Eric at Ade's piano which just about killed me...and I adore Ade's hat...damn, did I say I wish I were there?
So yeah, click on that link because there's some really good stuff there.
Although there is one bozo fan who commented he wished Side Four Live had a different line-up...hahahahaha - what is wrong with people? Did that remark make him feel like, intelligent or something? Gah! We're all entitled to our opinions but there's a time and place, you know?
I'll never understand this world. Exhibit "A" is that the witch with Nazi Slime Disease actually has a huge following and a major book deal. It's very, very depressing.
But then again, there's a lot in this universe that is really fantastic - like the Adrian Belew Power Trio and impending release of Side Four Live, my family and music and writing/reading in general...so I think I'll concentrate on that instead.
I'm off to work on my new novel. The link for the excerpt is in the post below, and I expect to be adding a lot to it later today.
One final time, please vote for my blog today...and for your convenience, another direct link to vote.
And one of the bloggers is in a campaign against Nickelodeon for having a news program on at 5 AM that featured The World Can't Wait. Uggg. Gross. Apparently, Linda Ellerbee is trying to brain wash children. You better beat the snot out of that woman!
ReplyDeleteSorry about deleting that post, but I just realized the polls are closed and you did it! Wheeee!
Waiting to hear the news...
ReplyDeleteThat is the cutest picture!
ReplyDeleteI must confess I wish "Side 4" had a different lineup, featuring my mad cowbell skillz of course.
ReplyDelete.. because you KNOW it will need more cowbell.
Ha! I saw that. What a douche. But she did end up beating me but then again, she prolly enlisted the wife of every U.S. military man so what chance did I have?
ReplyDeleteEllen, you rock. Thank you so, so much for campaigning for me and the votes.
4th place, Carolyn, that's the news for now...though I am waiting on much more major news as you know and what did Tom Petty say again? The waiting is the hardest part? He got that right! Thanks for the votes!
Heh - I knew you'd like that pic, Sue.
David, the world needs more cowbells, of that fact I am positive. But that better be the only different line-up you are talking about or I'm coming over to beat you up! Err...where are you again? (Just kidding)