Eric Slick wearing the infamous WMMR shirt won by his father over twenty years ago in a contest held by said radio station...I blogged about it a couple of months ago and in case you forgot, here's the link.
So if you are in the New York City area, tonight you must check out Eric on the drums with Project Object at the Lions Den, 214 Sullivan Avenue in the Village. It's going to be freaking amazing!
ETA: Oh my god, I just got this You Tube from last night's show from an anonymous commenter on my blog. I'm sitting here crying like a little freaking baby right now it's so damn good.
And just a reminder that tomorrow night's show in Asbury Park has been changed and will now be held at Asbury Lanes, and on SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY, I will finally get to see this show at World Cafe Live in Philadelphia -- Eric is also the opening band with Dave Drewitiz of Ween, i.e., Crescent Moon.
Err...you can also download Wednesday night's show right here. (I cannot figure out how to do it, though...I mean, I downloaded it but have no idea how to actually play it and after the great hard drive crash of 2007, I'm terrified to attempt anything I'm not sure how to do).
But wait...here's one download I was able to figure out - it's "Echidna's Arf (Of You)/Don't You Ever Wash That Thing?" and oh man, what a tease!
I haven't found any reviews of the Hartford or Troy, NY shows yet so if anyone reading this attended either show Wednesday or last night, I would love to hear from you.
So. Why did I post the pic of Eric in the WMMR shirt, which was actually from the show Eric played with Adrian Belew back in August?
Because last night, Gary and I once again proved that we are uber parent/groupies. More on that in a minute.
But before I begin, congratulations to Al Gore for winning the Nobel Peace Prize. You can be sure that's one thing that our dangerous, demented dictator in the White House won't be winning anytime soon. Knowing Dubya, though, he probably thinks it's for most books sold at Barnes and "Nobel".
Which is another thing he won't be winning anytime soon, unless, of course, he writes his true autobiography about how the war in Iraq was all about oil..."his oil" har har. I shouldn't laugh. Thousands of people are dead because of his greed. And if you are rolling your eyes and sighing over what I just wrote, why not read this.
Okay, enough of that. I want to talk about yesterday in general.
Some days are just fantastic, you know? Fantastic on a level that doesn't involve publishing or movie deals, agents, big money, blah blah blah...but fantastic because it involves spending one on one time with someone you really love - in this case, let's start with daughter Julie. Eric is on tour as you know, Gary was at work, Julie's boyfriend Matt had a gig in New York with his fabulous band, Cheers Elephant, and so Julie and I decided to have a "date".
We had a fabulous lunch at Seafood Unlimited. Julie had an ahi tuna dish served over a slaw of cucumbers, Asian pears, and who knows what else but it was so good I kept sticking my fork in her plate. I opted for charred Atlantic salmon over mixed greens -- sounds simple -- yet they managed to make it spectacular.
Then we actually went girly shopping - I bought three new black sweaters because god knows 300 black sweaters in my closet are not enough and Julie picked up some awesome tops as well.
Next, we headed to Sianni Salon where Julie got her beautiful curly hair shaped and trimmed and Linda Zatta, the genius who manages to keep my unruly frizzy mop under control, could not resist the urge to put make-up on Julie while she sat in the chair next to me waiting for Linda to finish my hair. Oh man, you should have seen her. Julie, that is. Because she is so naturally gorgeous, she doesn't need make-up and never wears it (that's me saying that, not Julie)...but Linda put this sheer, beige shimmery stuff on her eyelids, curled her lashes, applied a little blush to her cheeks and finished with a rosy lip gloss. To say that Julie looked breathtaking is putting it mildly. So after we finished up there, I insisted on dragging her with me to Sephora so that I could buy her this stuff (which, if you check the PETA website is not tested on animals) but then we looked at our respective watches and gasped when we realized it was dinner time and Julie had to be at the restaurant where she works while the Belew tour is on hiatus. So...sob...we had to run out of there before buying anything and Julie made it to work just in time, but not before casually mentioning to me that "Pierre Robert from radio station WMMR would be there and would Gary and I like to pop over for dinner?
Err...a chance to talk one on one with Philadelphia's most famous rock and roll disc jockey? With a copy of the Adrian Belew Power Trio's Beatbox Guitar and Drumhead Magazine in our hot little hands? What do you think?
So Gary and I double-teamed Pierre and his sidekick, Jason, and handed them the CD and magazine, I introduced Julie to Pierre by saying "she may be your server tonight but she's also Adrian Belew's bass player" and then Gary, who'd met Pierre and Jason at the Ray Davies concert last year with Eric when they sat next to each other, filled them in about Adrian...anyway, we had a blast and went home feeling pretty satisfied with ourselves but wondering, because the restaurant was so crowded, if Pierre and Jason would actually read the Drumhead article and listen to the CD and help us promote Side Four Live when it comes out in the...err..very near future. Gary went out to walk the dog and took his usual route, which is right past the restaurant and saw that Pierre and Jason were still there and the place was empty. So being the uber-groupie dad he is, even though it was late at night and he has work today, said to me "You know what? I think I'm going back and talk to them some more...just so they "get it", you know?"
Yep, I know.
So that's what he did.
We are working on global domination for the Adrian Belew Power Trio and trust me, we're gonna succeed. It's such a labor of love, I can't even begin to tell you.
And if you want to read a really wonderful essay about that very subject, you must visit Susan Henderson's website today. Cool? Cool!
Yes, congratulations to Al Gore. And I really like what Joan Walsh over at Salon.com said in her blog today -- kinda broke my heart, but in the right way, you know?
ReplyDeleteNow Robin. Seriously. I'm getting pretty darned curious about your news. And excited. And I don't even know you!
Have a gorgeous weekend. I'll keep checking back for when you finally spill it.
Your Bush comment cracked me up.
ReplyDeleteJulie is the bomb, with or without makeup.
And thanks for the link to my site, where there is kind of a lot of off-topic talk about how many people have a crush on Eric.
ReplyDeletenot going to make it to world cafe live and P.O.
ReplyDeleteinstead my friend has bought a turkey fryer and has insisted that a whole bunch of us come over and help her test it out sunday evening. we bring side dishes, she brings turkey.
we're already discussing making deep fried stuffing balls.
I know what her news is. nee-ner, nee-ner, nee-ner!
ReplyDeleteI'm not gonna tell. nee-ner, nee-ner, nee-ner!
Sometimes it is SO much fun to act like a 9 year old again.
you must be mad at me. i dunno why tho.
ReplyDeleteClaud, I know what you mean. Here's the link if anyone would like to read Joan's excellent article:
Ha, thanks, Sue. And I just came downstairs to an email from Kim, who must have emailed me from Eric's show from her Blackberry last night...she said "between your son and the zappa, I may effing die right here right now
and my life would be complete." Ha ha - that was at 10:35 p.m....must find out what occurred after midnight when the show ended...
Anonymous, thank you, thank you, thank you. I added it to my blog with tears running down my face.
Aw, Jess - too bad, but be careful! I have a friend who set her house totally on fire with a turkey fryer. For real. It burnt to the ground and she lost everything.
On the other hand, a deep fried turkey sounds delicious beyond belief.
Ha ha - hi, Scott. And I see that Eric already outed himself on the Krimson-News comments section so everyone can stop speculating that it's Eric's news I'm sitting on.
Daryl, why would you type that here? I'm not mad at anyone. I've been busting my ass working and as you can see, haven't even been blogging on a daily basis. But I will say this - I am a loner and I need space and I've been that way my entire life...especially when I am in full writing mode. I hate the telephone and I have turned off all things relating to instant messaging because I am not a "people person" and especially cannot tolerate being interrupted when I'm writing. I think Susan sums things up in that regard over at LitPark in a wonderful way yesterday though of course over there it was misinterpreted, too, and it wasn't pretty...in fact, it represented everything that Susan said "made her want to pull her eyeballs from her sockets" but sometimes people are so wrapped up in themselves they fail to see anything else and find it much easier to blame others.
P.S. Daryl, when I typed "sometimes people are so wrapped up in themselves they fail to see anything else and find it much easier to blame others" I was not referring to you...but seriously, I'm not angry or pissed or anything...just a person who likes/needs solitude and in the real world, other than my family, I have very little interaction with anyone and like it that way.
ReplyDeleteI can attest to that!
but you WILL interact with me on Sunday Robin, I swear it!! I will not be denied, unless you are quicker on the draw and jab that martini glass into my eye before I get a chance to identify myself ;-D
I saw Project Object on 10/11/2007 in Troy NY, and it was my first time seeing Eric Play. I had been reading your blog occasionally through my RSS aggregator for a while, and when I mentioned to Eric that I read his mom's blog he said, "NO WAY." What a nice guy and a great player. I've seen P.O. several times and I think this was my favorite show.
ReplyDeleteI posted on Eric's blog but know you like the pictures so here is a link to the photos from the show! Enjoy and thanks for the great writing; I really enjoy your blog and am delighted to post some pictures and tell you hello!