Another photo from the Project Object Tour -- Eric "Slowhand" Slick
So I'm way busy editing/writing today and am quite pleased that I've not only refrained from killing the construction workers next door, I was also assertive and told them they could not use my water nor my hose. So there! That'll teach them to bang all day.
So yeah, just a quick reminder that the Project Object tour continues tonight in Charlotte, North Carolina at The Visulite Theater, doors at 8:00 p.m.; show at 9:00 p.m. Hey, click on that link even if you aren't in North Carolina. What a cool venue!
Anyway, I took a quick Google break to see if there are any new reviews of the show and I found this really sweet note on "Meghan's My Space"
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Project Object
Current mood: tired
Category: Music
I went last night not really knowing what to expect, but reviews from friends & what I'd read online assured me that I was in for a treat. And what a treat it was.
These musicians are amazing, I am now offically in love with David Johnsen who might be the best bassist currently living. A bold statement, I know, & I am a scorpio so of course I tend to exaggerate, however this guy is channeling energy from bass gods of old, he truely is AMAZING! I bought his solo album entilted "Quisqueya", for a whoping $7, and it is short, but it is good. The 2nd & 5th songs, "Dub the Hag" & "Quisqueya Bachata" respectively, feature Robbie "Seahag" Mangano, so needless to say they are killer tracks. After talking to the merchandise mama, I believe Laura was her name, she told me about the bassists other band Insidious Rays & now I have another band to get all excited about. Okay back to the task at hand the Project Object Show....
So Andre Cholomondeley, the guitarist & more, starts introducing members of the band, he gets to the drummer & he's like, this guys been seeing us play since he was 15........(long pause)......and now you see him playing with us at the age of 18!!! WHAT???? This kid, Eric Slick, is only 18? no freaking way! He is incredible, I read his bio, he started playing drums at the age of 2 & was discoverd by Project Object's keyboard player, Eric Svalgard, at the Paul Frank School of Music. Good find!!!
Onto Eric Svalgard, now you all know I love my keyboard players, & this guy is up there, there were quite a few times when he was playing that I was completly unable to do anything else but stare at his hands, his fingers seemed to carry me away, each and every note was squiggly & perfect, taking you to the right place at percisly the right time. I mean during his solos, I couldn't move a muscle I just stood there in awe, marveling this magnificent keyboard player.
Andre Cholomondeley had all the chops necessary to nail those hard licks. He was entertaining & funny as hell. He even called me out on hooping, then Ike Willis chimed in & I got a whole little blurb spiel about hooping, they even incorported it into one of their songs, Montana perhaps?? not too sure.
Then there's Ike Willis bringing it home, amazing, a legend,enough said! I cannot put into words how surreal it was to see the man responsible for the voice thats accompined me through many a listen of "Joe's Garage "& "Thing Fish". You could really feel him chaneling Fee Zee. I have to admit I was hoping Napolean Murphy Brock woulda been there but I'll definately take what I got.
What a show what a show!!!!I would love a setlist but don't have one as yet.
Now my friends that have seen them before said this wasn't their favorite band & by far not their favorite show, however for me seeing them for the first time, I was quite blown away!
If you like Zappa you gotta catch these guys, Project Object
Much Love, Many Blessings, & Positive Vibrations,
So that's pretty cool, huh.
Okay, break over.
I was going to sign off Sassy Mum again but I'm not feeling very sassy today...though I did refuse to give the construction workers water...
Wait...that doesn't sound right. Oh hell, never mind.
He's playing at Coda at 34th and Broadway this Sunday night but they don't even go on until 10:00 p.m.
ReplyDeleteSunday nights are tough but Project Object has a huge, loyal fan base on the east coast so I'm sure it'll be a blast. I'm probably not going to be there -- I'm going to the Baltimore show Saturday night. But you never know...
Hey, as usual, Pasha was wonderful in your blog today.