That's a photo of Zappanale 14 two years ago in Bad Doberan, East Germany, and yeah, yeah, that's me in front on the left with the long blonde hair. Wtf, I'm always posting pics of the kids...
Okay, as I enter day two of my retirement, I obviously have way too much time on my hands because I've been playing with the German to American translation book Eric went out and bought last night.
But first things first. I got an e-mail from Paul, who gives an educated guess that the kids will be seen on the webcast 2:00 p.m. on Friday and 3:00 p.m. on Saturday and probably around 2:00 p.m. Sunday for the finale. This is all eastern standard time. Seriously, just in case, I'd tune in sooner and like I said yesterday, you'll get to hear some great music and see some incredible sights so you've got nothing to lose.
Here is the link for the webcast: Fab Channel Zappa!
And now the moment you've all been waiting for -- important phrases you must memorize for hourly/daily use in Bad Doberan:
Nr., tue ich nicht Drogen
(No, I do not use drugs)
Wo ist das Badezimmer?
(Where is the bathroom?)
Nr., tue ich nicht Drogen
(No, I do not use drugs)
Ich bin zu jung zu trinken.
(I am too young to drink.)
Nr., tue ich nicht Drogen
(No, I do not use drugs)
Was ist gut, hier zu essen?
(What is good to eat here?)
Nr., esse ich nicht Schweinschnauze noch Schweinknöchel!
(No, I do not eat pig snout nor pig knuckles!)
Ja stimme ich, Präsident Bush bin ein dummes moron zu
(Yes, I agree, President Bush is a stupid moron)
Nr., tue ich nicht Drogen
(No, I do not use drugs)
Ich bin zu jung zu trinken.
(I am too young to drink.)
Ja stimme ich, Präsident Bush bin ein dummes moron zu
(Yes, I agree, President Bush is a stupid moron)
Wo ist das Badezimmer?
(Where is the bathroom?)
Have fun, guys! I'm so, so jealous I'm not coming along this time but someone has to be victim of Julie the Social Director!
One major tip: The CD tent on the festival grounds is fucking awesome. I brought home Beatle and solo Beatle CDs that caused even the world's biggest Beatle historian to drop his jaw. The imports and bootlegs in that tent are a collector's dream, and the prices are incredibly cheap. Obviously the emphasis is on Zappa but you can find stuff you never knew existed and you're all gonna freak. Also, you will want to go to the "dollar store" on the main drag and stock up on Ritter Sport Bars, preferrably with coconut or hazlenuts. This is the best fucking chocolate bar you will ever eat and it's only one Euro and it's king sized. Bring some home for your poor parents!
And one more time, all together now:
Ja stimme ich, Präsident Bush bin ein dummes moron zu
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