Okay, I'm full of really cool links at the moment.
First, here's a link to hear three songs by Flamingo, my son's fantastic band.
Second, here's a link to see one of his 18th birthday presents, which I must admit, is the coolest gift ever. He gets to go to upstate New York and spend up close and personal time with Levon Helm in his own private studio. Levon Helm is of course the drummer for The Band, and as I've been bragging non stop, Eric now sings "The Weight" and drums along with it and it brings me to tears every time I hear it.
Third, here's a link to a new website, www.Farmer-Ted.com, dedicated to political activism...i.e...stop the madness currently going on in the White House; get off your asses and PROTEST!!! You can submit stories, photos, and there's a talk back forum as well. Make this site a daily stop, okay?
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