Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Adrian Belew Power Trio in Fort Wayne, IN

Real quick - if you are lucky enough to be in the Fort Wayne, Indiana area today, you can catch the Adrian Belew Power Trio hanging out while Ade gives a workshop, seminar, whatever at Sweetwater Music Instruments and Pro Audio...and then the trio will perform a free show tonight for as long and as many of you want...nice little newspaper article and further details here!

(Photo by Gary Slick taken sometime during the last ABPT tour)

Also...Eric has updated his blog.

Apparently, he has, um, sullied the Robert Fripp suite.

And in other news..

Now be good little kiddies and scroll down to the post below and enter the contest to win a free copy of my new book...I've extended the deadline until this Friday.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The (Mostly) Robin Slick Post

Edited to add: The contest deadline has been extended to February 20, 2009. Your responses, both here and on my blog over at Salon, are so brilliant I am awaiting decisions from a couple of impartial judges to help me out here. And so there is still time to enter -- I'll announce the winner on Monday February 23.

Okay, time to stop whatever you are doing, jump up and down, and scream Yes! Yes! Yes!

Oh. Wait. That's me screaming. Erm. Sorry. But okay, I'm a little bit excited. After five years of total insanity, three agents, many rewrites, quitting my job of over two decades to write it...Daddy Left Me Alone with God is now in print and available at Amazon...look for it at Barnes and Noble, Borders, and yes, even an independent bookstore near you shortly. But for now, you can purchase it right here!

I wanted to mention the goddess responsible for not only my book cover but for all of the cool promo which will be forthcoming when I come to a town near you to sign, read, and generally party over the book's release. And she is also a brilliant author in her own write, the lovely (oh is she ever!) Stella Price.

Is it lame to be excited about promo? Not in this case. Along with the usual postcards, magnets, t-shirts, keychains, etc., Stella has designed very special custom guitar picks for me, which I purchased through the absolutely fabulous In Tune Guitar Picks...some of which will be, d'oh, just picks, but others of which I will be busy turning into some really cool jewelry - earrings, chokers, and whatever else my devious little brain can come up with, but here's a sneak peek of the pick itself - all of which will be black with silver print/design, some of which will matte, some of which will be glossy:

And where will I be in the coming months? Well, my favorite webmaster, Scott of Nerdy Rhino Development has updated my website...go on...have a look...you know you want to...and he's added a new feature, Where's Robin? Look for more dates and places to appear in the coming weeks, but so far, my first event is in Orlando, Florida for four days in April - the 22nd through the 26th right here.

Isn't the "moving" Daddy banner on my front page cool?

And now about the book itself...

Daddy Left Me Alone with God started out as two separate entities...the first of which was a short story published in an anthology, Rebellion: New Voices of Fiction, and not to toot my own horn, but this is a book really worth picking up as it contains stories by incredibly fantastic authors, some of whom are good friends.

But really, it's the second aspect that is the meat of the book. In 2004, when the Paul Green School of Rock was just beginning to make their mark on the world and Julie and Eric Slick were the two of the original twenty-two All-Stars, Paul took the kids on a three week tour across America, playing in clubs everywhere from Salt Lake City, Utah to Spokane, Washington to Phoenix, Arizona to Boise, Idaho, etc. Julie and Eric were 17 and 18 at the time and I learned that this would be a real rock and roll tour...um, meaning, a real rock and roll tour of a group of musicians who hadn't quite "made it". Translation: Spending some nights traveling 13 hours by bus; some days with no hotels, no showers, 22 kids eating tacos from fast food restaurants on the way and then sharing one porta-potty on said bus. Ever the neurotic, over-protective mother, I said "There's no way you are going on this trip without me!" So I signed up as a chaperone and got a lot more than I bargained for. No one over the age of forty should ever spend that much time on a bus with 22 teenagers in raging hormone hell (both them and me) -- certainly not without a comfortable bed to sleep in every evening or hot and cold running water. There were times I thought I was going to die. But somehow I managed to write a daily journal of the tour, and documented everything. Early readers of this blog may remember my day by day account of this fabled event, warts and all (since deleted).

Did you ever have an experience in life which you wish you had the opportunity to do over? While on that bus, I was so freaked out by lack of sleep and proper nutrition (my own fault...I could have chosen healthier options on the road), that I failed to really appreciate all of the good on that tour - seeing places in America I never dreamed existed, (did you know Wyoming is mostly surrounded by red mountains/rocks? It looks like Mars! And ohhh...the beauty of San Francisco...) hearing incredible music every single night as the kids just got better and better...and watching the amazing, amazing comradery grow between this unlikely group of extremely talented group of friends/musicians.

And so I decided to rewrite the book as it should have been written in the first place -- full of joy and wonder and har har, anonymous characters as opposed to a strict non-fiction account naming names. So yes, while the book has a strong backstory of the 2004 School of Rock west coast tour and some of you may think you recognize yourselves, trust me, you've all been turned into...muhahahahaha...other people. Ahem. Some of you, anyway.

But the book was still missing something. What, you might ask? Well, how about something about the author? Why was she on the trip? Did she have any ulterior motives? Why yes, she did. Did she have a deep, dark secret?

From the book's back cover blurb:

"At age seventeen, Annie had a love affair with a man ten years her senior, legendary British rock guitarist Mick Saunders.

Now...feeling desperate to change her life, she is unexpectedly given the chance to reconnect with Mick while chaperoning her fledgling rock star teenagers on a tour across America.

To Annie, this opportunity to recapture her past is a dream come true. But will she and Mick be able to pick up where they left off?"

Hmm...is Annie my alter ego? Is this book really a memoir? Or is it simply a fictional tale, woven into the story to make it more interesting?

Ha ha - how about all of the above?

So when you read Daddy, you may learn more about me than you ever wanted.

Or not.

You be the judge.

Would you like a free copy? Okay. I've decided to launch a little contest here in connection with a new book by the editors at the fabulous Smith Magazine, where I also have a little piece of the internet. The book is also available at Amazon, it's called Six Words on Love and Heartbreak, and you can purchase it right here.

And in furtherance of that...this is your challenge. Write me a six word memoir on love and heartbreak. Post it in comments here, or email it to me (but let me know in your email if I have permission to post it on the blog). I'll choose one or two winners or more, depending on the amount of entries I receive...and that lucky person(s) will receive not only a copy of the book, autographed, but some fabulous guitar picks/jewelry as well.

Cool? Cool!

In closing, um, I did say this was the "mostly" Robin Slick post. As most of you know, Julie and Eric are down in Nashville recording their very first studio CD with Mr. Belew. I trust all of you have seen this?

Okay! Write me your six word memoir on love and heartbreak. I'm really looking forward to knowing a little bit about each of you, too.


Sunday, February 08, 2009

The (Mostly) Julie Slick Post

So yesterday I hung out with Julie at her apartment and we had an absolute blast.

I arrived around noon, starving, which is always a good idea when you visit Julie Slick because she is a Master Chef and to waste those talents would be just plain dumb. And because she is both my daughter and best friend, she was totally prepared for me to visit in that state and made me an awesome omelet stuffed with sliced avocado and goat cheese and topped with black bean chili in mole sauce with toasted almonds, accompanied by a side salad of arugula, avocado, and walnuts in a light caramelized onion vinaigrette. Those red squiggles on the plate turned out to be hot sauce...very, very good with the dish for sure.

Julie will be talking more about this meal and including the recipes and more photos in her next blog post, but in the meantime, she has updated her journal with a great broccoli cheddar soup and garlic cheese pitas...we are dead serious about our cookbook...anyway, here's a link to Ms. Julie's latest entry.

After lunch, we broke out the paints. Within a half hour, Julie had managed to sketch out a brilliant beginning to a portrait of Igor Stravinsky, it took me two hours to accomplish the piece on the left -- I know, I know, it looks like the work of a genius...um, a seven year old genius, that is...but I have high hopes for that painting and it's only in its beginning stages.

Unfortunately, we will not be having another "date" until after February 18, because as I've been broadcasting all over the internet, tomorrow Julie and Eric are headed for Nashville to Casa Belew to begin recording their first studio CD, "E". What's that, you might ask? Well, let me quote Adrian on that:

"so...what is "e" ?
of course it's rather senseless to talk
about music you have yet to hear,
but senseless is my middle name, so here goes.

e is a thematic piece of music in five sections.
it is based on a 16-note chromatic figure
which can be played up and down the neck,
both forwards and backwards and in various keys.
it could be seen as five pieces of music,
since each section can stand alone
but I prefer it as one long piece.
how long? 40 to 50 minutes.

the chromatic e figure is used in compelling ways
both against itself and with itself
to create complex rhythms and harmonies.
each of the five pieces of music flow through
a wide variety of secondary themes and melodies
some of which reappear, but they all are based upon
and eventually come back to
the e figure.

in some areas the timbre of the piece
is much like something King Crimson might do,
but I've used Gershwin, and Stravinsky
for my guidance and inspiration as well.
I have been writing e for more than two years!
it's very difficult (at least for me) to play.
along the way I make 16 different loops.
in order to add parts and solos over top of the loops
each loop has to be perfect, of course.

e has been written and arranged
specifically for the mighty power trio.
but it may also be worthy of classical orchestration.
I could hear a rock trio treatment
and a classical treatment (with horns, strings, etc.)
and even a combination of the two.
but I'm getting way ahead of myself.
classical treatments don't fall off trees.

as diligent and single-minded as eric and julie
and I have been in our approach to learning e,
we have yet to actually record a single note.
this being eric and julie's first "new" record
I'm hoping to make something grand
for them to be proud of.

then we'll have to play it live."

All I can tell you is, I've heard the rough cuts and it's a masterpiece...a classic in the making. Stay tuned for news about just where and when they will be playing it live, though Pollstar has a few dates up already.

Getting back to my day with Julie...

After we were finished painting, Julie smiled at me with an evil little grin and said "Okay, now we're going to play Wii!"

"But...but...I hate video games..."

"Trust me, Mom, you're going to love this. And it's great exercise!"

Ahem. Love and exercise do not go together in my world, but okay, I'll give it a try.

And now a series of photographs where I am clearly having a heart attack. Please also note two things. One, I am not that fat. I was literally wearing three shirts because I was cold, and the final t-shirt on top was a large to accommodate the two shirts underneath. Second, please notice said t-shirt. It says "The Smart One" and I scored it from the author of an incredible book with that very title (which I just cannot recommend enough), the beautiful and brilliant Ellen Meister, who was kind enough to give me a new blurb for my latest novel...and you will read all about that in the next day or two in "The (Mostly) Robin Slick Post". I am currently in the midst of updating my website to feature the book and links where you can buy it...and there will also be a contest where you can win free copies, hot off the press.

But for now, let's watch Robin have a coronary:

Okay, you can clearly see my Smart One t-shirt in this photo, as well as my Wii avatar, which sadly looks exactly like me...especially when Wii put big white shoes on my feet whilst playing baseball which made me feel -- both in real life and Wii World -- as though this was the Special Olympics and I was the participant who scored so low she got the Good Sportsmanship trophy and even that only because the judges took such pity on her.

Finally, after much huffing and puffing and going through ridiculously stressful games of tennis, baseball and gah! bowling where I almost slammed my daughter in the face accidentally, fell backwards several times, and nearly broke a lamp, Wii gave me my true age:

Oh yes, "Good Job". I'm sixty-seven.

Please. Kill. Me.

My Wii Fitness Age, however, is an age I aspire to achieve in real life because at this point, I'll be happy to live another week.

I admit it. I went home and drank several shots of Jack Daniels to rid myself of post-Wii back pain because Advil just didn't do it for me.

Oh, okay, it was more because it was Saturday night and I felt like partying...I'd just spent an amazing day with my daughter.

Alrighty, that's enough out of me. Stay tuned for news concerning the long-awaited release of my first mainstream novel, Daddy Left Me Alone with God...and as soon as I get the okay to talk about the major happenings in Eric Slick's world, you guys will be the first to know.

Oh wow...wait...this just popped up and I'm afraid to say much more because of the psychotic Mafia "Trust", but take a look at this...


Friday, February 06, 2009

The (Mostly) Eric Slick Post

So Eric Slick has been on tour for what seems like forever (I miss him!) with Project Object and I apologize that the You Tubes I put up last post have been removed by the psychotic "Zappa Family Trust". Anyway, I'm not wasting any more valuable time or words on that, so let me switch gears and say that as soon as Eric gets back from touring Monday morning, he literally has just enough time to pack and head down to Nashville for ten days or so to record his first studio album with sister Julie Slick and Adrian Belew. Not a bad life, huh. And then of course there is the possibility of a momentous news flash (or three!) regarding Eric upon his return later this month, but I am forbidden to speak until it's all a done deal.

I do know that Eric and the boys played at the Morse Theater in Chicago last night so I'm hoping some reviews pop up later as is usual and customary from ardent fans in the windy city; I also know there was the possibility of some special guests in the audience, but right now, it's 6:00 a.m. in Philadelphia and I got nothing. Will come in with the usual edits later if/when I find additional stuff today.

But for now, from a review of a recent Project Object show:

"Most impressive amongst the band’s youth was the drummer, Eric Slick, who managed to sing a rendition of “Tryin’ To Grow A Chin” while beating the fuck out of his set. Out of anyone on stage that didn’t already have star power, Slick stole the show, throwing down colossal barrages of drum rolled amazement. He might’ve inspired the biggest reaction from the audience by the time the show was over."

And from the Ween Forum Board

"Saw 'Kid Slick' last night w/ Project Object- that kid is a fucking machine. Holding his own with a stage full of veterns."

And here's a recent interview he did for Temple News.

I found this blurb on the Music Player network, which led me to this website where you can hear Eric playing most excellently on David Essex' "Rock On" and the Beatles' "You Can't do That" along with Glenn McLelland on piano (Ween, Blood Sweat & Tears); Hal Selzer of Gary U.S. Bonds on bass...further details are on the MySpace page.

Doesn't the cover of the Beatles' You Can't Do that sound like a total Eric Clapton rendition? EC, if you are reading this, now you know who to use as your drummer next tour (heh)...and I even named my son after you so...

(I really did. I've written about that many times before but in case you are a new reader to this blog, Eric's full name is Eric James Marshall Slick, in honor of both Clapton and Jimi (James Marshall) Hendrix. Figures he'd be a drummer har har.)

Since Eric was on the road, he could not make the "Best Of" School of Rock Show with guest professor and another former David Bowie guitarist, Earl Slick. Gary filled his shoes, and he and Earl enjoyed a cigarette break outside the World Cafe Live, where Gary kidded him about being the fictional father of our kids. It's totally true, though, I cannot tell you how many blogposts and other news articles I read about my kids where they are called offspring of rock royalty, i.e., Grace Slick, Earl Slick, Slick Rick...okay, I'm lying about Slick Rick but that should be obvious. (Insert smiley face emoticon here).

Anyway, Gary was kind enough to furnish me with the following photo of him and Earl, hereafter known as Slick & Slick. Too bad Eric wasn't around to complete the trio, but Slick & Slick sounds like the law firm from hell, doesn't it?

In answer to the other question I know you are all waiting for with baited breath, Julie and I did not have art night on Monday; we moved it to tomorrow morning so that we could paint in natural light. And sober. Because you know if I ended up at her place in the evening, we'd be busy stuffing our faces and drinking copious amounts of alcohol, and the conversation would go like this:

"Do you want to paint now, Mom?"

"Um, not yet. More wine please. And could you please pass the hummus? Mmm...what did you make this with? Corn? Roasted peppers? What? It's the best hummus I ever ate..."

She really does make the best hummus, I kid you not.

We are collaborating on a cookbook/rock music tour and travel guide and I'll have a lot to say about that in the near future. I've prepared a couple drafts of a query and am currently putting the finishing touches on a proposal. One agent has already looked at it and I've had interest from others so I need to get the proposal finished within the next few days, but yeah, it will be called Having My Bass and Eating It, Too - I know I've mentioned it here before - and it's loosely based on both of our blogs and will include all of Julie's amazing and unique recipes, drawings, photos...I can't wait! And yep, that hummus recipe will be included...

So that's all for now but I am definitely going to check in with Eric later this morning so trust me, if I find out I can tell you any more news or I learn of anything else related to the Project Object tour or Eric's other future endeavors, I will be back.


Sunday, February 01, 2009

Odds and Sods for Sunday, February 1, 2009

Gah! I can't believe it's February already. As my favorite waiter in an Asian fusion restaurant once told me, "Time fries, Lobin."

So this past Friday, January 30 was beautiful daughter Julie Slick's 23rd birthday:

I'm sorry, I know this photo (posted here many times cos' I love it) is not current as evidenced by the bass she's playing, but it's one of my favorites -- from her very last "Best Of" Rock School show at the Troc almost five years ago!

And speaking of that, if you live in the Philadelphia area and want something very cool to do prior to the Super Bowl, be at World Cafe Live at 2:00 today for the winter, 2009 version of that same event, which will feature kids/songs from last week's fabbo Philadelphia Beatle show and students from Wilmington, Princeton, and Cherry Hill School of Rock as well. You can purchase your tickets right here!

Oh, did I mention the show will also include "Guest Professor" Earl Slick? Ha ha, Gary finally gets to meet the man/guitarist most often confused as the father of our two kids. We have a running family joke that Earl should play a gig with Julie and Eric called Slick, Slick, Slick...then it turns out Eric may be playing with him at some point in the future afer all - not sure yet, though and Eric will probably call me on the phone and yell at me if he reads this but yes, it has been talked about as a one-off. By the way, Eric is currently on tour with Project Object and I apologize for falling behind in my usual PR on the blog - they've already done shows in Teaneck, NJ, Baltimore, MD, and Sellersville, PA but tonight should be a great one down in Falls Church, Virginia -- they are opening the doors early for patrons to watch the Super Bowl on big screen television; then Project Object will take the stage immediately thereafter. Ticket information can be found right here.

Here's two You Tubes of the band filmed in November, 2008 - some tasty stuff:

Speaking of great You Tubes, I know I promised a couple from the Beatle show last week but I was so freaking busy I didn't get around to it so let me make amends now. By the way, I was the crazy woman sitting by herself at a table sipping wine and bawling over every song. Of course that was partially a result of being up the entire night before partying in New York (see prior post) and then watching kids ages 6-17, from all cultures, backgrounds, and even disabilities perform the White Album in its entirety - I was their age when it was first released and naturally it played a huge part in my musical and creative life...so if you were there and wondering "Who the hell is that sobbing lunatic?" now you know...

Yep, the show was incredible and Eric, as the show's music director, and Gary, as his assistant, just did a stellar job with these kids.

Okay, what else. Oh yeah, Julie's birthday. Well, we all went out as a family (minus Eric, who was gigging in Baltimore that night, but filling his seat was Julie's significant other, Matt) to Chloe at 232 Arch Street in Philadelphia. We had a most excellent meal but I forgot to bring the camera so you'll have to take my word that the appetizers of lobster/crab crepes swimming in lobster bisque, oysters in garlic butter, spicy grilled shrimp with chili, coconut cilantro sauce, served atop corn cakes, and Chloe Salad with baked panko crusted goat cheese, mixed greens, red onion, and orange chipotle dressing were totally awesome, as were our entrees of grilled salmon fillet with crispy polenta, sweet and sour eggplant chutney, and parsley gremolata (me), pan seared sea scallops, crispy potato pancake, watercress and red onion salad, smoked chile and sour cream drizzle (Julie); baby back pork ribs, macaroni & cheese, seared spinach, bourbon chipolte glaze (Matt)...and center cut pork chop with sweet potato mash and grilled apples (Gary).

For dessert we split a light cheesecake (I only had a forkful...damn diet) and banana bread pudding (ditto).

Julie wanted art supplies as her gift, so yesterday the two of us went to a couple of way cool stores and picked up all kinds of things - tubes of paint, canvases, brushes...and while we were at Chloe, we noticed they had these really unique "lamps"...candles in pint glasses which were wrapped in gorgeous paper and tied in twine...very atmospheric and neat. So I knew of an art supply store which sells all kinds of crazy paper by the sheet (Taws, at 16th and Locust)...we picked up some lovely burnt orange, textured paper, pale ivory with moss green highlights..and dark green twine. Monday night has now been designated as "Robin and Julie Art Night" so I'm heading over to Julie's new digs tomorrow night for dinner (she's cooking me either scallops over warm lentil salad or black bean chili - I don't know yet); then we are making our lamps and we're both going to paint. It's so weird. I was an art major when I was in high school and thought that it would be my career. It's only been lately that I've had a strong desire to get back into it, and I never said a word to anyone in my family...then Julie expresses the same urge and that she wanted paints for her birthday. It was so freaky! So to say I'm looking forward to tomorrow night is putting it mildly.

Okay, I have all kinds of things to do today...I am dying to show you my new, finished book cover; what I plan to give away as promo (you are all going to want to read my new book just based on what you're going to get with each copy you buy! I'm so excited and will link you to the person/artist responsible next post)...but I want to make that a separate journal entry so hang on...it's coming...

One final note, which I will be posting again...there is a very special event happening for those of you living near Fort Wayne, Indiana on February 17. You can read about it here. And yes, the dynamic duo will be joining him...


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Stick Men, UKZ, Julie Slick, NYC, and W Hotel...INSANE

As advertised, Julie Slick and I went to New York City this weekend and oh man, did we have a blast. This Friday is my beautiful daughter's 23rd birthday, so this trip was also a bit of an advance gift though we usually celebrate Ms. Julie's birthday the entire month of January.

There's the princess on stage at World Cafe Live last year.

Anyway, the last time we spent the night in New York, because we had so many plans and places to be, we decided it was silly to stay in a really nice hotel when we could use the money for other things, so I did a quick internet search and booked a room at a place described on the internet thusly: "Our 700 comfortable, renovated rooms, were designed with the budget traveler in mind. If you are looking for a good value in a great location, our hotel is for you. For a very reasonable price, you can enjoy our excellent service and all the amenities you need to make your stay in New York City a pleasant one."

Ahem. Good value? Well, yeah, if you don't mind towels and sheets with brown spots on them accompanied by the distinct smell of pee, a window in the room which did not lock and led to a catwalk where any maniac could stroll by and make an unannounced visit; a bathroom without a door...arghhh...Julie and I ended up calling Eric, who by chance had a gig in NYC that night, and begged him to come stay with us so that we'd have a male presence in case a murderer or rapist was in the building.

"You're staying WHERE?" Eric exclaimed when we pleaded for his company. "Oh my God, that's the place where Bill Bruford found a rat in his room when he was touring with King Crimson!"

I do believe I blogged about that experience here a couple years ago, but I'm too lazy to find the link. Trust me, it was traumatic.

Needless to say, I was never going to let that happen to me again, so this time, I decided to go all the way and book a spectacular room and surprise Julie with the location -- when we got off the train at Penn Station, she had to idea where we were staying until we actually arrived at the hotel door.

Now this was much more our style...and to see Julie's face when we walked into the lobby was priceless - damn I wish I had my camera out to catch her smile:

The bar was pretty hilarious, though. These were not New York hipsters, but rather New Yorker wannabes hipster wannabes and um, they kind of failed. But who am I to judge; and hey, we were there, too, though even I'm not crazy enough to drink in a place charging $17.00 for a cocktail. Okay, I'm lying, but still.

Now our bedroom was quite worth it -- and note to self: After you do this blog post, look up what kind of pillows they use at the W because you really need to order some for your bed in Philadelphia:

Check-in time was at 3:00 p.m. and we had to be at Town Hall at 7:30 for the Stick Men and UKZ Band show so that left us with approximately four hours to do our usual shopping and eating damage.

"Now Julie," I said. "Please. We don't have much time and I'm already exhausted from the walk from Penn Station (32nd Street) to the W (47th Street). Town Hall is at 43rd Street. Promise me you aren't going to make me go to the East Village on foot. Every time we're here, you swear you aren't going to run me ragged but somehow you manage to drag me twenty-five miles . You can't do that to me tonight; we have a show to see and hopefully an after-show hang-out with the bands. And, because you need to be at work on Sunday and I have to be at the Beatle show at noon, we have to be on a 6:45 a.m. train home so that's not going to give us a lot of time and I really, really, really want to save my energy for the show tonight.

"Okay, Mom, I promise. And since you did hint that we were staying sort of near the train station, I looked up some shops in the area and I know exactly where I want to go...plus, the wine bar we chose for a light pre-concert meal is on 31st Street near Broadway so that's the farthest we'll walk, I swear."

"Thank God," I sighed. Okay. 31st Street wasn't that far a hike. And I figured even though Town Hall was only a short 12 block walk, after Julie had a few glasses of wine, it would be easy to convince her to take a cab.

"The first store I want to visit is at 45th and 9th Avenue," she said as we exited the W.

Arghh...Broadway to 9th Avenue alone is almost as far as walking ten blocks. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but already I was starting to see where this was leading.

"What kind of shop is this?" I asked.

"Home decor. All the places I want to go are home decor. C'mon Mom, I have a new apartment and I want to get some cool stuff!"

Erm, "all the places she wants to go"? How many were there? Okay, here's the plan. Buy her whatever she wants at Store #1 and mitigate the damages, i.e., she won't need to go anywhere else afterwards, other than the wine bar. I was starving and eagerly anticipating out visit there.

Well, no such luck. I could tell as soon as we walked in that there was nothing in that shop which Julie would want. It was more touristy than anything else, and though they did have some cute, offbeat knickknacks, they didn't have anything that were one of a kind pieces, signed by the artist...stuff I taught Ms. Julie to appreciate from the time she was a young little pup. I mean, if you collect penguins or frogs, this is the place for you - penguin salt shakers, pitchers...you get the idea.

Julie and I both turned our noses up and left.

"What now?" I asked, with more than a little trepidation.

"Well, I've been dying to go to ABC Carpet and Home," she replied with a devilish grin.

"Where's that?"

"19th Street," she answered sheepishly.

"19th Street! Oh God, Julie, that's the Flat Iron District - and right on the way to the East Village. 19th and where?"


"Broadway! Broadway is really more like 5th Avenue down there. That's like a ten mile walk!"

"Mom, you're exaggerating."

"Oh man...but this is exactly what I did not want to do. It's already 4:00 p.m.; by the time we walk there, it will be after 5:00 p.m.; that's like a six floor store so I know you'll want to spend at least an hour in there; we'll have to rush through dinner and then by the time we get to Town Hall, I'll be snoring in my seat."

"Mom...stop. We don't have to go. Actually, I'm starving. Let's just walk to 31st Street and go to the wine bar."

"Really? Are you sure?" Naturally I was smacked with guilt. Stop being such an old whining curmudgeon, I said to myself. How often do you get to spend quality time with your daughter.

"Really. I am fine with just eating, going back to the hotel to change, and then heading out to the show."


Of course I then learned that the wine bar was not only at 31st Street, which was 14 short blocks away, but at Fifth Avenue, which was decidedly not short blocks from where we were on 9th if you are at all familiar with NYC. But I figured a two mile walk was nothing in my travels with Julie and I gladly started walking, though cursing myself for wearing, erm, trendy high black leather boots instead of comfortable walking shoes. But this was because I thought we were going straight to the show...had I known we were going back to the hotel so Julie could change into a dress (sometimes I think they switched babies on me in the hospital), I would have gone with footwear a lot more sensible.

Anyway, we arrived at our destination at 4:30 p.m. and we could tell just from the exterior that we'd picked a winner.

Our culinary destination of choice was Ayza Wine and Chocolate Bar and with a name like that, how could it be bad?

Of course there was one slight problem. They didn't open until 5:00 p.m. and we had thirty minutes to kill.

"ABC Home and Carpet?" Julie asked hopefully.

"Noooooooo...." I moaned.

"Oh, c'mon, Mom. What else are we going to do? And we're already at Fifth Avenue. If you think about it, 19th Street is only twelve blocks away, and they are such short blocks it's more like six blocks. It'll be good exercise. And I promise we can take a cab back."

Julie really does hate cabs and I can't say I blame her - she's not only a health nut who believes in going everywhere on foot, she loathes wasting money on taxis. Again, there goes that "baby must have been switched in the hospital" theory I have but hey, even though I know that's not true, if it was man oh man did I make out on that deal!

So, despite her promise to the contrary, my poor swollen feet and I started walking and yuck, we encountered an area of NYC I'd never had the pleasure of seeing before - the cell phone/perfume/watch/wig district. I'm serious. There were at least one hundred stores, over a four block stretch, which all sold exactly the same thing. Bottles of stinky discounted perfume, cheap watches, cell phones, and inexplicably, synthetic hair wigs. And outside each were hawkers, yelling at us to come in, come in, see our beautiful merchandise.


"Let's not walk this way back to the restaurant," Julie said.

No shit.

We arrived at ABC in fifteen minutes so yeah, it wasn't that bad, but once in the store, I almost died. It was like this incredible assault on every single one of my senses. I mean, it was utterly fantastic, but there was just too much stuff to see; the prices were INSANE (I mean, there were stacks of plates teetering on a display table; I'd pick one up and it had a $500.00 price tag)...there had to be several million dollars worth of inventory scattered throughout and there were security guards everywhere. But wow, the place was freaking packed with customers. You'd never know there was a recession going on by the looks of all the happy shoppers.

But can I just say this? While they had a lot of really cool stuff, once again, nothing was one of a kind; I think they have a bunch of savvy buyers who go to Thailand and buy stuff in bulk for pennies and then bring it back to ABC and mark up the price by like 5,000%.

I could be wrong but I doubt it.

Julie was also not impressed though she did say she "got a lot of ideas" by looking at the stuff and then snidely adding "I can probably find similar things at Pier One imports...not that I would buy anything there..."

I sighed and looked at my watch. 5:20. Yes! We could eat!

I had no trouble at all dragging Julie from the store, and we happily loped back the twelve (short...I had to keep reminding myself they were short) blocks to 31st Street. By then the sun had set and the temperature had dropped by, oh, like thirty degrees so I was not only exhausted, I was freaking freezing to death. But please don't interpret this as whining - I was having the time of my life with my very best girlfriend.

We were really excited when we entered Ayza. As soon as we sat down, our server brought us a complimentary sake sized cup of warm mulled wine and a basket of interesting sliced baguettes with accompanying dipping oil (and that little oil cup contained a half a dozen really awesome imported olives).

"I think this is pistachio cherry bread," Julie said, swooning as she took a bite.

I grabbed the remaining piece of that and rolled my eyes in pleasure as well.

"You picked a great spot, Jules. Good job!"

I got that gorgeous smile again. Have I mentioned how much I adore my daughter?

We struggled with the menu because there were so many choices but worried that we might be eating again after the show, so we decided to keep it simple, light, and share each dish. We started off with "wild mushrooms dusted with fresh herbs".

Unbelievable. Hands down the best mushrooms I've had anywhere. Our next course was "Hot Artichoke Hearts with Irish cheddar cheese and ripe tomatoes" (as opposed to unripe tomatoes?) and it was so awesomely delicious we forgot to take a photo. Oh well. Trust me, it was even better than it sounds, and came with toasted pita points.

Naturally we were still starving so we asked our waitress if the salads were full sized or tiny plates like the mushrooms and artichokes.

"Oh, you two can easily share a salad," she replied. Of course I should have taken into consideration that she was like a size zero and probably thought a tablespoon of peanut butter could be split in quarters and enjoyed by four people but whatever. Anyway, our salad, though small enough for me to inhale with three forkfuls, was outrageous - "Goat Cheese Brulee with mixed field greens, toasted walnuts, marinated beets, truffle oil and walnut sherry vinaigrette".

Interestingly enough, though, and somewhat disappointing, was the fact that they only offered maybe five-six choices each of red and white wine, which was way strange for a restaurant dubbing itself a wine bar. I questioned our server if there were any specials after looking over a not so exciting list, but she said they change the list almost weekly so that explained that.

In any event, Julie was most happy with her Malbec and I enjoyed a lovely Albarino. Okay, so we both enjoyed more than one. It was just such a cool place with great vibes; for a brief moment we considered dessert because they offered plates of home made chocolate truffles, but then I remembered my stupid diet which I'd already broken by even having the smidge of cheese and bread so we refrained.

By now it was somehow 7:00 p.m. so yeah, we hopped a cab back to the W, Julie changed into a beautiful black dress and high black boots and even put on eyeliner (mine)...and off we went to Town Hall which...sigh...was another five block walk in what was now total sub-zero weather but we had an absolute blast.

Wow. Does this mean I finally get to talk about the music? Yay! I've been writing a mini-series here, I know, but we had so much fun I wanted to document everything. Oh wait, before I launch into said music, I did want to say as Groupie Mom, I was in heaven. So many fans in the theater recognized Julie it was ridiculous.

"Oh my God, there's Julie Slick, Adrian Belew's bass player. Hi, Julie! We love your work. Where's Adrian? Where's Eric?"

"Eric is music director for a Rock School show today so he couldn't make it," we repeated like a broken record all evening. Not that I minded...(but it would have been awesome if he could have made it to NYC, too)

So we schmoozed in the lobby for fifteen minutes before taking our seat, and once we did sit down, Julie turned to me and grinned.

"Get your money's worth just now, Mom?" she teased me.

"Ha! You know it. I'm just so proud of you..." (and naturally I got all teary eyed but I managed to stop myself from completely falling apart)

The fabulous Stick Men took the stage. What can I say about Tony Levin and Pat Mastelotto that I haven't said already in prior posts? They are just amazing, amazing musicians and I absolutely adored this trio, which also featured someone I'd never seen live, the brilliant (and movie star handsome) Michael Bernier on Chapman stick. They reminded me of the Adrian Belew Power Trio the way they smiled at each other and interacted on stage. A highlight of the show was when both Tony and Michael played their sticks with bows...just gorgeous material - I literally could have watched them all night except for the fact that I was just so excited about seeing Eddie Jobson perform next - his first show in the United States in close to thirty years.

This is when I wish I had some music journalist training. There are some lovely reviews of this show by real musicians over at Progressive Ears forum board but please take into account that there are always asshats who have something negative to say -- as I remarked in my comments section to a particular idiot yesterday, "You are pretty bold sitting behind your monitors in your mother's basement, aren't you." I don't mean to be nasty in saying that, but I don't know, it freaks me out when people take shots at musicians who are legends...and legends for a reason because they are brilliant and have long, stellar careers. Michael and Tony were just so interesting together - they're doing something different and creative in this band, and Pat...well, at one point I turned to Julie and said, "You know, you can really tell that Eric has studied Pat Mastelotto. He reminds me so much of Pat in both his playing style and even his smile and facial gesture while he's drumming...I don't think I ever noticed it before. Of course it could be that when Pat played with you guys, I watched you (Julie and Eric and Ade); and when he played with King Crimson, it just wasn't the same vibe and from where I was sitting, I could see Gavin Harrison and truth to tell, the sound system at the Keswick sucked and really all I could hear was Gavin, too. Which is not a cut on Gavin Harrison...no way (btw, I hope everyone got a chance to read his most excellent interview in Modern Drummer)...but it was what it was and I had bad feelings that night from the minute I arrived because of security guards screaming over and over again NO CAMERAS NO CAMERAS like we were a ten year old audience attending a Hannah Montana show...actually we were treated more like criminals just waiting for the chance to break the law. Security guards (and, um, others) at concerts where the audience is made up of mostly middle aged people really need to lighten up. Oh, that's right, they're such derelicts, those baby boomers.

Anyway, here are some amazing shots of Stick Men taken by Ms. Julie Slick with her new Canon EOS 40D digital camera:

Then it was time for UKZ. Eddie Jobson is a genius. Adjectives that come to mind when I watch him play the keyboard and violin: Sensitive. Highly inventive. Haunting. Pure, unadulterated beauty.

He was amazingly humble on stage and was very endearing when he stood center stage and took the mic, thanking incredibly loyal and loving fans who'd come as far as South Africa and Sweden to see him play that night.

And then we have Trey Gunn on war guitar/bass (okay, I'm screwing that up, I know but it's now night time and I am drinking sake) and on drums, Marco fucking Minnemann. Marco's a monster. He's the best young drummer I've seen since Eric Slick. Holy fucking shit, his solo was a masterpiece. Oh, how I wished Eric were there but he's met him and seen him play and when I told him my impression, he said "I know, he's sick, isn't he?" Trey Gunn is pretty damn good, too. I'd never seen him before, either. Now I understand all the fuss. But naturally I could not help but remark to Julie "I hope he's wearing underwear." Because she laughed and didn't tell me to be quiet like I expected, I had to tell her what I was really thinking."I bet he's got a closet full of handcuffs and whips. And maybe even a dungeon in his house."

We both giggled and yes, I know, I'm a bad mother but we were tipsy on all kinds of wine. Oh yeah, and vodka/tonics in the Town Hall lobby. Hey, we were celebrating Julie's birthday!

Here's Trey and Marco. Aren't they cute?

Ahem. I say the skirt has to go.

Here's Alex Machacek, and it was immediately evident that he's a classically trained guitarist:

And cutie pie Marco during his solo:

Okay, now here was a serious highlight. Chill rendering. Tony and Pat took the stage for King Crimson's Larks Tongue in Aspic Part II. I am sitting there watching Eddie, Tony, and Trey and I'm so into it I'm giddy.

Hey, I know the guy in that last photo! It's Andre Cholmondeley, who was all around tech man for the show and about to go on tour himself along with my son and some real luminaries in the music world starting this Thursday through next Sunday. Click on Andre's name for further details.

I totally apologize for not posting a photo of vocalist Aaron Lippert. For some reason, I don't have a good photo. But trust me, he was amazing and I can't help it, I have to make the Greg Lake/John Wetton comparison. Same kind of poetic, lovely English voice although in reading his bio, I just learned he's "a citizen from Belgium, born in New York, and now a resident of Boston" so what do I know.

So because we, erm, had VIP backstage passes, we were lucky enough to be invited to a private party at a bar next door that Eddie arranged for all his fans who'd traveled the world to see him, and of course all of our pals from both bands were there as well. What an incredibly gracious thing to do! They had a private back room but Julie and I found ourselves at the bar area with Pat, Tony, and Bob Duncan from Roland. We had a blast though for some reason I get like the village idiot around Tony and can't form a coherent sentence but what can you do, it's not every day I converse with my musical heroes. Even after almost three years, I still get like the village idiot around Ade sometimes, too. Oh, who cares. Life is so fucking good it's ridiculous. Anyway, enough of that, one other cool thing was that I told Pat what I thought about his playing...seeing so much of him and Eric, and he seemed really humbled by that and replied "Eric has learned from a lot of drummers beside me!" which was an awesome thing to say but again, I was struck by how in sync the two of them were when I saw them play in Canada so I know I'm right.

Anyway, it was now 1:00 a.m. and Julie and I were totally wiped out and...sob...knew we'd only have five hours sleep in our wonderful bed a the W. So we braced ourselves for the five block walk in what now felt like an Arctic chill; we somehow made it back without turning into ice sculptures, changed into our pajamas and sunk into the insanely fantastic pillows, closing our eyes with contented sighs and wishing we could sleep until noon.

And then all hell broke loose.

Sirens - ambulances, fire engines, police; and they appear to be stopping outside our building. Wtf? More sirens. We get out of bed and peer out the window. We see reflections of twirling lights -- they're right outside. And then a big red alarm goes off in our room and starts flashing.

"Oh. My. God." I moaned to Julie.

"Mom, what do we do?"

"I don't know. They aren't telling us to evacuate yet and I'm sure they must have a loudspeaker system. Do you hear anyone out in the hall?"


"I'll call the front desk."

Naturally no one answered, even though I let it ring and ring and ring and they have 24/7 service.

Also naturally I started thinking I smelled smoke.

"I don't want to get dressed and go back out in the cold," Julie cried, burying herself further in the covers.

"Me, either." And I was so tired and inebriated I actually thought "Well, dying in the W Hotel in New York City would be a very fitting oh so cool death. Kind of like a Nelson Rockefeller deal."

But the light in our room kept flashing and I really did not want to meet my demise, especially after having such an extraordinary day/night with my daughter, so I figured I had to be responsible and get us the hell out of there. But just as I was about to insist, the loudspeaker finally came on and said "FALSE ALARM FALSE ALARM DO NOT EVACUATE DO NOT EVACUATE".

I mean, really. Only us. And now we were wide awake and completely freaked out.

So much for our evening in a luxury hotel.

We did manage to get an hour or two sleep and then our wake up call came at 6 and we had just enough time to throw on clothes, hop a cab, and race to Penn Station where our train was scheduled to leave for Philadelphia at 6:45 a.m.

Julie slept the whole way home; I am a lunatic who can't sleep on any moving vehicle because I know for a fact that the minute I do fall asleep, we will all be killed in a horrific accident.

We arrived in Philly by 8:00 a.m. and poor Julie headed off for a double shift at the restaurant where she works when she's not on tour as a fabulous rock star; I figured I'd at least get 4-5 hours sleep but learned as soon as I walked in that I had to be at the Beatle show earlier than expected and had just enough time to shower and get dressed before we had to leave.

Now. Normally I would launch into telling you all about the Beatle show, but that honestly deserves a post of its own so that will be my project tomorrow or the next day.

Anyway, for now, let me just say that the weekend was the best; the music was sublime, I had an awesome meal, and I spent quality time with one of the greatest woman in the universe - bass player extraordinaire, gourmet chef, and someone poised to conquer the world, my beautiful daughter and the birthday girl, Ms. Julie Slick.


Friday, January 23, 2009

Eddie Jobson/UKZ, Tony Levin/Stickmen, and The Beatles! This Weekend in Music!

So when's the last time I posted a Julie Slick/Robin Slick adventure story? Man, it's been ages, hasn't it? Well, I don't have anything for you today, but expect that to change because this weekend, Jules and I are headed for New York City for two days of shopping, eating, and..yeah!...going to Town Hall on Saturday night to see Julie's pals Eddie Jobson and Tony Levin performing with their new bands, UKZ Band and Stickmen, respectively. We are so, so totally psyched. From my private stash of photos, here's Eddie, Tony, and Pat Mastelotto performing in Russia last summer along with my favorite band in the entire world, The Adrian Belew Power Trio (you can see Julie in this photo, watching them play from the side of the stage), and below that is a photo I lifted from the Stickmen website, which also gives you their very exciting tour schedule:

Julie and I will be training it to NYC early Saturday afternoon and Julie doesn't know it, and won't unless she lies to me and really does read my blog, but I have booked us a room at a pretty damn spectacular hotel. I do have a recommendation for an awesome vegetarian restaurant nearby, but I'm open to suggestions for another or a great seafood restaurant...so if anyone reading this can give me a five star recommendation, I'm all "ears". Though it's incredibly tempting to return to the West Bank Cafe on 42nd Street, owned by a total King Crimson fanatic, and where we shared the most amazing, amazing meal back when Adrian, Julie and Eric played at BB King's last March. I fully documented the experience, including full details of the meal, right here and just reading it over...oh wow...yes, yes, very tempting...

I dunno, I'll have to check with my daughter and see if she's up for that. Or maybe we'll just grab some sushi and go out with the band after the show. I know King Crimson ate at West Bank Cafe when they played the Nokia this past summer so maybe Tony and Pat are up for a return visit, too.

Ha ha - pretty presumptuous, aren't I? Whenever I get like that, it usually means Julie and I will end up doing something entirely different.

Anyway, let me tell you about another very, very special concert this weekend: The School of Rock Beatle Show! What makes this extra wonderful is that this show commemorates the 40th anniversary of the White Album, and it will be performed in its entirety, in order, by kids ages 6-17. Eric Slick is the music director for the show, and he is assisted by his proud papa, Gary Slick, who has spent tireless hours getting this show together. Here's the details:

Saturday Jan 24, 03:00 pm

Sunday Jan 25, 03:00 pm

@ World Cafe Live
3025 Walnut St
Philadelphia, PA 19104

All Ages

Buy your tickets right here.

Obviously I won't be at the Saturday afternoon show as that is just about when Julie and I will be checking into our amazing hotel in NYC, but I will be there Sunday and I've been assured that I will pretty much be bawling the entire time -- that's how good this show is and how touching it will be to see the music I cut my teeth on performed by young, gifted students. I cannot wait!

So that's my weekend of music...I really hope to connect with a lot of you at the UKZ/Stickmen show in NYC and at the Beatle show in Philly - come over and say Hi and maybe I will give you candy...

In other news, Eric Slick, freshly back from NAMM and doing a top secret recording session on the west coast, is meeting me for lunch today and there is much to catch up on. As I've hinted, I've been sitting on major Eric news but until any of it is actually confirmed, I have promised that I won't blab anything. In the meantime, both Eric and Julie are anxiously and excitedly awaiting recording their first studio CD with Ade from February 9-17 down at Casa Belew in Nashville, and of course Eric goes out on the road with Project Object starting Thursday, January 29 at Mexicali Live in Teaneck, New Jersey.

Whoa! Wait a minute! Andre, why is Glenn Leonard in the band photo on Mexicali's website? He hasn't been your drummer for over two years since moving to Oregon and being replaced by Eric Slick! What did you do with all the new photos I forwarded you? Sheesh. That's it, I'm taking over as your publicist. This is just an unforgivable error. Ha!

By the way, Andre Cholmondeley is the tech man and all around everything man for the Stickmen/UKZ show Saturday night so we're very happy about that as well.

Anyway, can you tell I'm a little bit thrilled about spending two days with my daughter in Manhattan? And about seeing Tony and Pat again, and meeting Eddie Jobson? Well, in a perfect world...again, every time I assume anything...well, let's just say I had a vision of skating all by myself alone at Rockefeller Center at midnight. Wait. They're probably closed. Okay, me sitting by myself at the hotel bar. Ahem. But considering the hotel, that bar is a pretty damn fine choice. Now. If we can only get both bands to join us there...

Oy, I'm such a groupie Mom. Which you are all going to find out shortly when my first mainstream novel, a rock music memoir, is released next month. Yep, Daddy Left Me Alone with God is coming to a bookstore near you in just a few weeks, and not only is it a memoir, albeit highly fictionalized, it's also got a strong School of Rock back story which chronicles one of the first All-Star tours five years ago while Eric and Julie were still students...but again...fictionalized to protect the innocent (ha) and all positive. (The positive aspect is not fiction!) I was incredibly excited to receive a cover blurb from brilliant author Ellen Meister, who described my book thusly:

"At last--a funny, sexy and scathingly honest look at what it means to be an aging baby boomer in a world changing faster than a phone number on speed dial. With a fresh voice, a fast plot and a unique perspective on the new generation of sex, drugs, and rock and roll, DADDY LEFT ME ALONE WITH GOD is a delight from start to finish."
-- Ellen Meister, author of THE SMART ONE

And do you think I'm also a little stoked about that? Ellen is an incredible writer and to get that blurb from her gave me the utter chills. And I received it one day following the momentous occasion of the inauguration of the best President this country will ever have...you know, I can't even write about that yet as I'm still on such a high and you had to see me watching said inauguration...I started sobbing non-stop from the minute Aretha came out and sang...

Oh God, I'm teary eyed right now as predicted. Alright, enough out of me. Lots of stuff to do today, lunch with Eric, packing for NYC, scoping out restaurants and shops....ah...life is very, very good.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Adrian Belew and Eric Slick at NAMM - Name Dropping Post Part I

So I could name drop and tell you everyone Eric Slick and Adrian Belew are hanging out with at NAMM this weekend, besides each other, har har, but photos speak a thousand words or something like that. And I lifted the following from the Paiste website...as I've previously posted on billboards all over the internet, Eric endorses their cymbals:

"Highlights from day 3 of the 2009 Winter NAMM Show
Day 3 of the 2009 Winter NAMM show has come and gone quickly and again Paiste had a full day of drummers & percussionists flock to the booth to hear what the world’s finest cymbal makers had on display.

The booth hosted three autograph signings today; each one was very busy with fans waiting up to an hour to meet some of their drum heros. It was one Saturday at NAMM that will not be forgotten.

Ho hum, if you click on the Paiste link, you'll see everyone else with whom Eric rubbed elbows. He also nonchalantly mentioned he spent an hour hanging out with Danny Carey from Tool.

Oh, before I forget, check out these magnificent You Tubes of the Adrian Belew Power Trio really rocking out -- these popped up on the web the other day and are actually Part I and Part II of an extended Beat Box jam.

Awesome, huh.

So the reason I've been among the missing is the stomach virus from hell last week - not a good winter for me so far, if anyone is keeping track that makes two viruses and one back thrown out in less than three months but there you have it, bad luck does come in threes and I figure I'm home free now.

And feeling well enough to talk about dinner at Julie's on Monday night which was right before I came down with this devil bug. She made lovely roasted vegetable pot pie:

Julie never does anything half way - the bottom crust contained a porcini mushroom puree and the puff pastry dough was rubbed/encrusted with toasted fennel seeds. Truly amazing. She's having me over for dinner again tomorrow evening and I believe it will either be eggplant lasagna or eggplant rollatini. Either one will be fine with me -- Ms. Julie truly rules in the kitchen and her new apartment rocks - she tells me she finally finished hanging up all of her artwork (she can do it all) so I'll be taking some photos to share later this week.

Did I mention Eric was also at Julie's and he drove to dinner? Yes, now Adrian can no longer open ABPT shows by saying his drummer and bass player still live at home and neither have their drivers' licenses. Sob...hate to tell you, Ade, but both have moved out - Eric, last April; Julie, last month, and Eric is now behind the wheel as well. Ha ha - Ade will come to love that on the next leg of the US tour when he can sleep in the passenger seat and let Eric chauffeur the trio while Julie cackles in the back seat with the iPhone, looking up restaurants in the area. Oh to be a fly on the wall for that one...

Anyway, I'm going to sign off Blogger for now but once I hear from Eric and get some more stories from NAMM, I will most definitely come in and add to this post. In the meantime, now I have a new problem. I am definitely having too much fun with Twitter...so I am off to have a cup of coffee and see what my cyber pals are up to there. I've come across some incredibly interesting writers/artists on my travels through Twitter world - definitely worthy of a post of its own.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Twitter twitter

Okay, this is a quick one though I did have dinner at my daughter's new digs last night and yes, I took photos so I'll be back to post about that later.

In the meantime...help me. I recently joined Twitter, started adding friends and people I wish were my friends (ha), and have absolutely no clue how to interact there. So I'm guessing if any of you twitter and add me to your list, then maybe I won't be talking to an empty black hole?

You can find me over there under my real name...and yes, my real name is Robin Slick, but for some reason I had to use RobinSlick as my actual user name.

Help a girl out, please. If anyone can give me a further tutorial as to how the hell it works, I would greatly appreciate it.

I did figure out how to put the widget on my blog, though...you can't miss it. But it's not a cool widget like I've seen on other blogs...it just lists my comments. I guess I need to switch to the new blogger template? Arghh...I wanted to do that, but I'm afraid I'll end up deleting the entire contents of this blog.

But it figures. I finally master MySpace, then everyone flees to Facebook. I sign up for Facebook and find it even a worse disaster than MySpace - people are poking me, sending me good karma, flowers...wtf? I go to Facebook and start to worry I have ADD because I so, so totally cannot follow what's happening there. So then I see everyone is now twittering and I think to myself, Wow, it's just blurbs. How hard can that be?

Erm...apparently when you are technology challenged...difficult as hell.



Sunday, January 11, 2009

This Week in Music and Writing...

So while my lips are sealed at this point, Eric had and is having the kind of week in music most people can only daydream about, and yeah, that's all I can say.

A blogger, who I later find out is a principal player in Rope a Dope Records, which is just too cool for words, had this to say about where Eric was last night and what he was up to...

Here's a You Tube of the Adrian Belew Power Trio doing Futurevision which just popped up this morning:

And Eric and Ade are flying out to California to NAMM this week - I think arriving Thursday night and staying through Sunday; Eric then hops a flight from Anaheim to San Francisco or LA I think and does some studio work for a band recording a new CD; hangs out there for a few more days and flies home to do possibly does something else MAJOR though also top secret; then goes on a ten day tour with Project Object, and here's the schedule so far:

PROJECT/OBJECT - the music of Frank Zappa

THU 29 Teaneck NJ Mexicali $18/$20
FRI 30 Baltimore MD 8X10 $18/$20
SAT 31 Sellersville PA Sellersville Theatre $22.50

SUN 1 Falls Church VA State Theatre $18/$20
MON 2 Pittsburgh PA Club Cafe' $20/$22
TUE 3 Ann Arbor MI Blind Pig $12/$15
WED 4 Cleveland OH Beachland $18/$20
THU 5 Chicago IL Morse Theater $20/$22.50
FRI 6 Kalamazoo MI Papa Pete's $12/$15
SAT 7 Buffalo NY The Tralf $20/$23
SUN 8 TBA (possible)

So that's cool - and look for some surprising twists re a member of the band and some unadvertised special guests.

In Julie Slick news, Saturday night is the CD release party for Cheers Elephant at the North Star Bar. Julie produced the CD, and if you don't already know this, her significant other is the bass player. You can hear one of my favorites - "Here We Are" on my below Music Player. We'll all be there to support Matt and the band - except for Eric, who will still be out in California so please come over and say Hi!

Wait. I need to take a break for a minute. Are the Eagles actually going to beat the Giants right now and be in the NFC Championship game next week against Arizona? Are you freaking kidding me? Pigs are flying all over the place right now...

In writing news, Daddy Left Me Alone with God is now officially line edited; today I gave my editor my official "dedication"...that was a lot harder than I thought but then I just simplified it by speaking from the heart and then cutting down ten pages to one sentence...ha...and by the way, I'll be hawking that at the RT Convention this April in sunny Orlando, Florida from August 22-26.

Okay, I am in total shock. The Eagles just did win. Holy cow. Must go celebrate.
