Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Last night

Last night Eric joined the Adrian Belew Power Trio in Nashville for their encore.

Mind blown.

Also, it was Christmas in July for me when both kids FaceTimed from Eric’s house ❤️  (They showed up dressed alike in yellow t-shirts which has been happening their entire lives)

Sunday, July 24, 2022

A Fish Story


So in our 50+ years together as childhood sweethearts, Gary and I have a lot of stories, but much to Gary’s hilarity, I have attributed one of his finest moments to myself. This pic is from 40 years ago, note Gary’s anti-Reagan t-shirt.  Somehow I’ve been telling people I caught that fish.  

Today I tried to tell Gary that, and he looked at me incredulously and insisted that he was the one.  

I actually argued it was me, and told him there was a pic of me in a drawer upstairs holding the fish and wearing an anti-Reagan t-shirt.

Anyway, neither one of us can stop laughing right now.  I hope all of you are starting your day likewise ❤️❤️❤️

Monday, July 04, 2022

Happy Independence Day



Thanks, Donald.  Thanks illegitimate Nacho Supreme Court.