Monday, December 20, 2021

Happy holidays


Hi, how’s everyone doing?

Right now I’m trying my best not to worry and remember that doing so is unnecessary suffering.  I have no control over all the bad stuff happening in the world but I do have control over how I react to it.

So it’s 1:30 pm on a Monday and we’re blasting Jethro Tull’s Living in the Past, Jasper is perfection, sleeping on my lap, and Gary is baking his shortbread cookies, which, as per my fantasies, he’s amping up this year with some new flavors: brown sugar cinnamon and lemon almond.  

They melt in your mouth and I just saw my cardiologist, got a really good report, and weighed 130 pounds so screw the diet this month.

Anyway, enough about cookies, but yeah, we’re kind of nervously celebrating the start of the holiday season today, we just finished decorating the tree, approximately three weeks later than we’ve done it the last 50 years.  Due to everyone’s schedules, we’re celebrating Christmas January 1 this year. Assuming Omicron doesn’t raise its ugly head, Eric and Natalie will be here this weekend for Eric’s final week of Dr. Dog shows in Philadelphia and Julie will be here next Wednesdayfor almost two weeks!

Please oh please Omicron, stay away from my family. We haven’t had a holiday together since 2019. I don’t ask much.

So yeah, Omicron.  It’s a miracle I don’t have it, or just maybe, vaccinations work.

Ten days ago, I attended an intimate Christmas party with 19 other people.  I had dinner with the hostess the night before, and we sat next to each other for a couple hours.  We even hugged.  So when I woke up to the news two days later she had breakthrough Covid, I was pretty sure I would have it, too.  I immediately started isolating and home testing.

Guess what?  I’m negative and without symptoms.  So is everyone else who attended the party.

Are we the exception to the rule?  No clue, but I’m not anxious to find that out, so until we know more, we’re back in the house here at Casa Slick.

And we’re really hoping the kids can be here, but…

I can’t believe we’re still having this conversation almost two years later.

I still can’t believe Donald isn’t in prison for 850,000 American deaths.

Okay, I’ll stop because once I start on that mofo, I will stroke out.

In other news, Jasper is amazing.  He’s very smart and he makes us smile every day.  It’s like having a toddler all over again, he’s a handful and it’s glorious.

Retirement isn’t half bad, either.  I can’t wrap my brain around how much has changed in two years. I never would have believed Gary and I would both be home and actually enjoying ourselves.

Hahaha I was in Seattle for 4 days and when I called Gary to tell him I landed and to come pick me up, he was already at the airport, waiting.

You have no idea how out of character that is for him.

Omg the smell of cookies baking is killing me right now.

Gotta go, Gary needs a taster.  

More later, this puppy doesn’t give me much free time to write.

Happy holidays!

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