Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Day 115

Day 115, self quarantine:

Happy 80th birthday, Ringo.

Jesus, John would have been 80 this year, too.  It’s surreal he’s gone almost 40 years.

If you’re a boomer and that doesn’t freak you out, woo, you’re a stronger person than I.

Ringo has some really groovy things planned for tonight, including a side by side performance with 78 year old Paul.

Here’s the link to watch live beginning at 8:00 p.m. eastern.

Here’s a picture of Gary’s Beatles Fan Club card he still carries in his wallet๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Aw, I think it’s endearing.

Gary’s mom took him to see the Beatles in 1966.  

Life changed forever after that.

You had to be there.

Gary’s a walking Beatles encyclopedia.  We both get insane when anyone tries to discredit them.

We’re really looking forward to tonight.

In other news, I am completely freaked out by this article in the New York Times because it totally confirms what I’ve been reading and thinking about since quarantine - the absolute worst place you can be right now with the virus raging is an office building with recirculated air and an elevator.

My office is particularly vulnerable.  It’s a low-rise building so old it has windows you can open and guess what building is just a few feet away?

I remember this story unfolding.  It was one of the saddest and scariest events in Philadelphia history.

This pandemic is Legionnaires disease on steroids.

Anyway, the bottom line is, my office building is never going to be safe without a major multimillion dollar renovation.

Oh, did I mention the building is  also home to several doctor offices with patients who visit sick and take the elevators?

Soo naturally this article was the first thing I brought up when I spoke with my boss yesterday.

He read it, too.

And is on the same page.

So that’s good.

I guess I’m not gonna see my boss until next year, because that’s when it will probably be safe enough maybe.  I have two local friends who are paralegals and both were just told they’re working remotely until at least January 2021.

There’s just no need to be there in person.  All the old rules are now out the window so let’s focus on any positives this pandemic created, I guess.

While talking to my boss, I also confirmed that I’m taking the next several Fridays off.  Like I said yesterday, there’s no point holding on to my three weeks vacation, it’s already July, ffs and it’s pretty clear we’re not leaving Casa Slick this year.

So yay, today is my Wednesday and I’ve got a spring in my step.

I’m in a great mood but with reservations because my grandson Marvin is in a Minnesota Veterinarian Hospital having surgery today. Keep Eric and Natalie and Marvin in your thoughts.

I can’t wait to post Eric’s new song and video tomorrow.

So that’s it for today.  Have fun and stay safe ❤️