Wow, if I had known Jimmy Kimmel had his own You Tube Channel, I might not have stayed up until 1:30AM last night to catch my son on drums with Dr. Dog.
And if you believe that...
Anyway, in case you were asleep last night and missed it, here you go. Actually, even if you were awake, you would not have seen this first video - it was taped especially for Kimmel's website:
But here's what they performed on the show:
And in case you missed the live stream of their college gig in San Francisco:
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Odds and Sods for Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Don't mind me, I took my very first yoga class last night. More on that in a minute. Though I must admit, I was shocked it didn't kill me and even more surprised that I woke up this morning still alive. But I'm glad I'm here, because this evening, Eric Slick will be on the drums with Dr. Dog on the Jimmy Kimmel Show!

Tune in tonight at 12:05AM on ABC.
ETA: Dr. Dog gets an amazing review today in Relix Magazine!
And in case you missed the billboards all over the internet, Julie Slick's debut solo CD is not only available on her website, you can pick it up at Abstract Logix or Burning Shed, and have a look what Guitar Player Magazine's Anil Prasad had to say about Ms. Julie there. (Burning Shed, that is)
So yesterday was, quite frankly, the day from hell and the first one I spent in tears in a long while but I'm thinking I've had a lot of pent up frustration since the summer and it all finally came pouring out. I've been working feverishly every day since the Great Canadian Writers' Retreat on my new novel, and I spent the past two days working through a problem with two chapters that I felt were boring because they contained too much exposition. I use MS Word 2008 on a macbook and on Monday, I started getting messages from MS Word every time I hit save: "Memory low -- too many windows open -- please close". Since I had no windows open at all, I shrugged it off as a glitch but gmailed myself the novel "just in case" at the end of Monday's writing session and then again on Tuesday. I kept MS word open.
Big mistake.
After my AM writing session yesterday, MS word crashed. I figured, no problem, I have the auto save feature and I also have "back-up copy" checked off. Plus, I had the work I gmailed myself.
Well, you would think I was covered, but apparently the only place all the new writing from this week saved was to the screen I was working on. When I pulled up my gmail, it only contained the work I had done last week. I went into my recovered files folder, found the back-up from yesterday, and it, too, did not have any of my new chapters in it. I tried everything, wrote to computer geek friends...and then I googled MS Word 2008 and found that several people had encountered this FATAL FLAW and all of my work from this week is gone. I think I went into shock...I still am in denial. I know I can rewrite it but I don't know if I can recapture what I had...I was on such a roll that I didn't even read back what I'd written so whatever I try to recreate today will not be the same. I first realized this "tragedy" occurred at 10AM and it wasn't until 5PM that I finally gave up. By then I realized I had nothing to eat the entire day and had a crashing headache, not good when I also remembered my very first yoga class was at 7:30PM that evening. I was torn in half. 50% of me just wanted to say Screw it, I'm staying home and drinking wine because my heart feels like it's about to come bursting through my chest, the other 50% said, Oh man, this could not be coming at a better are about to have a massive coronary from need to start exercising and learning how to breathe properly or you are going to end up dead. Luckily I had a salad in the frig which was basically just spinach, tomato and avocado and I gulped it down with an hour to spare before class.
So I went, lugging my brand new hot pink yoga mat, a bottle of coconut water because I read somewhere it has the same chemical make-up of blood (yes, I'm a sickie but in case you aren't familiar with coconut water, it is not only delicious it is ridiculously healthy and gives you an energy jolt), and a huge beach towel for what reason, I cannot tell you.
Okay, so there are twenty of us in the room and right away I see I am the oldest -- the group is made up of 95% twenty-something gorgeous women, none of whom weigh more than 130 pounds. We went around the room and introduced ourselves. Now mind you, this is supposed to be a complete beginner class. And if we had any health issues, this was the time to announce them so the teacher could be aware.
"Hi, my name is so and so and I took yoga in college and loved it, now I'm a runner but I wanted to get back into the stretching and breathing."
"Hi, my name is whatever and I go to Drexel University and I am a runner, also."
"Hi, my name is blank and I did yoga for a little bit but stopped and I'm really stressed (what does a 20 year old gorgeous woman have to be stressed about? Ha ha, honey, you just wait...) so that's why I'm here."
They finally get to me, who, by this time, is sweating like a pig because it's ninety degrees in the room.
"Hi, my name is Robin and I'm a vegetable who sits in front of a computer all day and I have high blood pressure which I'm trying to lower in hopes of going off medication altogether."
Okay, then...
The teacher is also young and beautiful and she moves along quickly. I found out something really scary about myself last night. Apparently, when under pressure, I do not know my left from my right. Every time the teacher said stretch right or turn left I got so discombobulated I had to watch what the others were doing.
How is it that the teacher would say "dog position" or "mountain position" and everyone knew what she meant but me. Those liars! Why were they in my absolute beginner class?
And then naturally after a few exercises, the teacher looked at me and asked, "Are you alright, Robin?"
Oh sure, twenty strangers in the room and my name is the one she remembers.
But yeah, I was huffing and puffing and all sweaty and started worrying about 15 minutes in that I was going to faint.
That fear was soon replaced by reality -- my duck foot condition.
Never heard of duck foot? Well, you probably have, it probably even has a real medical name, but this is what happens to me if I wear anything but sneakers or flex my foot the wrong way. I get a bizarre, incredibly painful cramp in my foot, and inexplicably, my toes spread wide apart like a webbed foot of a duck and I can't bring them back together. It's agonizing.
Dear God, I was going to make a scene. There was no way I could hide this from the others. You do yoga in your bare feet. The only way I can stop it from happening is to immediately lie flat and grab hold of my toes and try and pull my foot toward my body. But then I remembered something I learned on my writers' retreat from Susan Henderson. She said she had leg cramps all the time when she was pregnant and an acupuncturist taught her that if you grab the spot between the bottom of your nose and your upper lip, it's a pressure point or something and it causes the cramp to go away.
Damn if it didn't work.
Disaster diverted.
By the way, this technique also works if you are feeling like you are faint, having a panic attack, are short of breath...if you grab the space between you thumb and index finger and apply pressure.
I did that, too, just in case.
And then a funny thing happened.
I started to love yoga. I mean, really love it. It was, dare I say, life-changing.
I even got "high" from it.
When we were stretching and breathing and saying "Om" I emptied my brain of all the day's stress and my lost chapters and just totally and completely relaxed. I even stopped thinking I was going to die in that sauna of a room.
But one final hilarious thing happened. At the end of the class, we had to lay flat on our mats and just inhale and exhale with our eyes closed. Suddenly everything went dark and my stomach lurched. Holy crap, I was dying! My eyes flew open in terror, only to realize the teacher had dimmed the lights for our final pose.
I am truly pathetic.
So yeah, I am remarkably not in too much pain today but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little stiff, in fact, ouch right now as I sit here at the computer, but the good news is, I actually lost two pounds, most likely from the adrenalin rush of my lost writing and not eating all day but still.
And now I realize it is 9:10 and I must begin my morning writing session and try to resurrect what I lost the past two days.
Don't mind me, I took my very first yoga class last night. More on that in a minute. Though I must admit, I was shocked it didn't kill me and even more surprised that I woke up this morning still alive. But I'm glad I'm here, because this evening, Eric Slick will be on the drums with Dr. Dog on the Jimmy Kimmel Show!

Tune in tonight at 12:05AM on ABC.
ETA: Dr. Dog gets an amazing review today in Relix Magazine!
And in case you missed the billboards all over the internet, Julie Slick's debut solo CD is not only available on her website, you can pick it up at Abstract Logix or Burning Shed, and have a look what Guitar Player Magazine's Anil Prasad had to say about Ms. Julie there. (Burning Shed, that is)
So yesterday was, quite frankly, the day from hell and the first one I spent in tears in a long while but I'm thinking I've had a lot of pent up frustration since the summer and it all finally came pouring out. I've been working feverishly every day since the Great Canadian Writers' Retreat on my new novel, and I spent the past two days working through a problem with two chapters that I felt were boring because they contained too much exposition. I use MS Word 2008 on a macbook and on Monday, I started getting messages from MS Word every time I hit save: "Memory low -- too many windows open -- please close". Since I had no windows open at all, I shrugged it off as a glitch but gmailed myself the novel "just in case" at the end of Monday's writing session and then again on Tuesday. I kept MS word open.
Big mistake.
After my AM writing session yesterday, MS word crashed. I figured, no problem, I have the auto save feature and I also have "back-up copy" checked off. Plus, I had the work I gmailed myself.
Well, you would think I was covered, but apparently the only place all the new writing from this week saved was to the screen I was working on. When I pulled up my gmail, it only contained the work I had done last week. I went into my recovered files folder, found the back-up from yesterday, and it, too, did not have any of my new chapters in it. I tried everything, wrote to computer geek friends...and then I googled MS Word 2008 and found that several people had encountered this FATAL FLAW and all of my work from this week is gone. I think I went into shock...I still am in denial. I know I can rewrite it but I don't know if I can recapture what I had...I was on such a roll that I didn't even read back what I'd written so whatever I try to recreate today will not be the same. I first realized this "tragedy" occurred at 10AM and it wasn't until 5PM that I finally gave up. By then I realized I had nothing to eat the entire day and had a crashing headache, not good when I also remembered my very first yoga class was at 7:30PM that evening. I was torn in half. 50% of me just wanted to say Screw it, I'm staying home and drinking wine because my heart feels like it's about to come bursting through my chest, the other 50% said, Oh man, this could not be coming at a better are about to have a massive coronary from need to start exercising and learning how to breathe properly or you are going to end up dead. Luckily I had a salad in the frig which was basically just spinach, tomato and avocado and I gulped it down with an hour to spare before class.
So I went, lugging my brand new hot pink yoga mat, a bottle of coconut water because I read somewhere it has the same chemical make-up of blood (yes, I'm a sickie but in case you aren't familiar with coconut water, it is not only delicious it is ridiculously healthy and gives you an energy jolt), and a huge beach towel for what reason, I cannot tell you.
Okay, so there are twenty of us in the room and right away I see I am the oldest -- the group is made up of 95% twenty-something gorgeous women, none of whom weigh more than 130 pounds. We went around the room and introduced ourselves. Now mind you, this is supposed to be a complete beginner class. And if we had any health issues, this was the time to announce them so the teacher could be aware.
"Hi, my name is so and so and I took yoga in college and loved it, now I'm a runner but I wanted to get back into the stretching and breathing."
"Hi, my name is whatever and I go to Drexel University and I am a runner, also."
"Hi, my name is blank and I did yoga for a little bit but stopped and I'm really stressed (what does a 20 year old gorgeous woman have to be stressed about? Ha ha, honey, you just wait...) so that's why I'm here."
They finally get to me, who, by this time, is sweating like a pig because it's ninety degrees in the room.
"Hi, my name is Robin and I'm a vegetable who sits in front of a computer all day and I have high blood pressure which I'm trying to lower in hopes of going off medication altogether."
Okay, then...
The teacher is also young and beautiful and she moves along quickly. I found out something really scary about myself last night. Apparently, when under pressure, I do not know my left from my right. Every time the teacher said stretch right or turn left I got so discombobulated I had to watch what the others were doing.
How is it that the teacher would say "dog position" or "mountain position" and everyone knew what she meant but me. Those liars! Why were they in my absolute beginner class?
And then naturally after a few exercises, the teacher looked at me and asked, "Are you alright, Robin?"
Oh sure, twenty strangers in the room and my name is the one she remembers.
But yeah, I was huffing and puffing and all sweaty and started worrying about 15 minutes in that I was going to faint.
That fear was soon replaced by reality -- my duck foot condition.
Never heard of duck foot? Well, you probably have, it probably even has a real medical name, but this is what happens to me if I wear anything but sneakers or flex my foot the wrong way. I get a bizarre, incredibly painful cramp in my foot, and inexplicably, my toes spread wide apart like a webbed foot of a duck and I can't bring them back together. It's agonizing.
Dear God, I was going to make a scene. There was no way I could hide this from the others. You do yoga in your bare feet. The only way I can stop it from happening is to immediately lie flat and grab hold of my toes and try and pull my foot toward my body. But then I remembered something I learned on my writers' retreat from Susan Henderson. She said she had leg cramps all the time when she was pregnant and an acupuncturist taught her that if you grab the spot between the bottom of your nose and your upper lip, it's a pressure point or something and it causes the cramp to go away.
Damn if it didn't work.
Disaster diverted.
By the way, this technique also works if you are feeling like you are faint, having a panic attack, are short of breath...if you grab the space between you thumb and index finger and apply pressure.
I did that, too, just in case.
And then a funny thing happened.
I started to love yoga. I mean, really love it. It was, dare I say, life-changing.
I even got "high" from it.
When we were stretching and breathing and saying "Om" I emptied my brain of all the day's stress and my lost chapters and just totally and completely relaxed. I even stopped thinking I was going to die in that sauna of a room.
But one final hilarious thing happened. At the end of the class, we had to lay flat on our mats and just inhale and exhale with our eyes closed. Suddenly everything went dark and my stomach lurched. Holy crap, I was dying! My eyes flew open in terror, only to realize the teacher had dimmed the lights for our final pose.
I am truly pathetic.
So yeah, I am remarkably not in too much pain today but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little stiff, in fact, ouch right now as I sit here at the computer, but the good news is, I actually lost two pounds, most likely from the adrenalin rush of my lost writing and not eating all day but still.
And now I realize it is 9:10 and I must begin my morning writing session and try to resurrect what I lost the past two days.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Live Concert Webcast with Dr. Dog today at 6PM EST
You can watch it right here.
Creative Allies Launches Live Web Concerts Series With Dr. Dog On April 25
"Creative Allies is pleased to announce the first in a monthly series of live web concerts powered by Ustream. The concerts will take place on a professional-grade sound stage at Ex'pression College for Digital Arts in Emeryille, CA. Philadelphia-based Dr. Dog will perform for the first session on Sunday, April 25th at 3pm PST/6pm EST. Produced by Creative Allies and Ex'pression College, the performances will be streamed live on Creative Allies and Ustream.
Over the last few years, Dr. Dog has caught the attention of many for their dynamic songwriting, shimmering harmonies and irresistible pop sensibilities. From the praise in Rolling Stone, The New York Times, NPR, People Magazine and more, to the adoration from artists like Jack White, Beck, Jeff Tweedy, Kanye West and Lou Reed, and to selling out 1,500 capacity venues in major markets worldwide, what started in the basement of a farm house in Pennsylvania with a 4 track has developed into an inventive, magnificently realized, and absolutely irresistible band who shows no sign of slowing down.
Dr. Dog will be performing songs from their critically acclaimed Anti- Records debut "Shame, Shame." You can catch the band perform their single "Stranger" on Jimmy Kimmel Live! next Wednesday, April 28th.
Ex'pression College students and faculty will film the concert with a 5-camera video set-up and record it on a multi-track digital mixing console. "These are the opportunities our students want and need to compete in the entertainment market today," says Steve Di Nardo, Vice President of Marketing and Admissions at the school. "There's no better way to showcase the college's amazing facility than with one of today's best rock & roll bands," comments Sean O'Connell, CEO of Creative Allies.
Creative Allies and Ex'pression College are also hosting a contest for poster art inspired by Dr. Dog's new album. O'Connell mentions, "This is a great opportunity provided by one of America's top art schools for students and music fans to get involved in the design process." The winning designer will receive a $200 licensing fee plus tickets to an upcoming Dr. Dog show and an autographed copy of the album. Submissions are due by July 1st."
Creative Allies Launches Live Web Concerts Series With Dr. Dog On April 25
"Creative Allies is pleased to announce the first in a monthly series of live web concerts powered by Ustream. The concerts will take place on a professional-grade sound stage at Ex'pression College for Digital Arts in Emeryille, CA. Philadelphia-based Dr. Dog will perform for the first session on Sunday, April 25th at 3pm PST/6pm EST. Produced by Creative Allies and Ex'pression College, the performances will be streamed live on Creative Allies and Ustream.
Over the last few years, Dr. Dog has caught the attention of many for their dynamic songwriting, shimmering harmonies and irresistible pop sensibilities. From the praise in Rolling Stone, The New York Times, NPR, People Magazine and more, to the adoration from artists like Jack White, Beck, Jeff Tweedy, Kanye West and Lou Reed, and to selling out 1,500 capacity venues in major markets worldwide, what started in the basement of a farm house in Pennsylvania with a 4 track has developed into an inventive, magnificently realized, and absolutely irresistible band who shows no sign of slowing down.
Dr. Dog will be performing songs from their critically acclaimed Anti- Records debut "Shame, Shame." You can catch the band perform their single "Stranger" on Jimmy Kimmel Live! next Wednesday, April 28th.
Ex'pression College students and faculty will film the concert with a 5-camera video set-up and record it on a multi-track digital mixing console. "These are the opportunities our students want and need to compete in the entertainment market today," says Steve Di Nardo, Vice President of Marketing and Admissions at the school. "There's no better way to showcase the college's amazing facility than with one of today's best rock & roll bands," comments Sean O'Connell, CEO of Creative Allies.
Creative Allies and Ex'pression College are also hosting a contest for poster art inspired by Dr. Dog's new album. O'Connell mentions, "This is a great opportunity provided by one of America's top art schools for students and music fans to get involved in the design process." The winning designer will receive a $200 licensing fee plus tickets to an upcoming Dr. Dog show and an autographed copy of the album. Submissions are due by July 1st."
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Great Canadian Writers' Retreat
Hey hey, remember me?
Okay, I know I promised an epic blog after the Fallon Show, but much to my surprise, so much time has elapsed I've been feeling overwhelmed. So let me tell you the main reason for my absence: I've been working on my new novel so obsessively and on such a rigid time schedule I've had little time or patience for anything else.
Here's the story.
Two weeks ago this Thursday, I boarded a plane at Newark, International Airport for Toronto. With apologies to Anthony Burgess...
"There was me, that is Robin, my three droogs, that is Tish, Susan, and Jessica and we sat in the Korova Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening..."
Okay, so that's not quite it - we actually sat in Tish's lovely vacation home two hours north of Toronto and we knew exactly what we were going to do with not only the evening but the next three days. To say that her place is utopia is putting it mildly:

Here's Tish, Susan, and Jess, respectively, and yes, I know, my girlfriends are not just brilliant writers, they are all goddesses.

But let me backtrack here. We started talking about this writing retreat two years ago, when Tish first bought her place. Oh, you should know that two of Tish's books have already sold to Hollywood but that is her story to tell and I am already neurotic that I am blabbing too much.
Anyway, we all have families -- I am the only one with two adult children; Tish, Susan, and Jessica have teenagers (okay, Sue is our baby and she has a 12 year old, damn her!) so trying to coordinate 3-4 days away from home is a lot trickier than it sounds. We thought we were good to go back in 2008 but then one by one we started dropping out due to all kinds of "life gets in the way" events. It was such a bummer when our plans fell through that I just assumed we'd all given up on the idea. The four of us have a unique friendship...we don't talk for months at a time, we all live many hours apart from each other -- in other words, far enough apart so that it either requires a plane ride or 6 hours of Amtrak so we only get to see each other once a year (if we are lucky). Susan and I live the closest so we probably see each other 2-3 times a year but it's always under Oh My God I'm Going to Miss My Train If We Have One More Drink circumstances. But a couple of months ago, Tish sent the invite around again, and somehow, some way, we realized we could all do April 8-11. But even this time, with my dog sick, even though I had already purchased my plane ticket far in advance, I did not allow myself the luxury of dreaming about how cool it would be because I was afraid that would jinx things and I wouldn't be able to go.
I'm not cheap but how is this for bizarre - to fly non-stop from Philadelphia to Toronto, with taxes and fees -- is close to $700.00. But if I flew non-stop out of Newark, it was only $130.00. Okay, so that was a no brainer. (I am telling you this story for a patient). Anyway, to get to Newark, I had to take a 50 minute train ride on Amtrak which lead me right to the station for Newark International Airport. Once at that station, I had to take a tram, or monorail, to the Air Canada terminal where I had to check in my bag. Ah, budget airlines do have their suitcase, while regulation size for most airlines, was too big for whatever toy I was about to board so I could not take my luggage on board with me.
I always take my luggage with me. I know far too many stories about people whose vacations and even lives are ruined by lost luggage at the airport. But oh well, it would be nice not to have to shlep that thing with me through customs and I always overloaded it with too much unnecessary stuff, anyway. Every time I fly, I can never lift my bag up to the plane's storage area myself so I always block traffic in the aisle hoping a big, strong guy strolls by so I can embarrass myself asking for help. All things considered, it would be a relief to check it in after all.
I have traveled all over the world. I am not afraid to fly anymore because I am convinced a far worse death awaits me and that a crash would be too quick and painless. But I've never traveled by myself internationally and I've never flown out of Newark International Airport. I figured Julie or Eric did but nope, though Julie wrinkled her nose at me and said "It's easy, Mom." She then proceeded to talk a mile a minute telling me what I had to do re customs and immigration and I retained none of it.
I was all proud of myself, I figured out where to catch the tram, I figured out that I had to get off at Terminal A, I even had my boarding pass printed out so all I had to do was check in my bag. Did that easily, no problem. So what if I went through security and looked at my watch and realized I was almost three hours early for my flight....hey, there were too many factors involved here for me to wait until the last minute. What if my train out of Philadelphia was late, and I don't say that out of paranoia, practically every time I take Amtrak it's either late or cancelled altogether. I wasn't familiar with Newark Airport. I never took the air tram. Far too many things could go wrong.
By the time I boarded for a 3:50 flight, I was exhausted but proud.
And then we landed in Toronto.
Nothing prepared me for the hell that is customs. It seemed that every single international flight had landed at the same time. They had these roped off mazes you had to walk through, they were each a city block long and there were ten of them. Did I mention it was about ninety degrees in that room? I got stuck behind a huge contingent of people carrying cardboard suitcases. My imagination went into overdrive. Not bad things, just wondering why around 200 people all had the same suitcase and all looked so utterly wiped out. Oh my God, were they earthquake victims? To keep myself from having what felt like an imminent panic attack, I tried to start up a conversation but no one was in the mood or maybe there was a language barrier, I don't know. Yikes, The room grew warmer and I pictured a mass fainting scenario with me all crumpled on the bottom.
It took close to an hour to walk through that maze behind that giant mass of humanity in all that crazy heat and by the time I handed my immigration form to the scary guard at the desk, I could not even remember my name.
"Where are you going in Canada?" The guard barked at me!
"I am visiting my friend, Tish." Yes. I actually said that. And then realized I did not have Tish's address. Oh dear God...I know...I could refer them to her website...what better identification than that?
Luckily, there was such a huge line behind me he didn't press further. What a dunce I would seem like if I tried to send a customs agent to "Tish's website".
"You here on business or pleasure?" He sneered at me. God I hate being middle-aged in a youth oriented world. Bleh. He was probably young enough to be my son (if I got pregnant at 16, of course)
"Pleasure." I wanted to say business because it would validate me further as a writer but even I am not THAT insane.
He waved me through and I was like, "That's it?"
"Yeah. Welcome to Canada."
"Where do I get my luggage"
"Down there." He pointed to an escalator.
I was still trying to process why I went through customs without my suitcase and dreaded the thought that I would have to do it all over again after I fetched it but no, I had bigger problems.
The huge flashing board said I'd find my suitcase at Carousel Two. Okay, down the escalator I went and right to my left, Carousel Two. Okay, then. Suitcases were already spinning around. I picked a convenient place to stand and waited.
And waited.
And waited.
After about fifteen minutes and seeing most of the people standing there grab their stuff, I started thinking about all the people I knew, my kids included, who had lost luggage this way and how lucky I was that it had never happened to me. The minute I started thinking it, the more evident it became that my suitcase was not on Carousel Two. After waiting 30 minutes and being the only one left, the conveyer belt or whatever drives those things around stopped.
My worse fear had come true. Air Canada had lost my luggage. I was far away from home without my favorite black shirts, clean underwear, jeans, pajamas, and all of my girly toiletries. Oh god, and my new Nick Hornby book. I did, thank God, have the foresight to keep my laptop with me on the plane or I probably would have had a massive coronary.
Soaking wet with sweat and with tears in my eyes, I walked over to the information desk to tell them about my lost luggage.
"What was your flight number?"
"8636" (I remembered cos' Julie was born in 1986)
"You're in the wrong place!"
"But it says Air Canada...arrivals from Philadelphia," I whimpered.
"8636 flew out of Newark," he said, looking at me strangely.
Oh. My. God. I was so fucking tired and so freaked out I forgot I didn't fly out of Philly. Maybe because it was the first time ever that I didn't fly out of Philly.
I walked over to the Air Canada carousel for Newark arrivals and there, spinning around all by its lonesome, the other passengers long gone, was my solitary suitcase.
But of course by then I was a complete mess. I felt like such a loser, and hoped this incident would not set the tone of the weekend. I was already feeling shaky enough at the prospect of being in the company of these three amazing women for the entire weekend. I am socially challenged, to say the least, and somehow I was going to try and act as normal as possible and God forbid, not bore any of my brilliant, interesting friends.
I called Tish who was already in the airport waiting (yes, in Toronto they do not have stupid post 9/11 rules forbidding friends and family to pick up their friends inside the actual airport) and Jess was on her way down, too (her flight came in around the same time mine did but she did not have to check in her bag). Susan, however, was in some sort of Robin-esque purgatory because her plane from NY, which insanely had a stopover in Philadelphia (and still would have cost me $700 had I met up with her there), was delayed due to thunderstorms...then we got a strange text from her that the plane had to refuel.
So Tish, Jess and I went to a nearby cafe to grab some dinner and wait for Sue. She was supposed to arrive at 7:30 but if I remember correctly, it was more like 9:30 when we finally picked her up. And then lucky Tish got to drive us for two hours plus in the rain to our retreat.
We were so bushed that night we only stayed up and talked a little...the plan was we'd wake up early and have 2-3 one hour writing sessions per day...we'd write to a timer and in separate rooms...then we'd spend the remaining hours talking about writing, walking in the woods, sipping wine, and stuffing our faces.
Awesome, or what?
Friday morning we all woke up ready to start. I was terrified. I'd been working on the same novel since the end of last year and I was floundering. I knew I wanted to write a dark comedy, I also knew I wanted to try something different and more mainstream but I felt lost and then the worst possible thing happened altogether -- I finally figured out how to work Facebook and got into even more trouble. I started wishing I were a public relations person because clearly I loved using my own writing time to promote whatever music J&E were making but in the end, I was growing more and more depressed and frustrated. If I didn't write this novel, then I may as well have gone back to work at a real office job with a real retirement plan and health insurance in case Gary ever parted company with his employer. I was really beginning to freak out so I was maybe unrealistically looking at our writers' retreat as my savior.
But apparently I was not the only one.
Tish was working on both edits and thinking about her pitch for her newest book. Susan, whose debut novel with HarperCollins comes out this September and is already attracting all kinds of buzz, has been spending the last several months researching her brand new book and was now ready to start writing but so far it wasn't happening. Jess is kind of in my boat because while she does have a non-fiction book out there, she's written some brilliant stuff that hasn't sold yet. Notice I say, "yet". During our weekend, she actually had a whole novel written and an agent interested in reading it so she was in actuality far ahead of me...her concerns were editing and a self-imposed deadline.
I had to keep reminding myself I have four books published, am currently rated #1 over at Fictionwise (yeah, #1 in my genre for the past month already...yay me) because compared to Tish, Susan, and Jess, I felt like the imposter.
Let's talk about them for a minute, shall we? Tish has a new book coming out this June and how fantastic does this sound:

"A father abducts his daughter, flees to Los Angeles from their home in Toronto, creates a new identity for the two of them, lives in anonymity for eight years'and then gets diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's just as his wife catches up with him." At the age of 20, Delilah Blue-now Lila Mack-finds herself posing nude for an art class, for she wants to become an artist. She has talent but no money, and she hopes to pick up pointers from crusty art professor Julian Lichtenstein (aka Lichty), far less well known than his famous second cousin, Roy. Until now she's had little confusion about her identity: Her father Victor has persuaded her that her mother, Elisabeth, didn't want her, and Lila readily accepts this explanation. It turns out, however, that flaky mom is now in L.A. (along with Lila's seven-year-old half-sister) because a Canadian psychic had told her she'd find her daughter there. Elisabeth-an artist manqué-keeps checking art galleries for evidence of her daughter's existence and eventually finds a nude sketch of her. Mom is rather vindictive because it appears Victor has been feeding Lila a line-although he kidnapped her to get her away from her mom's lax maternal qualities and her spacey artiste, dope-smoking friends, all the time mom had been searching for her daughter. Victor now has problems of his own, however, for even though he's only 53, he's forgetting his appointments--and showing up at odd times-as a salesman for a medical-supplies company. He's also becoming more irrational and impulsive. (A symptom of the problem emerges when he steals a dog left temporarily in his care.) Elisabeth wants to prosecute her husband for kidnapping, but Lila-who ultimately assumes her original and rightful name of Delilah--acts like the only adult in this dysfunctional trio by trying to protect and care for her father and fend off the mother's pent-up aggression. Cohen (Little Black Lies, 2009, etc.) knows how to focus on character in ways that make readers care. --Kirkus Reviews"
Praise for The Truth about Delilah Blue
“A beautifully written, finely wrought, race-to-the-end novel about finding your family, finding a life and finding yourself. Tish Cohen is the next great thing in women’s fiction.”
-Allison Winn Scotch, New York Times bestselling author of The One That I Want and Time of My Life
“Cohen, who writes with clarity, wit, and warmth, is brilliant in her penetration of the family layers, presenting all sides of the drama by allowing each character to be the star of their own show. This is a book that won’t be set aside until the last page is turned.”
-Randy Susan Meyers, author of The Murder's Daughters
You can pre-order Delilah Blue right here or through Indie Bound right here.
Tish is superwoman - she's written some other stellar books as well, and she's even branched out into Young Adult. You can order her grown-up books, Townhouse and Inside Out Girl by clicking those respective links.
Susan is realizing a life-long dream with the publication of her debut novel this September.

Up from the Blue:
"Tillie Harris is in premature labor and has no one to turn to but her estranged father. Their relationship has been strained since Tillie was eight years old, when her mother mysteriously vanished. UP FROM THE BLUE follows young Tillie's startling discoveries about what happened to her mother, as well as grown Tillie's struggle with a relationship that's stuck in the past and childhood hurts that continue into the present."
“A rare literary page-turner full of shocking discoveries and twists. Susan Henderson has created a remarkable narrator—as memorable for her feistiness as for her tenderness. Up From the Blue is going to be one of this year’s major debuts.” (Josh Kilmer-Purcell, author of I Am Not Myself These Days )
“Susan Henderson’s debut novel Up From the Blue is elegant and engrossing. Like a modern-day Scout, Henderson’s child narrator Tillie Harris is both tender and tough, charming and filled with wonder by the difficulties she must overcome. Henderson is a talent to watch.” (Danielle Trussoni, author of Angelology and Falling Through the Earth )
“Up from the Blue deftly portrays a family with contradictions we can all relate to—it’s beautiful and maddening, hopeful and condemning, simple, yet like a knot that takes a lifetime to untangle. You will love it completely, even as it hurts you…it’s a heartbreaking, rewarding story that still haunts me.” (Jamie Ford, New York Times bestselling author of Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet)
Pre-order Up From the Blue right here.
Jess is the co-author of Time to Make the Donuts, the autobiography of the founder of Dunkin Donuts. But her true love lies in fiction.

"Bill Rosenberg, Founder of Dunkin' Donuts, lived the American Dream. A scrappy, Jewish kid from Boston who dropped out of school at age 14 to earn money for his family, Bill went on to become one of 20th century's greatest retail entrepreneurs. Innovative and indomitable, he built his multimillion dollar fortune on grit and determination. Embracing the food industry, horse racing, franchising and philanthropy he pursued his goals with the conviction of a visionary. In TIME TO MAKE THE DONUTS, Bill narrates his roller coast ride to success with characteristic humor, candor, wit and passion. His winning principles and philosophies have proven viable for more than seven decades and will inspire you to reach for your own life goals"
Buy Time to Make the Donuts right here. Or at Amazon right here
Jessica is also Fiction Editor at Agni Literary Magazine

"AGNI’s History
AGNI was founded in 1972 at Antioch College by undergraduate Askold Melnyczuk, a then-aspiring (now accomplished) writer with his own vision of a vehicle for alternative news, visual arts, and literature. Melnyczuk was interested in creating a magazine that would feature a new generation of writers and visual artists.
Literature for literature’s sake is not what AGNI is about. Rather, we see literature and the arts as part of a broad, ongoing cultural conversation that every society needs to remain vibrant and alive. What we print requires concentration and takes some time to digest, but it’s worth that time and effort: writers and artists hold a mirror up to nature, mankind, the world; they courageously reflect their age, for better or worse; and their best works provoke perceptions and thoughts that help us understand and respond to our age.
Aside from regular inclusion of its work in the annual Best American, O. Henry Prize, and Pushcart Prize anthologies, “[a]mong readers around the world, AGNI is known for publishing important new writers early in their careers,” as PEN American Center put it in 2001. Such authors include Jhumpa Lahiri (Pulitzer Prize, 2000, for Interpreter of Maladies; the title story appeared in AGNI 47 in 1998), Ha Jin (National Book Award, 1999; many of his early poems and stories appeared in AGNI and he was a Featured Poet in 1989), and Susanna Kaysen (Girl, Interrupted, first excerpted in AGNI in 1991), as well as Mark Doty, Glyn Maxwell, Sven Birkerts, and Olena Kalytiak Davis, whom we’ve printed alongside such luminaries as Seamus Heaney, Joyce Carol Oates, Derek Walcott, and many others"
To any of my writer pals reading this, Agni online is read by everyone from the top writers to agents to editors...if you have a story you think they might like, cllick the above link and submit! You can do it electronically and they make it very easy for you. I should warn you, however, that it is not an easy market to crack. If your story gets accepted, you should feel pretty damn awesome about yourself!
Okay, so now you know about my friends and hopefully you've ordered their books. In the case of Tish and Susan, pre-ordering is a wonderful thing because it will help increase the future print run. And word of mouth is everything. Once you read these brilliant novels, please share your thoughts, okay?
So anyway, there I am, feeling like a total dweeb, and Tish sets the timer. Susan and Jessica went up to their bedrooms and Tish and I stayed downstairs. That first morning was the scariest. Trying to type with Tish sitting in a nearby chair was really, really difficult, as was the silence. I write to music when I'm home. All I heard was the tick, tick, ticking of that timer.
How the hell do you force writing? I wanted to go on Facebook, I wanted to check my email, I wanted to tweet "I'm in Canada!" but I did none of those things because again, I told myself that if I didn't write that weekend and didn't get back on track with my novel, then I may as well start pulling up Craigs List and looking for a job. Arghhhhh!
And so I wrote. I knew I had a story to tell, I had the plot, so I winged it. Before I knew it, the timer rang and I was stunned. I did a word count. Over 2,000 words! So you mean to tell me I'm good for 2,000 words an hour? Christ. I immediately began to mentally beat myself up. If I had known that, I could have...should have...written two novels since April of last year.
Susan and Jess came downstairs. Both were flushed with excitement. So was Tish. All of us had succeeded our first session in. We munched on some fruit and starting talking. And talking. And talking.
I wish I could share what we said, but it was like group therapy. You think you are all alone in the world with your doubts and fears and then you find out that everyone in the room is feeling the exact same way and I dunno, suddenly instead of feeling like a loser, I allowed myself to dream again.
Please do not confuse this with "dreaming of fame and fortune". I am not stupid. Anyone who makes art with fame and fortune in mind is an idiot. But somewhere this past year I had lost my way. Again, I had to keep reminding myself I have four books published and they all still sell. Tish, Sue, and Jess were quick to remind me of that fact, too, and that was all the validation I needed.
Okay. I had validation, but I still didn't have what I thought would be a killer novel. I wanted to write something awesome...I know I am capable of that...but I felt myself falling into the same old traps of borrowing too much from my own life and forgetting I was writing fiction.
"What's your elevator pitch?" Tish and Sue asked.
"Wuh? You mean my query?"
A query is what you send an agent when you finally feel your book is "ready". You try and sum up an entire novel in a couple of paragraphs, send it to an agent you hopefully have researched who represents books like it, and then you pray and wait.
But apparently I was all wrong about that.
"No, not a query. An elevator pitch is one sentence."
"You have to sum up an entire novel in one sentence?"
"Yep. That's why it's called an elevator pitch. Pretend you are in an elevator with a VIP and you have five seconds to tell him/her about your book. You have to make them want to buy it on the spot based on one strong sentence. And once you have that sentence, every single thing you write in your novel should reflect that pitch and your resolution bring a certain closure."
Okay, Tish and Sue did not use those exact words - this is what I get for waiting 2 weeks to blog, but you get the idea.
"And what about your outline?" Tish asked me.
"I never use an outline," I said. "I just write."
Susan shook her head. "Yeah, that's what I used to do, too, and I'll never do it again."
"You have to outline," Tish said.
Jess - if you are reading this - I can't remember if you told me you used one or not but I am guessing you did and I was the only clueless rebel without a cause in the group.
Four books published and I'd never heard of an elevator pitch and not only had I never used an outline, I didn't know what one looked like or how to write one.
But now I had a challenge and my wheels were really spinning. I knew my elevator pitch but I couldn't verbalize it. And I also knew that the past six months of writing had to be trashed because once I chose that pitch, I would have to start all over again. I knew the chapters I'd written were typical Robin ramblings and I was about to fall into the same damn trap I fall into every time and why I have a hard time keeping agents. My last agent tried to tell me but I was so busy telling her that I refused to write "inside the box" that I ended up cutting off my nose to spite my face (ugh, cliche, but you get the point).
Actually, none of us had pitches for our newest work so over wine and in front of a beautiful fire facing that amazing lake, the four of us brainstormed. I do not want to tell you what we came up with but it was such a revelation I could not wait to start writing and when Tish set the timer the next time I was off and running. By the time the weekend was over, I had over 11,000 words of stuff I could use. And a fucking fantastic elevator pitch and now, thanks to Tish who was kind enough to show me one of hers, an outline which I pored over for days when I got back to Philadelphia and is making the writing flow so easy I don't know how I ever managed before.
Not only did I learn so much about the publishing world from seasoned vets like Tish and Susan, I had gotten my mojo back. And we all agreed that the timer was a necessity. When I got back to Philly, Gary was so cute - he actually had one here for me -- but yep, every morning from 9-10AM and every afternoon from 1-2PM I write. I could easily write all day but I am deliberately keeping it to two hours a day for now, though of course I'm so excited by the book's progress I keep pulling it up throughout the day to edit. Mentally, this is a great idea. I get my two hours in, write between 4-5,000 words a day which means I will have a first draft by next month, and I no longer feel guilty about Facebook and Twitter.
An interesting thing has happened, though. Now that I "am allowed" to go on Facebook and Twitter, it's lost its appeal and I would much rather write.
Hence why it's taken me so long to do this blog post.
Right now it's 5:30 PM and I am finally getting around to it. This is the complete opposite of what I used to do. I'd blog in the morning, telling myself "this is writing!" but then people would comment and I would email back and then I'd check Twitter....gah! When I'd finally guiltily pull up my novel, it just seemed like such a mountain to climb I would tell myself "just work on it tomorrow"...
Well, tomorrow is NOW. For the past two weeks, I've been a writing machine. I've never been happier with my life. As I told Jess, Susan and Tish, even if I can't sell this book, at least I know I gave it my best shot and I am already prouder of it than anything I've ever written.
Anyway, there's a lot I would love to tell you about the weekend that's personal but I just can't other than yes, I snore. And that despite the fact that I am a reclusive loner who never went to overnight camp, never lived in a college dorm, and never even had her own apartment, I relaxed with these three women under one roof as if we were sisters and/or lifelong friends. It was truly a life-changing experience.
I can even take international flights by myself!
And on that note...
P.S. One more thing: In a few weeks, I'm going to be starting Book Review Wednesday. I'm only going to review books I love, and I'm going to try and focus on new books written by new or less well known writers. So please send me your suggestions. In the meantime, to get my feet wet because I am relatively inexperienced at this, I'm starting with someone who needs no help from me - Nick Hornby. I just finished Juliet, Naked and I need to share!
Okay, I know I promised an epic blog after the Fallon Show, but much to my surprise, so much time has elapsed I've been feeling overwhelmed. So let me tell you the main reason for my absence: I've been working on my new novel so obsessively and on such a rigid time schedule I've had little time or patience for anything else.
Here's the story.
Two weeks ago this Thursday, I boarded a plane at Newark, International Airport for Toronto. With apologies to Anthony Burgess...
"There was me, that is Robin, my three droogs, that is Tish, Susan, and Jessica and we sat in the Korova Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening..."
Okay, so that's not quite it - we actually sat in Tish's lovely vacation home two hours north of Toronto and we knew exactly what we were going to do with not only the evening but the next three days. To say that her place is utopia is putting it mildly:

Here's Tish, Susan, and Jess, respectively, and yes, I know, my girlfriends are not just brilliant writers, they are all goddesses.

But let me backtrack here. We started talking about this writing retreat two years ago, when Tish first bought her place. Oh, you should know that two of Tish's books have already sold to Hollywood but that is her story to tell and I am already neurotic that I am blabbing too much.
Anyway, we all have families -- I am the only one with two adult children; Tish, Susan, and Jessica have teenagers (okay, Sue is our baby and she has a 12 year old, damn her!) so trying to coordinate 3-4 days away from home is a lot trickier than it sounds. We thought we were good to go back in 2008 but then one by one we started dropping out due to all kinds of "life gets in the way" events. It was such a bummer when our plans fell through that I just assumed we'd all given up on the idea. The four of us have a unique friendship...we don't talk for months at a time, we all live many hours apart from each other -- in other words, far enough apart so that it either requires a plane ride or 6 hours of Amtrak so we only get to see each other once a year (if we are lucky). Susan and I live the closest so we probably see each other 2-3 times a year but it's always under Oh My God I'm Going to Miss My Train If We Have One More Drink circumstances. But a couple of months ago, Tish sent the invite around again, and somehow, some way, we realized we could all do April 8-11. But even this time, with my dog sick, even though I had already purchased my plane ticket far in advance, I did not allow myself the luxury of dreaming about how cool it would be because I was afraid that would jinx things and I wouldn't be able to go.
I'm not cheap but how is this for bizarre - to fly non-stop from Philadelphia to Toronto, with taxes and fees -- is close to $700.00. But if I flew non-stop out of Newark, it was only $130.00. Okay, so that was a no brainer. (I am telling you this story for a patient). Anyway, to get to Newark, I had to take a 50 minute train ride on Amtrak which lead me right to the station for Newark International Airport. Once at that station, I had to take a tram, or monorail, to the Air Canada terminal where I had to check in my bag. Ah, budget airlines do have their suitcase, while regulation size for most airlines, was too big for whatever toy I was about to board so I could not take my luggage on board with me.
I always take my luggage with me. I know far too many stories about people whose vacations and even lives are ruined by lost luggage at the airport. But oh well, it would be nice not to have to shlep that thing with me through customs and I always overloaded it with too much unnecessary stuff, anyway. Every time I fly, I can never lift my bag up to the plane's storage area myself so I always block traffic in the aisle hoping a big, strong guy strolls by so I can embarrass myself asking for help. All things considered, it would be a relief to check it in after all.
I have traveled all over the world. I am not afraid to fly anymore because I am convinced a far worse death awaits me and that a crash would be too quick and painless. But I've never traveled by myself internationally and I've never flown out of Newark International Airport. I figured Julie or Eric did but nope, though Julie wrinkled her nose at me and said "It's easy, Mom." She then proceeded to talk a mile a minute telling me what I had to do re customs and immigration and I retained none of it.
I was all proud of myself, I figured out where to catch the tram, I figured out that I had to get off at Terminal A, I even had my boarding pass printed out so all I had to do was check in my bag. Did that easily, no problem. So what if I went through security and looked at my watch and realized I was almost three hours early for my flight....hey, there were too many factors involved here for me to wait until the last minute. What if my train out of Philadelphia was late, and I don't say that out of paranoia, practically every time I take Amtrak it's either late or cancelled altogether. I wasn't familiar with Newark Airport. I never took the air tram. Far too many things could go wrong.
By the time I boarded for a 3:50 flight, I was exhausted but proud.
And then we landed in Toronto.
Nothing prepared me for the hell that is customs. It seemed that every single international flight had landed at the same time. They had these roped off mazes you had to walk through, they were each a city block long and there were ten of them. Did I mention it was about ninety degrees in that room? I got stuck behind a huge contingent of people carrying cardboard suitcases. My imagination went into overdrive. Not bad things, just wondering why around 200 people all had the same suitcase and all looked so utterly wiped out. Oh my God, were they earthquake victims? To keep myself from having what felt like an imminent panic attack, I tried to start up a conversation but no one was in the mood or maybe there was a language barrier, I don't know. Yikes, The room grew warmer and I pictured a mass fainting scenario with me all crumpled on the bottom.
It took close to an hour to walk through that maze behind that giant mass of humanity in all that crazy heat and by the time I handed my immigration form to the scary guard at the desk, I could not even remember my name.
"Where are you going in Canada?" The guard barked at me!
"I am visiting my friend, Tish." Yes. I actually said that. And then realized I did not have Tish's address. Oh dear God...I know...I could refer them to her website...what better identification than that?
Luckily, there was such a huge line behind me he didn't press further. What a dunce I would seem like if I tried to send a customs agent to "Tish's website".
"You here on business or pleasure?" He sneered at me. God I hate being middle-aged in a youth oriented world. Bleh. He was probably young enough to be my son (if I got pregnant at 16, of course)
"Pleasure." I wanted to say business because it would validate me further as a writer but even I am not THAT insane.
He waved me through and I was like, "That's it?"
"Yeah. Welcome to Canada."
"Where do I get my luggage"
"Down there." He pointed to an escalator.
I was still trying to process why I went through customs without my suitcase and dreaded the thought that I would have to do it all over again after I fetched it but no, I had bigger problems.
The huge flashing board said I'd find my suitcase at Carousel Two. Okay, down the escalator I went and right to my left, Carousel Two. Okay, then. Suitcases were already spinning around. I picked a convenient place to stand and waited.
And waited.
And waited.
After about fifteen minutes and seeing most of the people standing there grab their stuff, I started thinking about all the people I knew, my kids included, who had lost luggage this way and how lucky I was that it had never happened to me. The minute I started thinking it, the more evident it became that my suitcase was not on Carousel Two. After waiting 30 minutes and being the only one left, the conveyer belt or whatever drives those things around stopped.
My worse fear had come true. Air Canada had lost my luggage. I was far away from home without my favorite black shirts, clean underwear, jeans, pajamas, and all of my girly toiletries. Oh god, and my new Nick Hornby book. I did, thank God, have the foresight to keep my laptop with me on the plane or I probably would have had a massive coronary.
Soaking wet with sweat and with tears in my eyes, I walked over to the information desk to tell them about my lost luggage.
"What was your flight number?"
"8636" (I remembered cos' Julie was born in 1986)
"You're in the wrong place!"
"But it says Air Canada...arrivals from Philadelphia," I whimpered.
"8636 flew out of Newark," he said, looking at me strangely.
Oh. My. God. I was so fucking tired and so freaked out I forgot I didn't fly out of Philly. Maybe because it was the first time ever that I didn't fly out of Philly.
I walked over to the Air Canada carousel for Newark arrivals and there, spinning around all by its lonesome, the other passengers long gone, was my solitary suitcase.
But of course by then I was a complete mess. I felt like such a loser, and hoped this incident would not set the tone of the weekend. I was already feeling shaky enough at the prospect of being in the company of these three amazing women for the entire weekend. I am socially challenged, to say the least, and somehow I was going to try and act as normal as possible and God forbid, not bore any of my brilliant, interesting friends.
I called Tish who was already in the airport waiting (yes, in Toronto they do not have stupid post 9/11 rules forbidding friends and family to pick up their friends inside the actual airport) and Jess was on her way down, too (her flight came in around the same time mine did but she did not have to check in her bag). Susan, however, was in some sort of Robin-esque purgatory because her plane from NY, which insanely had a stopover in Philadelphia (and still would have cost me $700 had I met up with her there), was delayed due to thunderstorms...then we got a strange text from her that the plane had to refuel.
So Tish, Jess and I went to a nearby cafe to grab some dinner and wait for Sue. She was supposed to arrive at 7:30 but if I remember correctly, it was more like 9:30 when we finally picked her up. And then lucky Tish got to drive us for two hours plus in the rain to our retreat.
We were so bushed that night we only stayed up and talked a little...the plan was we'd wake up early and have 2-3 one hour writing sessions per day...we'd write to a timer and in separate rooms...then we'd spend the remaining hours talking about writing, walking in the woods, sipping wine, and stuffing our faces.
Awesome, or what?
Friday morning we all woke up ready to start. I was terrified. I'd been working on the same novel since the end of last year and I was floundering. I knew I wanted to write a dark comedy, I also knew I wanted to try something different and more mainstream but I felt lost and then the worst possible thing happened altogether -- I finally figured out how to work Facebook and got into even more trouble. I started wishing I were a public relations person because clearly I loved using my own writing time to promote whatever music J&E were making but in the end, I was growing more and more depressed and frustrated. If I didn't write this novel, then I may as well have gone back to work at a real office job with a real retirement plan and health insurance in case Gary ever parted company with his employer. I was really beginning to freak out so I was maybe unrealistically looking at our writers' retreat as my savior.
But apparently I was not the only one.
Tish was working on both edits and thinking about her pitch for her newest book. Susan, whose debut novel with HarperCollins comes out this September and is already attracting all kinds of buzz, has been spending the last several months researching her brand new book and was now ready to start writing but so far it wasn't happening. Jess is kind of in my boat because while she does have a non-fiction book out there, she's written some brilliant stuff that hasn't sold yet. Notice I say, "yet". During our weekend, she actually had a whole novel written and an agent interested in reading it so she was in actuality far ahead of me...her concerns were editing and a self-imposed deadline.
I had to keep reminding myself I have four books published, am currently rated #1 over at Fictionwise (yeah, #1 in my genre for the past month already...yay me) because compared to Tish, Susan, and Jess, I felt like the imposter.
Let's talk about them for a minute, shall we? Tish has a new book coming out this June and how fantastic does this sound:

"A father abducts his daughter, flees to Los Angeles from their home in Toronto, creates a new identity for the two of them, lives in anonymity for eight years'and then gets diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's just as his wife catches up with him." At the age of 20, Delilah Blue-now Lila Mack-finds herself posing nude for an art class, for she wants to become an artist. She has talent but no money, and she hopes to pick up pointers from crusty art professor Julian Lichtenstein (aka Lichty), far less well known than his famous second cousin, Roy. Until now she's had little confusion about her identity: Her father Victor has persuaded her that her mother, Elisabeth, didn't want her, and Lila readily accepts this explanation. It turns out, however, that flaky mom is now in L.A. (along with Lila's seven-year-old half-sister) because a Canadian psychic had told her she'd find her daughter there. Elisabeth-an artist manqué-keeps checking art galleries for evidence of her daughter's existence and eventually finds a nude sketch of her. Mom is rather vindictive because it appears Victor has been feeding Lila a line-although he kidnapped her to get her away from her mom's lax maternal qualities and her spacey artiste, dope-smoking friends, all the time mom had been searching for her daughter. Victor now has problems of his own, however, for even though he's only 53, he's forgetting his appointments--and showing up at odd times-as a salesman for a medical-supplies company. He's also becoming more irrational and impulsive. (A symptom of the problem emerges when he steals a dog left temporarily in his care.) Elisabeth wants to prosecute her husband for kidnapping, but Lila-who ultimately assumes her original and rightful name of Delilah--acts like the only adult in this dysfunctional trio by trying to protect and care for her father and fend off the mother's pent-up aggression. Cohen (Little Black Lies, 2009, etc.) knows how to focus on character in ways that make readers care. --Kirkus Reviews"
Praise for The Truth about Delilah Blue
“A beautifully written, finely wrought, race-to-the-end novel about finding your family, finding a life and finding yourself. Tish Cohen is the next great thing in women’s fiction.”
-Allison Winn Scotch, New York Times bestselling author of The One That I Want and Time of My Life
“Cohen, who writes with clarity, wit, and warmth, is brilliant in her penetration of the family layers, presenting all sides of the drama by allowing each character to be the star of their own show. This is a book that won’t be set aside until the last page is turned.”
-Randy Susan Meyers, author of The Murder's Daughters
You can pre-order Delilah Blue right here or through Indie Bound right here.
Tish is superwoman - she's written some other stellar books as well, and she's even branched out into Young Adult. You can order her grown-up books, Townhouse and Inside Out Girl by clicking those respective links.
Susan is realizing a life-long dream with the publication of her debut novel this September.

Up from the Blue:
"Tillie Harris is in premature labor and has no one to turn to but her estranged father. Their relationship has been strained since Tillie was eight years old, when her mother mysteriously vanished. UP FROM THE BLUE follows young Tillie's startling discoveries about what happened to her mother, as well as grown Tillie's struggle with a relationship that's stuck in the past and childhood hurts that continue into the present."
“A rare literary page-turner full of shocking discoveries and twists. Susan Henderson has created a remarkable narrator—as memorable for her feistiness as for her tenderness. Up From the Blue is going to be one of this year’s major debuts.” (Josh Kilmer-Purcell, author of I Am Not Myself These Days )
“Susan Henderson’s debut novel Up From the Blue is elegant and engrossing. Like a modern-day Scout, Henderson’s child narrator Tillie Harris is both tender and tough, charming and filled with wonder by the difficulties she must overcome. Henderson is a talent to watch.” (Danielle Trussoni, author of Angelology and Falling Through the Earth )
“Up from the Blue deftly portrays a family with contradictions we can all relate to—it’s beautiful and maddening, hopeful and condemning, simple, yet like a knot that takes a lifetime to untangle. You will love it completely, even as it hurts you…it’s a heartbreaking, rewarding story that still haunts me.” (Jamie Ford, New York Times bestselling author of Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet)
Pre-order Up From the Blue right here.
Jess is the co-author of Time to Make the Donuts, the autobiography of the founder of Dunkin Donuts. But her true love lies in fiction.

"Bill Rosenberg, Founder of Dunkin' Donuts, lived the American Dream. A scrappy, Jewish kid from Boston who dropped out of school at age 14 to earn money for his family, Bill went on to become one of 20th century's greatest retail entrepreneurs. Innovative and indomitable, he built his multimillion dollar fortune on grit and determination. Embracing the food industry, horse racing, franchising and philanthropy he pursued his goals with the conviction of a visionary. In TIME TO MAKE THE DONUTS, Bill narrates his roller coast ride to success with characteristic humor, candor, wit and passion. His winning principles and philosophies have proven viable for more than seven decades and will inspire you to reach for your own life goals"
Buy Time to Make the Donuts right here. Or at Amazon right here
Jessica is also Fiction Editor at Agni Literary Magazine

"AGNI’s History
AGNI was founded in 1972 at Antioch College by undergraduate Askold Melnyczuk, a then-aspiring (now accomplished) writer with his own vision of a vehicle for alternative news, visual arts, and literature. Melnyczuk was interested in creating a magazine that would feature a new generation of writers and visual artists.
Literature for literature’s sake is not what AGNI is about. Rather, we see literature and the arts as part of a broad, ongoing cultural conversation that every society needs to remain vibrant and alive. What we print requires concentration and takes some time to digest, but it’s worth that time and effort: writers and artists hold a mirror up to nature, mankind, the world; they courageously reflect their age, for better or worse; and their best works provoke perceptions and thoughts that help us understand and respond to our age.
Aside from regular inclusion of its work in the annual Best American, O. Henry Prize, and Pushcart Prize anthologies, “[a]mong readers around the world, AGNI is known for publishing important new writers early in their careers,” as PEN American Center put it in 2001. Such authors include Jhumpa Lahiri (Pulitzer Prize, 2000, for Interpreter of Maladies; the title story appeared in AGNI 47 in 1998), Ha Jin (National Book Award, 1999; many of his early poems and stories appeared in AGNI and he was a Featured Poet in 1989), and Susanna Kaysen (Girl, Interrupted, first excerpted in AGNI in 1991), as well as Mark Doty, Glyn Maxwell, Sven Birkerts, and Olena Kalytiak Davis, whom we’ve printed alongside such luminaries as Seamus Heaney, Joyce Carol Oates, Derek Walcott, and many others"
To any of my writer pals reading this, Agni online is read by everyone from the top writers to agents to editors...if you have a story you think they might like, cllick the above link and submit! You can do it electronically and they make it very easy for you. I should warn you, however, that it is not an easy market to crack. If your story gets accepted, you should feel pretty damn awesome about yourself!
Okay, so now you know about my friends and hopefully you've ordered their books. In the case of Tish and Susan, pre-ordering is a wonderful thing because it will help increase the future print run. And word of mouth is everything. Once you read these brilliant novels, please share your thoughts, okay?
So anyway, there I am, feeling like a total dweeb, and Tish sets the timer. Susan and Jessica went up to their bedrooms and Tish and I stayed downstairs. That first morning was the scariest. Trying to type with Tish sitting in a nearby chair was really, really difficult, as was the silence. I write to music when I'm home. All I heard was the tick, tick, ticking of that timer.
How the hell do you force writing? I wanted to go on Facebook, I wanted to check my email, I wanted to tweet "I'm in Canada!" but I did none of those things because again, I told myself that if I didn't write that weekend and didn't get back on track with my novel, then I may as well start pulling up Craigs List and looking for a job. Arghhhhh!
And so I wrote. I knew I had a story to tell, I had the plot, so I winged it. Before I knew it, the timer rang and I was stunned. I did a word count. Over 2,000 words! So you mean to tell me I'm good for 2,000 words an hour? Christ. I immediately began to mentally beat myself up. If I had known that, I could have...should have...written two novels since April of last year.
Susan and Jess came downstairs. Both were flushed with excitement. So was Tish. All of us had succeeded our first session in. We munched on some fruit and starting talking. And talking. And talking.
I wish I could share what we said, but it was like group therapy. You think you are all alone in the world with your doubts and fears and then you find out that everyone in the room is feeling the exact same way and I dunno, suddenly instead of feeling like a loser, I allowed myself to dream again.
Please do not confuse this with "dreaming of fame and fortune". I am not stupid. Anyone who makes art with fame and fortune in mind is an idiot. But somewhere this past year I had lost my way. Again, I had to keep reminding myself I have four books published and they all still sell. Tish, Sue, and Jess were quick to remind me of that fact, too, and that was all the validation I needed.
Okay. I had validation, but I still didn't have what I thought would be a killer novel. I wanted to write something awesome...I know I am capable of that...but I felt myself falling into the same old traps of borrowing too much from my own life and forgetting I was writing fiction.
"What's your elevator pitch?" Tish and Sue asked.
"Wuh? You mean my query?"
A query is what you send an agent when you finally feel your book is "ready". You try and sum up an entire novel in a couple of paragraphs, send it to an agent you hopefully have researched who represents books like it, and then you pray and wait.
But apparently I was all wrong about that.
"No, not a query. An elevator pitch is one sentence."
"You have to sum up an entire novel in one sentence?"
"Yep. That's why it's called an elevator pitch. Pretend you are in an elevator with a VIP and you have five seconds to tell him/her about your book. You have to make them want to buy it on the spot based on one strong sentence. And once you have that sentence, every single thing you write in your novel should reflect that pitch and your resolution bring a certain closure."
Okay, Tish and Sue did not use those exact words - this is what I get for waiting 2 weeks to blog, but you get the idea.
"And what about your outline?" Tish asked me.
"I never use an outline," I said. "I just write."
Susan shook her head. "Yeah, that's what I used to do, too, and I'll never do it again."
"You have to outline," Tish said.
Jess - if you are reading this - I can't remember if you told me you used one or not but I am guessing you did and I was the only clueless rebel without a cause in the group.
Four books published and I'd never heard of an elevator pitch and not only had I never used an outline, I didn't know what one looked like or how to write one.
But now I had a challenge and my wheels were really spinning. I knew my elevator pitch but I couldn't verbalize it. And I also knew that the past six months of writing had to be trashed because once I chose that pitch, I would have to start all over again. I knew the chapters I'd written were typical Robin ramblings and I was about to fall into the same damn trap I fall into every time and why I have a hard time keeping agents. My last agent tried to tell me but I was so busy telling her that I refused to write "inside the box" that I ended up cutting off my nose to spite my face (ugh, cliche, but you get the point).
Actually, none of us had pitches for our newest work so over wine and in front of a beautiful fire facing that amazing lake, the four of us brainstormed. I do not want to tell you what we came up with but it was such a revelation I could not wait to start writing and when Tish set the timer the next time I was off and running. By the time the weekend was over, I had over 11,000 words of stuff I could use. And a fucking fantastic elevator pitch and now, thanks to Tish who was kind enough to show me one of hers, an outline which I pored over for days when I got back to Philadelphia and is making the writing flow so easy I don't know how I ever managed before.
Not only did I learn so much about the publishing world from seasoned vets like Tish and Susan, I had gotten my mojo back. And we all agreed that the timer was a necessity. When I got back to Philly, Gary was so cute - he actually had one here for me -- but yep, every morning from 9-10AM and every afternoon from 1-2PM I write. I could easily write all day but I am deliberately keeping it to two hours a day for now, though of course I'm so excited by the book's progress I keep pulling it up throughout the day to edit. Mentally, this is a great idea. I get my two hours in, write between 4-5,000 words a day which means I will have a first draft by next month, and I no longer feel guilty about Facebook and Twitter.
An interesting thing has happened, though. Now that I "am allowed" to go on Facebook and Twitter, it's lost its appeal and I would much rather write.
Hence why it's taken me so long to do this blog post.
Right now it's 5:30 PM and I am finally getting around to it. This is the complete opposite of what I used to do. I'd blog in the morning, telling myself "this is writing!" but then people would comment and I would email back and then I'd check Twitter....gah! When I'd finally guiltily pull up my novel, it just seemed like such a mountain to climb I would tell myself "just work on it tomorrow"...
Well, tomorrow is NOW. For the past two weeks, I've been a writing machine. I've never been happier with my life. As I told Jess, Susan and Tish, even if I can't sell this book, at least I know I gave it my best shot and I am already prouder of it than anything I've ever written.
Anyway, there's a lot I would love to tell you about the weekend that's personal but I just can't other than yes, I snore. And that despite the fact that I am a reclusive loner who never went to overnight camp, never lived in a college dorm, and never even had her own apartment, I relaxed with these three women under one roof as if we were sisters and/or lifelong friends. It was truly a life-changing experience.
I can even take international flights by myself!
And on that note...
P.S. One more thing: In a few weeks, I'm going to be starting Book Review Wednesday. I'm only going to review books I love, and I'm going to try and focus on new books written by new or less well known writers. So please send me your suggestions. In the meantime, to get my feet wet because I am relatively inexperienced at this, I'm starting with someone who needs no help from me - Nick Hornby. I just finished Juliet, Naked and I need to share!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Dr. Dog Backstage at Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on April 6, 2010
Hey, hey:
I know I promised an epic blog post but if I were to start talking about the past week I would be writing this blog for a month. Hang in there...I'll be updating shortly, but I have a novel to write!
In the meantime, please enjoy this video of Dr. Dog backstage at Late Night with Jimmy Fallon last week...featuring my brilliant son, Eric Slick on bongos...
I know I promised an epic blog post but if I were to start talking about the past week I would be writing this blog for a month. Hang in there...I'll be updating shortly, but I have a novel to write!
In the meantime, please enjoy this video of Dr. Dog backstage at Late Night with Jimmy Fallon last week...featuring my brilliant son, Eric Slick on bongos...
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
In case you missed Eric Slick with Dr. Dog on Jimmy Fallon last night...
Hey hey hey!
I'm just back from New York City and need to prepare an epic blog post, but in the meantime, in case you missed Eric Slick playing drums with Dr. Dog on Late night with Jimmy Fallon, here's the video clip!
And I have quite another story to tell...and I promise I am going to come in and edit this post to add all the details later tonight, but in the meantime, this will give you some idea...
Okay, I'm going upstairs to collapse for a few hours...Julie and I did some heavy Dr. Dog partying last night and somehow I need to regain energy because I leave for Canada tomorrow...but not before I leave you with said epic post...stay tuned...
I'm just back from New York City and need to prepare an epic blog post, but in the meantime, in case you missed Eric Slick playing drums with Dr. Dog on Late night with Jimmy Fallon, here's the video clip!
And I have quite another story to tell...and I promise I am going to come in and edit this post to add all the details later tonight, but in the meantime, this will give you some idea...
Okay, I'm going upstairs to collapse for a few hours...Julie and I did some heavy Dr. Dog partying last night and somehow I need to regain energy because I leave for Canada tomorrow...but not before I leave you with said epic post...stay tuned...
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Tonight on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Dr. Dog with Eric Slick on Drums!
Good morning, good morning:
Okay, this is technically not a real blog post...I have to get ready to go to New York...

because tonight my brilliant, talented son will be playing drums with Dr. Dog on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon!

If we can, daughter Julie and I will tweet live from the show; if not, see you here tomorrow!
Oh yeah, and if you are in NYC, don't forget to come to the Soho Apple Store at 7:00 p.m. to see the band in a free, live performance.
Think I'm a little bit psyched?
Okay, this is technically not a real blog post...I have to get ready to go to New York...

because tonight my brilliant, talented son will be playing drums with Dr. Dog on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon!

If we can, daughter Julie and I will tweet live from the show; if not, see you here tomorrow!
Oh yeah, and if you are in NYC, don't forget to come to the Soho Apple Store at 7:00 p.m. to see the band in a free, live performance.
Think I'm a little bit psyched?
Sunday, April 04, 2010
A Most Amazing Week...
Happy Easter!
Well, some weeks are definitely better than others, and this one looks to be so stellar I have my fingers crossed it all goes smoothly.
Just three quick plugs and I'll move on to the more TMZ/Perez Hilton type news I know you are all dying to read. (insert smiley face emoticon here)
First, as I been tweeting, blogging, facebooking, etc., Julie Slick's debut CD is available for pre-order right here!

"Pre-order Julie Slick's new album and receive 3 tracks available for download immediately after purchase. Below is a preview of the artwork, tracklisting, and high resolution desktop wallpapers available for download. This is a digipack CD case design with artwork on the inside and on the CD itself, but you won't get to see it unless you order!"
By the way, the special guests listed on the tracks may be incomplete. There may be one or two more surprises...
Secondly, by some huge miracle (or mistake har har), my latest erotic comedy, Bitten to the Core, is still rated #1 in its genre over at Fictionwise. It's also #9 on the best seller list for my publisher. So if you haven't picked it up yet or have purchased it and haven't had the chance to rate it, here's my official plea that you do so ASAP so no one else creeps ahead of me. I do not get to be number one very often, though today I'd probably say I'd win top award for eating the most Easter candy before breakfast...sigh...I really gotta do something about that. But hey hey, I am now an official yoga person - I signed up for eight weeks of lessons so in a perfect world, it will be life-changing and I'll give up that damn sugar forever. Why was it so easy for me to go vegetarian? But wave a freaking piece of cake or candy in front of me and I'm a slobbering fool.
Okay, once again I went off track. Let me get to my third plug.
Dr. Dog's new album, Shame, Shame, comes out this Tuesday, April 6, 2010. You can pick it up on vinyl right here, grab the CD at a record store near you (sob...if any still exist) or at about a million places on line, or of course download it over at iTunes, etc. More on Dr. Dog in a minute.
Because in other news...
On Friday night, I was supposed to see Emerson/Lake at the Keswick Theater but the show was canceled, which freed me up, at least in theory, to see Julie Slick on bass with Calvin Weston and friends at Ortlieb's Jazzhaus. At least that was the plan. I met up with Julie and Eric at Silk City for dinner at 5:30 and it was, as usual, awesome, but Julie informed us that she wasn't going on until the second set, which would be around 12:00AM.
As it turns out, I am clearly too old for midnight concerts. With a neurotic dog back home (his health has improved dramatically but while he was sick, I spent 100% of the day/night with him, and now he has such separation anxiety that he even follows me into the bathroom) and eyes that were already fluttering shut when I was finished dinner, I decided the wisest thing to do was go back home and take a quick catnap so that I'd be fresh for Julie's show. Ortlieb's Jazzhaus is about two miles from my house, Silk City is smack in between.
Well, that was a mistake. And so was "getting comfortable" in my pajama pants while leaving my jeans, with my cell phone in the pocket, in the powder room. I sat on the sofa and watched the Flyers play their most important game of the year (if you aren't a fan, let me just say that if they make the playoffs it will be a miracle) and promptly fall behind 1-0. I decided my watching the game was giving them bad luck, and since I was totally exhausted and not getting any rest on the sofa, I figured I'd just go upstairs and hit the bed for an hour.
Needless to say, the next thing that happened was my eyes opened at 6:00 AM the next morning and literally my first words were "OH NO! I MISSED JULIE'S SHOW!"
I felt so terrible and then coming downstairs, retrieving my phone and seeing text messages and listening to a distraught voicemail from Julie, I felt even worse. Not only was she disappointed we weren't at the show, she was counting on us for a ride...don't forget, she had a bass to carry and while she lives not too far from Ortliebs, it was late at night and not exactly cool for a young girl to be walking by herself with an expensive musical instrument. Anyway, she ended up calling a cab and playing the show...she had a blast, made some amazing friends with other musicians she hadn't met before, but the best part was after she was finished, a waitress handed her a note found on a table. Now while this is hardly accurate and would make Julie around 45-50 years old, it is still a very cool thing...but yeah, somewhat hilarious, too:

Anyway, Julie forgave me but I am still beating myself up over it...this getting older stuff is a bitch. But in all fairness, up until recently, I have not slept through the night since December with the dog's illness. It was not until this week that he finally made it through the evening without waking me up for water or to be let out.
Here's a photo Eric just took of our little senior citizen:

Julie came over yesterday, went Farmers Market shopping with her Dad, and we had an incredible dinner of chargrilled leeks, asparagus, baby eggplants, and little red potatoes.

She also decided to throw an impromptu Easter barbecue herself today, and Julie, being an internationally renowned chef and hostess, is in her element and in great spirits...if I weren't having an awesome dinner here today with the dog, I'd head over to her place myself. And if...sob...all her guests weren't 25 years old or thereabouts. Gah! I really have to get over this "Wah I'm not young anymore" nonsense. I'm gonna just blame hormones and as of this minute, I am going back to looking at life with joy and renewed appreciation. Because I have one hell of a lot to be happy about.
So while Julie was here yesterday, we firmed up our plans for Tuesday. What is Tuesday, you ask? Well, in case you missed all of my other posts and billboards around cyberworld, Eric will be appearing on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, playing with Dr. Dog!
Hey, there's a chance you can be at the Fallon show, too. Enter your name for a spot on the "band bench" right here!
But you know, being Eric's mom and all, we get the VIP treatment so just for the hell of it....okay, really, because I am one proud Mama, here's our official Fallon instruction letter, though of course I've blanked out some stuff so that no one from NBC gets angry at me:
"Robin Slick and Julie Slick have been placed on our special guest list for the studio audience for “LATE NIGHT WITH JIMMY FALLON”. Please follow the instructions below and remember that a large number of guests will arrive to fill the studio in a brief space of time – therefore, please do not be impatient if there is a delay.
You and your guests should arrive at the GE Building, located at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, between 49th and 50th Streets, amid Fifth and Sixth Avenues. Upon arrival, please... see the NBC Guest Relations Representative who will be holding your tickets. Please be aware no one under the age of seventeen will be allowed into the studio. Those expecting their age to be in question should bring proper identification.
(We Suggest ARRIVING No Later Than 4:00 pm)
The taping will take approximately two hours
After the Fallon taping, we have to race across town to the Apple Store in Soho because...
"Dr. Dog - Guest - Apple Store SoHo - New York
06.Apr - 06.Apr
07.00 pm - 08.00 pm
Apple Store SoHo - New York - New York
To Read Dr. Dog's Wikipedia Profile, Click Below:
Wiki/Dr. Dog
About the event:
Untouched by modern tastes and content to exist on its own terms, "Shame, Shame," the sixth album from Philly rockers Dr. Dog, is a record destined to claim its place as a timeless achievement. Check out Dr. Dog at this special live performance and hear tracks from the new album, which is due for release April 6.
Location: 103 Prince Street
New York City, NY 10012
(212) 226-3126
Fee: No
Pre-Register: No"
And then, the best part of the evening (well, not really - every part of this day freaking rules!), the after party at one of the coolest hotels in New York City...and we even get to spend the night, which is even more fortuitous for Julie and me because Julie has a gig in Brooklyn the next day. Again, I don't know if I'm allowed to share details about the party (but oh please let the Roots be there and please let me not say anything embarrassing to Questo)...but let me just show you a few pics...
A sample pic of the hotel rooms:

Where we'll be partying:

Now Eric also told me that they'll be in New York for a couple of days doing press and interviews/radio spots, but I don't have that info yet...he's due over here later today, maybe he'll be able to spill, maybe you know the drill, I'll come back here and edit if I find out anything new.
But in the meantime, what I do know is that Dr. Dog is in fact the XPN free at noon NPR concert this Friday, April 9...alas, I will be out of the country and will miss it, but here's the details because it appears, much to my shock, they haven't "sold out" yet..i.e., meaning, there's still room to get your name on the list if you's the link!
And if you are nowhere near Philadelphia or can't attend the show, it will be broadcast live. If there is a direct link, I'll put it up Friday morning (provided I have internet service where I'm going), but for now, this link will surely take you there one way or the other:'ll even see "Free at Noon" on the front page with my favorite press photo of Eric Slick and Dr. Dog.
So why won't I be at the XPN show on Friday? Because on Thursday night, I'm flying to the wilds of Canada on a secret mission with, as I've already told you, three of the best women writers in North America. We all have families and a lot of extraneous stuff in our lives and we decided that the only way to really finish or at least come close to completing our respective current novels in progress, is to "get away". Again, I'd love to spill identities here but I'm not sure how the others will feel about that, especially our hostess, who is so freaking brilliant she's already sold her books to Hollywood, a movie based on her debut novel is already in production, and so she's invited us to her new vacation cottage in the woods outside of Toronto for three days of writing bliss. And of course great food and alcohol. I can't even imagine the four of us together for three days...I know it's our plan to write, write, write but we're really going to have to come up with a schedule and stick to it or I just know what's going to happen...we're going to talk, talk, talk instead.
Hey, with these ladies, that would not be a bad thing at all, but we all have books calling out to us "Finish me....finish me..." and this is really the perfect opportunity.
In a not so great stroke of luck for me, Eric and Dr. Dog will be playing Toronto on April 14, and I'm flying home April 11. Normally I would have hung out a few days longer because I absolutely adore that city and made a lot of friends there when I toured with the Adrian Belew Power Trio last fall, but because of the dog's health and separation anxiety, I'm nervous enough about going away for three days as it is...especially in light of the fact that I will also be out of town Tuesday through Wednesday with the Dr. Dog festivities. Gary is actually taking off from work on Friday to take care of him and then go to the Dr. Dog free at noon. But if you are in the Toronto area and reading this...and I know there are a bunch of yourself a favor and pick up some Dr. Dog tickets for April 14. It's the first night of their huge Spring tour so it will be a blast. They're playing at Lee's Palace.
So that's about it for now...Eric just popped in the door hoping for a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny and ha ha, guess what, the Easter Bunny did in fact visit and he's busy now trying to break my record for chocolate consumption today.
He's headed to Julie's party after that...and again, if I manage to get any more dirt, I'll be back.
Well, some weeks are definitely better than others, and this one looks to be so stellar I have my fingers crossed it all goes smoothly.
Just three quick plugs and I'll move on to the more TMZ/Perez Hilton type news I know you are all dying to read. (insert smiley face emoticon here)
First, as I been tweeting, blogging, facebooking, etc., Julie Slick's debut CD is available for pre-order right here!

"Pre-order Julie Slick's new album and receive 3 tracks available for download immediately after purchase. Below is a preview of the artwork, tracklisting, and high resolution desktop wallpapers available for download. This is a digipack CD case design with artwork on the inside and on the CD itself, but you won't get to see it unless you order!"
By the way, the special guests listed on the tracks may be incomplete. There may be one or two more surprises...
Secondly, by some huge miracle (or mistake har har), my latest erotic comedy, Bitten to the Core, is still rated #1 in its genre over at Fictionwise. It's also #9 on the best seller list for my publisher. So if you haven't picked it up yet or have purchased it and haven't had the chance to rate it, here's my official plea that you do so ASAP so no one else creeps ahead of me. I do not get to be number one very often, though today I'd probably say I'd win top award for eating the most Easter candy before breakfast...sigh...I really gotta do something about that. But hey hey, I am now an official yoga person - I signed up for eight weeks of lessons so in a perfect world, it will be life-changing and I'll give up that damn sugar forever. Why was it so easy for me to go vegetarian? But wave a freaking piece of cake or candy in front of me and I'm a slobbering fool.
Okay, once again I went off track. Let me get to my third plug.
Dr. Dog's new album, Shame, Shame, comes out this Tuesday, April 6, 2010. You can pick it up on vinyl right here, grab the CD at a record store near you (sob...if any still exist) or at about a million places on line, or of course download it over at iTunes, etc. More on Dr. Dog in a minute.
Because in other news...
On Friday night, I was supposed to see Emerson/Lake at the Keswick Theater but the show was canceled, which freed me up, at least in theory, to see Julie Slick on bass with Calvin Weston and friends at Ortlieb's Jazzhaus. At least that was the plan. I met up with Julie and Eric at Silk City for dinner at 5:30 and it was, as usual, awesome, but Julie informed us that she wasn't going on until the second set, which would be around 12:00AM.
As it turns out, I am clearly too old for midnight concerts. With a neurotic dog back home (his health has improved dramatically but while he was sick, I spent 100% of the day/night with him, and now he has such separation anxiety that he even follows me into the bathroom) and eyes that were already fluttering shut when I was finished dinner, I decided the wisest thing to do was go back home and take a quick catnap so that I'd be fresh for Julie's show. Ortlieb's Jazzhaus is about two miles from my house, Silk City is smack in between.
Well, that was a mistake. And so was "getting comfortable" in my pajama pants while leaving my jeans, with my cell phone in the pocket, in the powder room. I sat on the sofa and watched the Flyers play their most important game of the year (if you aren't a fan, let me just say that if they make the playoffs it will be a miracle) and promptly fall behind 1-0. I decided my watching the game was giving them bad luck, and since I was totally exhausted and not getting any rest on the sofa, I figured I'd just go upstairs and hit the bed for an hour.
Needless to say, the next thing that happened was my eyes opened at 6:00 AM the next morning and literally my first words were "OH NO! I MISSED JULIE'S SHOW!"
I felt so terrible and then coming downstairs, retrieving my phone and seeing text messages and listening to a distraught voicemail from Julie, I felt even worse. Not only was she disappointed we weren't at the show, she was counting on us for a ride...don't forget, she had a bass to carry and while she lives not too far from Ortliebs, it was late at night and not exactly cool for a young girl to be walking by herself with an expensive musical instrument. Anyway, she ended up calling a cab and playing the show...she had a blast, made some amazing friends with other musicians she hadn't met before, but the best part was after she was finished, a waitress handed her a note found on a table. Now while this is hardly accurate and would make Julie around 45-50 years old, it is still a very cool thing...but yeah, somewhat hilarious, too:

Anyway, Julie forgave me but I am still beating myself up over it...this getting older stuff is a bitch. But in all fairness, up until recently, I have not slept through the night since December with the dog's illness. It was not until this week that he finally made it through the evening without waking me up for water or to be let out.
Here's a photo Eric just took of our little senior citizen:

Julie came over yesterday, went Farmers Market shopping with her Dad, and we had an incredible dinner of chargrilled leeks, asparagus, baby eggplants, and little red potatoes.

She also decided to throw an impromptu Easter barbecue herself today, and Julie, being an internationally renowned chef and hostess, is in her element and in great spirits...if I weren't having an awesome dinner here today with the dog, I'd head over to her place myself. And if...sob...all her guests weren't 25 years old or thereabouts. Gah! I really have to get over this "Wah I'm not young anymore" nonsense. I'm gonna just blame hormones and as of this minute, I am going back to looking at life with joy and renewed appreciation. Because I have one hell of a lot to be happy about.
So while Julie was here yesterday, we firmed up our plans for Tuesday. What is Tuesday, you ask? Well, in case you missed all of my other posts and billboards around cyberworld, Eric will be appearing on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, playing with Dr. Dog!
Hey, there's a chance you can be at the Fallon show, too. Enter your name for a spot on the "band bench" right here!
But you know, being Eric's mom and all, we get the VIP treatment so just for the hell of it....okay, really, because I am one proud Mama, here's our official Fallon instruction letter, though of course I've blanked out some stuff so that no one from NBC gets angry at me:
"Robin Slick and Julie Slick have been placed on our special guest list for the studio audience for “LATE NIGHT WITH JIMMY FALLON”. Please follow the instructions below and remember that a large number of guests will arrive to fill the studio in a brief space of time – therefore, please do not be impatient if there is a delay.
You and your guests should arrive at the GE Building, located at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, between 49th and 50th Streets, amid Fifth and Sixth Avenues. Upon arrival, please... see the NBC Guest Relations Representative who will be holding your tickets. Please be aware no one under the age of seventeen will be allowed into the studio. Those expecting their age to be in question should bring proper identification.
(We Suggest ARRIVING No Later Than 4:00 pm)
The taping will take approximately two hours
After the Fallon taping, we have to race across town to the Apple Store in Soho because...
"Dr. Dog - Guest - Apple Store SoHo - New York
06.Apr - 06.Apr
07.00 pm - 08.00 pm
Apple Store SoHo - New York - New York
To Read Dr. Dog's Wikipedia Profile, Click Below:
Wiki/Dr. Dog
About the event:
Untouched by modern tastes and content to exist on its own terms, "Shame, Shame," the sixth album from Philly rockers Dr. Dog, is a record destined to claim its place as a timeless achievement. Check out Dr. Dog at this special live performance and hear tracks from the new album, which is due for release April 6.
Location: 103 Prince Street
New York City, NY 10012
(212) 226-3126
Fee: No
Pre-Register: No"
And then, the best part of the evening (well, not really - every part of this day freaking rules!), the after party at one of the coolest hotels in New York City...and we even get to spend the night, which is even more fortuitous for Julie and me because Julie has a gig in Brooklyn the next day. Again, I don't know if I'm allowed to share details about the party (but oh please let the Roots be there and please let me not say anything embarrassing to Questo)...but let me just show you a few pics...
A sample pic of the hotel rooms:

Where we'll be partying:

Now Eric also told me that they'll be in New York for a couple of days doing press and interviews/radio spots, but I don't have that info yet...he's due over here later today, maybe he'll be able to spill, maybe you know the drill, I'll come back here and edit if I find out anything new.
But in the meantime, what I do know is that Dr. Dog is in fact the XPN free at noon NPR concert this Friday, April 9...alas, I will be out of the country and will miss it, but here's the details because it appears, much to my shock, they haven't "sold out" yet..i.e., meaning, there's still room to get your name on the list if you's the link!
And if you are nowhere near Philadelphia or can't attend the show, it will be broadcast live. If there is a direct link, I'll put it up Friday morning (provided I have internet service where I'm going), but for now, this link will surely take you there one way or the other:'ll even see "Free at Noon" on the front page with my favorite press photo of Eric Slick and Dr. Dog.
So why won't I be at the XPN show on Friday? Because on Thursday night, I'm flying to the wilds of Canada on a secret mission with, as I've already told you, three of the best women writers in North America. We all have families and a lot of extraneous stuff in our lives and we decided that the only way to really finish or at least come close to completing our respective current novels in progress, is to "get away". Again, I'd love to spill identities here but I'm not sure how the others will feel about that, especially our hostess, who is so freaking brilliant she's already sold her books to Hollywood, a movie based on her debut novel is already in production, and so she's invited us to her new vacation cottage in the woods outside of Toronto for three days of writing bliss. And of course great food and alcohol. I can't even imagine the four of us together for three days...I know it's our plan to write, write, write but we're really going to have to come up with a schedule and stick to it or I just know what's going to happen...we're going to talk, talk, talk instead.
Hey, with these ladies, that would not be a bad thing at all, but we all have books calling out to us "Finish me....finish me..." and this is really the perfect opportunity.
In a not so great stroke of luck for me, Eric and Dr. Dog will be playing Toronto on April 14, and I'm flying home April 11. Normally I would have hung out a few days longer because I absolutely adore that city and made a lot of friends there when I toured with the Adrian Belew Power Trio last fall, but because of the dog's health and separation anxiety, I'm nervous enough about going away for three days as it is...especially in light of the fact that I will also be out of town Tuesday through Wednesday with the Dr. Dog festivities. Gary is actually taking off from work on Friday to take care of him and then go to the Dr. Dog free at noon. But if you are in the Toronto area and reading this...and I know there are a bunch of yourself a favor and pick up some Dr. Dog tickets for April 14. It's the first night of their huge Spring tour so it will be a blast. They're playing at Lee's Palace.
So that's about it for now...Eric just popped in the door hoping for a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny and ha ha, guess what, the Easter Bunny did in fact visit and he's busy now trying to break my record for chocolate consumption today.
He's headed to Julie's party after that...and again, if I manage to get any more dirt, I'll be back.
Friday, April 02, 2010
Julie you've never heard her before
Good evening!
I am pleased to announce that Julie Slick's debut CD is now available for pre-order. Click on the link for further details and to have a look at her special guests!

Along with the pre-order comes three free downloads...and some very special artwork.
If you can't get enough of Ms. Julie, she'll be appearing tonight at Ortlieb's's the official blurb:
Naturally I'll report back tomorrow with not only new about the show but woo hoo, exciting arisings occurring next week!
Now do yourselves a huge favor and order Julie's CD. You won't regret doing's freaking brilliant.
I am pleased to announce that Julie Slick's debut CD is now available for pre-order. Click on the link for further details and to have a look at her special guests!

Along with the pre-order comes three free downloads...and some very special artwork.
If you can't get enough of Ms. Julie, she'll be appearing tonight at Ortlieb's's the official blurb:
Naturally I'll report back tomorrow with not only new about the show but woo hoo, exciting arisings occurring next week!
Now do yourselves a huge favor and order Julie's CD. You won't regret doing's freaking brilliant.
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