Julie Slick, Adrian Belew, and Eric Slick following what I hear was a triumphant concert in Holland

Julie freaking out when she saw the license plate on their rental van for the tour - 2AB (two, Adrian Belew) 666? I'm glad I didn't know about that until now...creepy, huh
So things are back to normal here in the Slick household - i.e., crazy again because both J&E are home for two weeks of rest, practice, and hanging out with friends before the Adrian Belew Power Trio goes back out on the road in early August.
Saturday afternoon we picked them up at Newark airport and within ten minutes of being home there was a knock at the door -- in walked Julie's boyfriend, Matt, and within the next five minutes in walked Eric's girlfriend, Carolyn. So we ordered a bunch of pizzas and tried to pry some tour stories out of them, but, you know, they hadn't seen their significant others for ten days so Gary and I snuck upstairs and sulked. Ha ha - not really, we understand, so we left them alone like good old and decrepit unneeded except for a ride home from the airport parents and little by little we're getting some info -- from Eric, not Julie, who took off with her boyfriend after pizza on Saturday. I guess maybe we'll see her again tonight. Or not. Whatever. It's all good.
Strangely enough, both Matt and Carolyn are going out of town for a few weeks this coming Friday -- Matt to Iceland with his father and Carolyn will go on tour out to the west coast with the School of Rock All-Stars so by this time next week we'll have more Julie and Eric than we know what to do with. (Just kidding, but I am holding out hope that I can at least bribe Julie into doing something with me like trying a new restaurant. Eric is the consummate music freak and he already spent four hours alone last night just practicing on his electronic drum pad...practice, practice, practice is his plan for the remaining time off before the tour picks up again)
Eric did update his tour blog last night and it includes some great photos of the Herzberg Festival (Germany's version of Woodstock) so you can get your Belew fix from that today. Cool? Cool.
As for me, I continue to work on my novel and really can't concentrate on much else, especially this blog which I somehow stayed away from all day yesterday, but I did just read in my comments section of prior posts that Sue Henderson was adopting someone at 1:00 a.m. which sounded so covert I thought maybe she was meeting one of those cruise ships and picking up a little Lebanese baby or something; then I learn she adopted a greyhound and named it Steve, which I find particularly funny because I have a writer pal named Steve Augarde from the UK and I'm sure he'll be quite honored to know about his namesake...and to be honest, if I didn't already have a dog named Monty, Steve would probably be my next choice. Too, too funny.
I was also quite pleased that Amaretto Mick came 'round and visited my blog, saw his photos, and left me a lovely post.
Anyway, I see in one of her comments that Sue observed it feels like decades since I posted a Neil Gaiman photo so okay, even though I got in "trouble" for it last week, here's half-a-Neil...which is better than no Neil and in fact, pretty damn perfect because his head is bent down and....
He's writing, he's writing!

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